
Home 文章 任克達、任麥雅麗代禱信2022年12月







  1. 請為誤入異端歧途的姐妹代禱,求主引領她回頭,早日脫離異端。
  2. 求主制止異端謬論的傳播,幫助信徒明辨真道,拒絕並遠離異端。
  3. 求主幫助南非政府能早日解決電力供應的問題。
  4. 求主助南非政府嚴厲整頓治安,使犯罪案件下降,穩定人心。


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Dear Prayer Partners,

        Recently, a sister in one of our Bible study groups informed us of a female pastor from Namibia and an accompanying self-proclaimed “apostle” who are spreading a new “grace gospel” in and around Johannesburg.  Actually, we already heard about this new group that preaches total grace and forgiveness but no need to repent again in order to lead a holy life.  Now they have resurfaced again stronger, advertising themselves as the truth gospel with 3-5 minutes’ short video clips and trying to attract other Christians to join.  We watched a few of these video clips and found that they are mixed with some truth and some false teachings which can easily confuse those who are not very well-versed in the correct interpretation of the Bible.  One of our brothers also received them from another sister.  He can sense that something is not right but cannot quite pinpoint what it is.  They are really deceitful!  Paul warned the Ephesian elders that after he left, “savage wolves will come in” and “distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them” (Acts 20:29-30).  Please pray for the sister that had been deceived; may the Lord help her realize this falsehood and leave them.  May the Lord also grant us wisdom to equip our flock with truth, guide the swayed back and encourage fellow Christians to reject these false teachers so they may not share in their wicked work (2 John 10-11).

        The country’s electricity crisis has been worsening.  People are angry because neither the government nor the utility company can give them any explanation or solution.  A couple weeks ago, the company even announced further plans for more load shredding.  Their excuse was that over the past eight months there were too many power station breakdowns so they had to draw from the emergency reserves.  If the government does not agree to subsidize them in replenishing these reserves, the country will have to face blackouts.  What were the management doing over the past eight months?  Why didn’t they give out any advanced notification or respond earlier?  They are either incompetent or irresponsible, or both.  Sadly, this is not uncommon in South Africa.  It is compounded by the country’s widespread corruption. The Energy Minister even reproached the new CEO of the utility company for being unprofessional in spending too much time to fight corruption, saying that it did nothing to relieve the energy crisis!  On the other hand, the CEO has President Ramaphosa’s support.  It is an intricate issue and a political tug of war!  Yet we need to take into heart our Bible’s warning that bribery is the breeding ground for corruption; it not only can bring troubles to one’s family but also can tear down a country (Proverbs 15:27, 29:4).

        We continue to hold on-line Bible study meetings and worship services with our churches in South Africa.  Currently, our Sunday sermon series is on the book of Psalms, and our Bible study is on Matthew.  A couple who used to serve with us in the Cape Town church immigrated to New Zealand about six months ago.  Praise the Lord!  They are joining us again.  Starting from last week, they will be leading our Bible study on a series entitled “Lead Like Jesus.”  We are fully utilizing the internet to support each other in three different countries (New Zealand, South Africa, United States)!  May the Lord bless them in their service!

Please pray for the following:

  1. May the Lord lead our sister out of the cult.
  2. May the Lord stop the spreading of false teachings and help Christians discern the truth.
  3. May the Lord help the government in resolving its electricity crisis.
  4. May the Lord empower the government in fighting crimes and restore security in the country.

In His service,        
Ko-Ta & Christina

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