
Home 文章 任克達、任麥雅麗代禱信2019年5月








  1. 請為安娜麗姐妹安寧靜養代禱,求主看顧恩待她,也安慰Jan長老及他的全家。
  2. 感謝神,慕道友黃姐妹和孫姐妹已經受浸歸主。求主保守她們的信心,引領她們靈命繼續成長。
  3. 請為教會的楊弟兄手傷代禱,現在仍在復健醫療中,求主保守他的手能完全康復。
  4. 請為張弟兄患焦慮症的女兒代禱,她近況已經好很多,但仍在治療中,求主保守她。
  5. 請為我們外出各地事工時,行車和出入的平安代禱。



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Dear Prayer Partners,

        Praise the Lord!  Two sisters were baptized in April.  Sister Huang was born in the Fujian Province of China.  She rejected idol worship since she was a little girl.  When she was in China, a Christian lady paid for all her expenses so she could go overseas.  Until now, it is still a mystery to her!  She used to be a bad-tempered person, very self-centered but seriously lack of self-confident and was very unhappy.  Then she met an older Christian lady who showed kindness towards her and told her about God and the Christian faith.  She was deeply moved, started to comprehend the truth and gradually changed her ways.  After she accepted Christ as her personal Savior, she became a lot calmer, no longer as quick-tempered, more self-confident and not afraid to attempt new things.  She also learnt to put her trust in the Lord, to put herself in other people’s shoes and to care about other people.  She now views life with hope!  This really encourages us to continue to do good to others, share the truth and sow the seed of the gospel whenever the opportunity arises.

        We knew Sister Sun for more than 15 years but did not have many chances to talk to her.  There were only once or twice that we were able to share the gospel with her.  Before she accepted Christ, she had no purpose in life.  She is a single mom with two children.  Even though she has a successful business and is able to support her children abundantly, she used to feel empty and insecure.  As a result, she followed the way of the world.  She knew she was far away from God but was afraid to approach Him.  God never forgets her!  A sister in Christ had a burden to help her.  She remains a trusted friend to her over the years and invites her to Bible studies.  Sister Sun longed to leave her way of life and experience the love of Christ.  God is faithful!  She experienced His love when she came to Him truthfully and opened her heart to Him.  Now she is full of joy and thanksgiving.  She is determined to glorify Him by living a godly life!  Sister Sun’s testimony truly reminds us that there are many in the world that wish to be free from the bondage of sin and are looking for the purpose of life.  May we be sensitive to other people’s needs and show them God’s love.

        A few weeks ago, we traveled through Bloemfontein and visited some brothers and sisters that we had not seen for years.  Some had already moved away, and we met others at their Bible study.  Each person had been through different hardship of lives, yet God was with them through it all.  “But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love.” (Ps. 33:18)  The church’s current congregation is mainly from Fuqing.  We thank God that some of them have been actively serving in the church; a few of them are also involved in outreach missions in nearby cities as well as leading Bible studies and preaching.  May the Lord continue to bless their service for the gospel.

        We also paid a special visit to Sister Annali.  Her husband, Jan, was of one of the elders at the Bloemfontein Dutch Reformed Church.  They were instrumental in establishing the Chinese church some 30 years ago.  They love the Chinese, and many came to know Christ because of them.  Sister Annali just experienced a relapse of her stomach cancer.  The doctor had stopped all treatment, and she just moved back to her own home.  When we saw her, she was calm and in good spirit.  She was keen to know how we were doing and wanted to hear all the updates of our ministries.  Elder Jan even joked that Sister Annali already got her visa and was waiting to board her flight for the Kingdom of God.  They were full of the eternal peace in Christ!  We said our last goodbye after we prayed for her and her family.  There was no sadness, because we knew we would see each other again in heaven someday!

Prayer Requests:

  1. Thank God for Sister Mei. They had made a commitment to operate their new business honestly and legally.  Please pray for all the preparation in starting the new business and for them in finding a suitable auditor and a good employee.
  2. We praise the Lord for Sister Jie Ying who accepted Christ as her personal Savior. We have arranged for her to attend Basic Christianity classes and for her baptism.  Please pray for her continued faith and growth in the Lord.
  3. Please pray for complete recovery for Brother Yang.
  4. Please pray for Brother Zhang’s daughter. She is suffering from anxiety disorder, and this last year of high school causes more stress on her.  Please ask for comfort and peace from the Lord as well as effectiveness of her medication.
  5. Please continue to pray for our safety as we travel to different cities and towns.

In His service,
Ko-Ta & Christina

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