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  1. 約堡福音教會將於三月十六日舉辦兒童活動,求主帶領未信主的家長和孩子參加。
  2. 請記念教會新設了一個兒童圖書借閱中心,求主使用這些圖書,能成為祝福孩子的管道。
  3. 請為三月底來南非的短宣隊代禱,求主保守團隊能適應新環境,行程平安,凡他們手所作的工,都能成為更多人的祝福,結果纍纍。
  4. 請為國權的傷口能愈合得好,不被細菌感染代禱。





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Dear Prayer Partners,

        It was quite hot just a few days ago, then the weather became pretty cold. Autumn had arrived! Autumn is a season for thanksgiving; farmers are praising God for His faithfulness for their abundant harvest. We are also grateful for your continuous prayers, support and encouragement that uphold us in our ministry in South Africa for the past 20+ years. Glory to our Lord; with you as our partners, we never felt alone. We are so thankful for your company along the way. Please accept our deepest appreciation!

        Autumn also reminds us that season changes will surely come whether we like it or not. There is time for everything; things under the sun all have their beginnings and endings. No one can be young forever. These last two years, Ko-Ta has been experiencing degeneration of his lumbar joints (arthritis) and discs. That has greatly affected his movement – cannot stand, sit or walk for too long. We did try different kinds of treatment through oriental as well as western disciplines but with no apparent improvement. Since the root problem is originated from aging, there is no permanent cure. All we can do is to try different ways to delay the process and to welcome our next phase in life gracefully. As a result, we have decided to retire at the end of this year and conclude our ministry in South Africa.

        Going forward, we will still be involved in mission as our health permits; our passion in mission will not change. Our mission organization still has missionaries in South Africa as well as other 14 countries and regions, continuing its work in evangelizing, church building, discipleship training and community services. Please keep on your support for mission. May we persist hand in hand toward the finish line of our Lord’s Great Commission!

In His service,        
Ko-Ta & Christina

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  1. 感謝主,張玉琴傳道在南非短期服事至十二月底,求主賜她事奉得力,能適應南非的環境及有新的宣教體驗。
  2. 請為約堡福音教會的查經小組禱告,現在查考約翰福音,求主賜弟兄姊妹們有追求真理的心,努力學習。
  3. 請記念南非信徒群體,在這動盪不安的世代,能警醒度日,愛神愛人,竭力多作主工。
  4. 請記念我們的宣教經費,截至今年9月結算不敷為港幣116,255元,求主供應。







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  1. 有幾個信徒家庭將從國內回流南非,求主幫助他們的新適應,能在南非有安穩的生活。
  2. 求主保守每位移居南非的長者,願他們身體健康,心靈健壯,靈命豐盛。
  3. 求主穩固Grace一家的信仰根基,能常親近主。
  4. 請記念兒童主日學人手的需要,求主預備合適的事奉者加入團隊。








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  1. 感謝主使查考聖經人物的查經小組正常運作。求主幫助我們能有效的帶領查經小組。
  2. 請為張姊妹前面的道路代禱,求主幫助她早日脱離困境。
  3. 請為歐弟兄身體得康復代禱。
  4. 求主保守當地網絡能正常運作,使我們能繼續透過網路,與南非兩個教會的弟兄姊妹一起敬拜和查考聖經。


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Dear Prayer Partners,

        Recently, we were introduced to Sister Zhang by one of our sisters in South Africa.  She was in a bad relationship and suffered from domestic violence.  As she was growing up, she was not loved and was being neglected.  She tried desperately to seek love and other people’s attention.  As a result, she was being lured into an abusive and undignified living situation.  We thank the Lord that she is now determined to leave this way of life and ask God for help.  This is what she shared, “I know I am very weak.  If I do not hold on to the Lord, I will never be able to hang on.  God saves me; He will save me as soon as I turn back and follow Him with all my heart, all my mind and all my strength.”  We started a new Bible study group with her.  Through specific characters of the Bible, we are helping her to re-establish her purpose of life and value system as well as her self-confidence and faith in God.  We praise the Lord as we have already started to see changes in her.  She told us, “The Lord is going to cleanse me, heal me and return me to the way He first created me!  He will give me back those days that were destroyed by locusts!  I have learned to put my eyes on Jesus, not on other people nor myself.”

        Today we received a copy of Brother Ou’s testimony from a brother in Johannesburg.  Brother Ou had stayed in Cape Town for about two years before moving to Johannesburg.  We met him through his wife who was attending our Cape Town church.  Brother Ou was not a believer at the time and had frequent conflicts with our sister due to her faith.  We had counseled her a number of times, and she maintained a strong faith in the Lord.  We had a good relationship with Brother Ou, and we were able to hold a few Bible study meetings at their home.  As our sister was being transferred back to Johannesburg, we were not able to continue with our well-established rapport and our support in their marriage.

        However, the Lord has His way and timing.  A few months ago while he was visiting China, he was diagnosed with liver cancer and urgently needed a transplant.  With unbelievable speed, a match was located, and he had a successful operation.  He has become a total changed person!  God also saved his marriage!  We were in awe of God’s wonderful deeds!  He showered Brother Ou with amazing grace and mercy.

        This is a reminder to us that God “is always at work to this very day.” (John 5:17) No matter how one resists God, He is able to turn him around and save him; so we must not give up on anybody.  Moreover, our sister’s sacrifices for her faith were not in vain; they are being remembered by God.  When she persisted in honoring God in her life, her husband was being won over.

Please pray for the following:

  1. May the Lord help us to effectively lead our new Bible study group.
  2. May the Lord continue to lead Sister Zhang out of her difficulties.
  3. May the Lord continue to help Brother Ou in his recovery.
  4. May the Lord continue to bless our on-line Bible study meetings and worship services.


In His service,
Ko-Ta & Christina

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  1. 感謝主使查經團契正常運作。求主幫助曾弟兄能有效地帶領一週的查經團契。
  2. 求主幫助南非政府能完全解決電力供應的問題。
  3. 求主幫助南非政府能有效發展經濟並控制通貨膨脹,提高就業率。
  4. 求主保守我們能繼續在網絡上,和南非兩個教會的弟兄姐妹一起敬拜及查考聖經都能正常運作。


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Dear Prayer Partners,

        Praise the Lord!  The electricity crisis in South Africa has been turned around for now.  Instead of long hours of load shedding, most areas only experience two to three hours of outages.  Rumor has it that some corrupt officials and those responsible for sabotage were caught, thus most areas are able to recover so smoothly.  Yet we may never know the whole story!  To the general public, their main concern is that their lives can get back to normal.  May this improvement stabilize all businesses and quickly strengthen the economy.

        A few weeks ago, we received the following message from Brother Tseng of our Newcastle church:“Recently I began to lead all the weekly Bible study meetings – Tuesday Gospel Bible Study, Friday New Life Bible Study and Saturday New Life Bible Study.  Brother Wei co-leads with me on Tuesday, and Brother Yang co-leads with me on Friday.  I am leading Saturday by myself, but due to power outages, it is now being suspended.”

        We are really excited for Brother Tseng.  Due to his mother’s influence, he used to be deeply involved with Buddhism.  Some of his Christian friends introduced him to us.  We shared the gospel with him and led him to Christ.  He was so eager to serve the Lord.  We put him in contact with the pastor of a local Baptist church to begin Bible training which lasted for two years.  We did not know at the time that God had searched him and equipped him for the church.  At first, we were concerned that the church might have reservations about him because of his young age (in his early 30’s).  Now we can see this acceptance and embrace as a sign of the church’s spiritual maturity.  We are so thankful!

        This reminds us that we should view our ministry from the perspective that God reigns and He already has a plan for all His work.  Nothing is accomplished due to men’s efforts.  He raises up and keeps his Church, and He provides the right people to serve His Church.  He is Jehovah Jireh!

Please pray for the following:

  1. May the Lord continue to equip and lead Brother Tseng in his service.
  2. May the Lord continue to help the government in resolving its electricity crisis.
  3. May the Lord give wisdom to the government in controlling its inflation rate and improving its economy.
  4. May the Lord continue to bless our on-line Bible study meetings and worship services.

In His service,
Ko-Ta & Christina

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  1. 我們將展開新一期服事,求主賜我們身心靈健康,以信心回應主的托付。
  2. 求主徹底醫治在意外中受傷的弟兄姊妹,叫他們心裡剛強、早日康復。
  3. 請記念六月份新一季的神學課程,將教導「教會歷史」,求主激勵弟兄姊妹堅持學習,裝備成為主合用的器皿。
  4. 在南非要收的莊稼多,作工的人少,求主興起工人去完成祂的大使命。
  5. 因著南非經常停電,令全國經濟大受影響,也因著種種因素致使南非百物騰貴,物價大幅度上升,失業率高企。求主賜政府有智慧,早日解決危機,讓百姓能脫離危困。
  6. 請記念國權在港的二姐及姐夫,因為姐夫是長期病患者,二姐需照顧他的起居,求主賜二姐有忍耐和愛心,並能抒解因照顧姐夫所帶來的壓力。









崇真會救恩堂宣教部同工 暢談宣教的喜與憂








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  1. 求主幫助南非政府能有效發展經濟,並控制通脹,提高人民就業機會。
  2. 求主保守我們能在網路上正常的運作,和南非兩個教會的弟兄姐妹一起敬拜和查考聖經。
  3. 請為林姐妹代禱,求主恩待她,安慰她。
  4. 請為莊先生信耶穌代禱,求主揀選他,使他早日得拯救。


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Dear Prayer Partners,

        The electricity crisis in South Africa is worsening.  Trying to relieve this pressure, the President has announced his intention to postpone the government’s plans to close many high-pollution coal power plants.  In addition, there are news that the BRICS Development Bank is considering lending to South Africa for replacing its worn-out equipment.  However, these measures are not going to produce any immediate results.  The most unbelievable thing is that one of the political parties (EFF) seized this opportunity to threaten with a country-wide strike if the government did not give the people of South Africa a three-day break.  The government conceded, but everything quickly returned to reality after the three days!

        Right now load shedding has reached 11.5 hours per day, and it will climb to another new level in no time.  People have learned to live with it.  Many homes are equipped with battery-operated lanterns that can last a few days during power outages.  Many stores have to use their own diesel-powered generators to keep their business going.  However, the loud rumbling sound and added pollution create more problems.  Factories have to resort to the same solution, thus making it more costly and less profitable to operate.  Coupled with the raising inflation rate and less consumer spending, businesses are struggling to survive.  Some of the Chinese merchants have already relocated to other countries.

        This has also been interrupting our weekly Bible study meetings.  Due to rotating load shedding, different areas have different outage schedules every week.  Sometimes we have to cancel our meetings due to low attendance.  We pray for the Lord’s mercy!  Under the circumstances, our brothers and sisters still make good use of the limited time we have to encourage each other and build up each other’s faith.  We thank God that our weekly worship services are not affected.

        Being away from our home country, our greatest fear will be unforeseeable mishaps back home.  About two weeks ago, we learned from a member of one of our Bible study groups that Sister Lin had to rush back to China to make funeral arrangements for her son who passed away from a car accident in Nigeria.  We have known Sister Lin for 20 years, and she is a faithful servant of the Lord leading different Christian groups on the internet.  During our time in South Africa, she would make every effort to attend our yearly family retreat.  His son is also a godly young man.  Just last month, Sister Lin told us that her son had already quit his job in Nigeria, planned to return to China to get married and come to South Africa to join her.  Imagine what a great shock and unbearable pain it would be!  May the Lord’s face shine on her and comfort her.  We believe that our Lord will be with her all the way and will give her strength.  She will soar on wings like eagles and praise God!  Please pray for her.

        Sister Zhuang’s brother is a very successful businessman.  She tried many times to share the gospel with him, but he used to tell her that he had no need for any religion.  He seems to have everything, but he is poor inside; especially he has been experiencing tremendous marriage difficulties which ended in a rather ugly divorce.  He begins to rethink everything.  A common friend shared with Sister Zhuang that, not long ago, her brother downloaded the Chinese Bible in his cell phone and started asking her questions about Christianity.  Please pray for Mr. Zhuang.  May the Lord lead him out of darkness into light.

Please pray for the following:

  1. May the Lord help the government to fight inflation, revive the economy and increase its employment rate.
  2. May the Lord continue to bless the various on-line meetings so they will not be interrupted by electricity outages.
  3. Please pray for the Lord’s grace on Sister Lin and comfort her in her time of need.
  4. Please pray for the salvation of Mr. Zhuang.

In His service,
Ko-Ta & Christina

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  1. 請為返回原居地的弟兄姐妹能尋到合適的教會代禱,使他們在主裡繼續成長。
  2. 求主幫助南非政府能早日解決電力供應的問題。現在每天停電10小時,影響生活與工商業發展。
  3. 求主幫助南非政府能有效發展經濟,並控制通貨膨脹,提高就業率。
  4. 求主保守我們能繼續在網絡上跟兩個南非教會的弟兄姐妹一起敬拜和查考聖經,不被停電影響。



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Dear Prayer Partners,

        Yesterday I received a message from Brother Yang whom I knew for many years.  We have not been in contact for a few years.  He told me that he is now in his homeland and is using this new account to connect with me again.  Due to different reasons, many Chinese had chosen to return home.  The pandemic has been a huge blow to the South African economy, the country’s dire condition is being compounded by unstable supply of electricity, water shortage and high inflation.  With decreasing customer base and worsening crime rates, businesses are impossible to make any profit these past few years.  It used to be hard for new immigrants to find businesses to acquire.  Now the table has turned, and it is hard to find buyers for their businesses.  Brother Yang used to work for another brother in Christ, and he would come to church whenever he had the day off.  He mentioned that he missed everyone in church and lamented, “I did not think much about our time together when I attended church, but now I remember all the great times we had and cherish every single one of them.  Even if I visit South Africa again, I would not be able to find everyone!”  I reminded him that our Lord has greater plans for us, and one day we will meet again in heaven!

        Ministering among Chinese diasporas let us experience this emotional roller coaster.  It would give us great joy to meet them and witness their encounters with God.  It could be a witnessing opportunity or just a passing when they needed help and encouragement.  To Brother Yang, our church was a home away from home where he was showered with God’s love through fellow Christians.  Nevertheless, we felt sad when we had to part our ways.  Since South Africa is not our permanent home, we can only say our goodbyes and embrace our wonderful memories in our hearts.  We fully entrust our future with our Lord because He reigns and holds the keys to tomorrow and eternity.

        To foster growth in Christians requires a lot of hard work, patience and love, but we will see our work in completion in due time.  Around New Year’s time, we received greetings from a sister who had left the church a number of years ago.  She was pulled away by another religion and had been struggling back and forth.  Yet we still visited her from time to time, encouraged her with God’s Word and stood by her in her time of need.  In her message, she told us, “I have returned to God’s family!  Even though I had wandered away, God’s love was always there!  Thank you for never doubting my faith, believing in me and supporting me.”  We rejoice that our persistence in love was not in vain.  Let us continue to have compassion for the weak, to encourage and support them.

Please pray for the following:

  1. May the Lord lead our brothers and sisters who had returned to China to find new church homes where they can continue their spiritual growth.
  2. May the Lord help the government in resolving its electricity crisis. It is now escalated to Level 6 Load Shedding with 10 hours of blackouts per day.  It seriously affected daily living and business operations.
  3. May the Lord also help the government find effective ways to curb inflation and create more employment opportunities.
  4. May the Lord continue to bless the various on-line meetings so they will not be interrupted by electricity outages.

In His service,        
Ko-Ta & Christina

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