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  1. 感謝神保守95歲的老姊妹,讓她樂意來教會敬拜神,讓她的生命成為眾人的榜樣!
  2. 感謝神帶領年近80歲的老姊妹,讓她懂得上網來與我們一起讀聖經!求主保守她的身體,前幾週被感染得了感冒,咳嗽很厲害。現在偶有幾聲咳!
  3. 感謝主憐憫那位無國籍的女士,讓她在世最後的階段有個安身之處!
  4. 感謝主保守懷孕的姊妹,平安把女兒生產下來!感謝主讓她在病友面前做美好見證!
  5. 本週四至下週一將會是一年一度的全德造就營。本次是歷屆參加人數最低,可能很多人復活節假期回家探親,又可能因為物價上漲。求主保守營會,讓赴會的弟兄姊妹都有屬靈的收穫!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green, To declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.” Psalms 92:14-15

        Thank the LORD for looking after His righteous people! Last Sunday, our church celebrated the 95th birthday of the oldest sister in the church. In the last few years, she has had numerous falls, including a broken bone during the pandemic, which required surgery and no one was allowed to visit her, and a fall at the end of last year, which broke six ribs. In spite of this, God still preserved her, and she still doesn’t need crutches, and she can still walk as long as she has someone to help her. Because of the pandemic, she has lost communication with people, so her communication is a bit confused. Despite this, her son still drives his mom to Sunday services every week, even though he doesn’t understand Chinese. She herself is happy to come and greet others with a smile, and even the children go to say hello to her.

        In January, we visited a good friend of this old sister, whom they met when they came to Germany in the early years. She is also close to 80 years old, but she is in good health. Although her hands are trembling, she can still cook for her family and even go grocery shopping by bus. During the pandemic, we bought her an iPad and taught her how to use zoom, so that she could also attend our Cantonese Bible study. Later, she moved in with her son and helped out at his restaurant. After she fainted, she didn’t dare to help out anymore. Last year, her house was finally rebuilt after several years, which started just before the pandemic. She finally had her own house and her life was stabilized, so I invited her to come to the Bible reading. After teaching her how to go on zoom, she forgot how to go on zoom for the first few days, and she just pressed the buttons randomly (I recently went to check her iPad, and she even pressed the Hebrew text out!). Eventually she was able to get on, or her family helped her. After a week, she is now very good at coming up and reading with us. Thank God, when we first invited her, she said she wanted to go for a walk in the morning, go grocery shopping, etc. Now she comes every day to listen to God’s word.

        My last prayer letter mentioned a stateless woman who left the world in early February, just a few days before my last visit. When I visited her again three weeks later, I was informed that she was no longer with us. I thank God for His mercy that she was able to live her last few months without having to live in exile, and that she was taken care of by good medical staff. The hospice staff told me that she passed away peacefully, and they found the only card in her hospital room, which was one of the scripture cards I gave her. The scripture was 1 John 1:5: “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness.” May she receive this true light!

        A sister from the Giessen Fellowship had to be hospitalized for two weeks before her caesarean section because her placenta was not in the right place and the doctors were afraid that she might bleed heavily at any time. Thanks to God’s protection, her daughter was finally born and both mother and daughter were safe. During the hospitalization period, her roommate, a Muslim, was also reading the Koran and praying, but she was so frantic that the doctors and nurses came to calm her down. Our sister also prayed for her so that she could have a good night’s sleep. In contrast, our sister had more peace of mind, relied on God, and was able to pray for her roommate. We joked that the two weeks she was in the hospital were her retreat.

Thanksgiving and Prayer Items:

  1. Thank God for keeping our 95-year-old sister so that she is willing to come to church to worship God, and that her life has become an example to others!
  2. Thank God for leading our 80-year-old sister to go online and read the Bible with us! Pray for her health. A few weeks ago, she caught a cold and had a bad cough. She is coughing occasionally!
  3. Thank the Lord for His mercy on that stateless woman and for giving her a place to stay in her last days on earth!
  4. Thank you for keeping the pregnant sister until she gave birth to her daughter! Thank the Lord for the wonderful witness she gave before the pagan!
  5. This Thursday through next Monday will be the annual Easter Camp. This is the lowest turnout ever, probably due to the fact that many people went home for the Easter vacation, and also due to the rising prices of goods. Pray that the Lord will keep the camp and make it spiritually fruitful for all the brothers and sisters attending!

        Pray that you too will have a meaningful Easter!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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  1. 感恩老弟兄姊妹們每早都願意一起來聆聽神的話語!感恩上週探訪了一位已經很久沒有與我們見面的老姊妹,邀請她參與讀經,這週開始她也上來了!
  2. 感謝主,有機會服事弟兄姊妹與非信徒在家中作客!感恩可以陪伴單身姊妹度過她的假期,讓她不致覺得孤單!
  3. 感恩可以服事那位有需要的非信徒,求神讓她看到神的愛,藉著幫助她,使她能夠來認識神!
  4. 感謝主,憐憫那位得了末期癌症的女士,讓她可以得到一個安息的地方,得到好的照顧!求主幫助她,讓她有清醒的頭腦,在聽到福音的時候願意接受主的救恩!
  5. 求主保守小朋友,在這寒冷的天氣下免受感染,及不會和家人交差感染。
  6. 求主保守懷胎的姊妹,使她與胎兒都健康,按期(預產期是三月)把嬰孩順利產下來!
  7. 求主幫助那位讀博士的女生,讓她適應當地的學習,願意來團契與弟兄姊妹交流,減輕壓力!




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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “But his delight is in the Law of the Lord, and on His Law he meditates day and night!” Psalms 1:2

        On January 2nd, our Bible reading class started our Bible reading this year with Psalms. Our senior brothers and sisters have been following the Bible reading plan for three years since 2021 during the pandemic. At the request of our sisters, this year we also added a hymn-singing session, which coincided with the fact that many of the hymns were based on the theme of the Psalms, so in addition to reading the Bible, we also learned to sing new songs to praise God!

        Last December, I had several receptions. A couple passed by my house and stayed overnight before heading to other city; a sister came from other city to Frankfurt to take a flight back to visit her relatives in China, and she also had to stay overnight; one sister was out of town, and she stayed at my home for the whole Christmas vacation this year; and I also accompanied a teenage student to stay in a hotel for one night (at the request of his mother), and then I took him to the airport to fly home the next day.

        I also hosted a non-believer who wanted to buy a car because she lives in a relatively remote place in the south. She looked at a used car and the car dealership was about half an hour’s drive from my home. She asked me to accompany her to see the car and test drive it. After she bought the car, I had to take her to the car dealership to pick it up, and then drive with her back to her home because she had just obtained her German driver’s license. The next day I had to take four hours of public transportation to get home.

        In December, I also accepted a request from a stranger. A stateless Chinese lady who was several years younger than me, was admitted to a hospital. Since she did not speak English or German, the hospital was unable to communicate with her, so they hired a Chinese interpreter. It was this interpreter who asked me to visit her in the hospital. The hospital later transferred her to an organization which had converted a hotel into a refugee camp and there was a room in the hotel that could accommodate her. As I followed her around, I became her interpreter, translating for the person in charge and staff of the organization that took her in, the staff of the social welfare department, the doctors, and the ambulance staff. Since this woman is suffering from terminal cancer, a hotel is not a place for her to live for a long time because there are no medical staffs to take care of her.  She cannot eat a lot of things, and she cannot move around so it is not clear whether she has eaten anything or not. Every time I visited her, I would bring her some soup, which she called “Jesus Soup”, because I prayed for her and asked Jesus to save her and help her. God did find her a hospice ward through a few dedicated doctors of a charity organization, and after much effort, she was able to stay there for a long time and receive good care. There was a Tibetan lady there who could understand a little Chinese and was also responsible for taking care of the meals. She said she could cook some food suitable for Chinese appetites.

        Since the Giessen Fellowship did not have the manpower to hold a large-scale Christmas event this year, we invited the new students to join us for the holiday. Only one girl came to join us, while the other two boys were called by their classmates after they had promised to come. This girl had just come to study for her doctorate degree, and she had a lot of anxiety and stress, and we didn’t see her come to the fellowship after the holiday.

Thanksgiving and Prayer Items:

  1. I am thankful for the senior brothers and sisters who are willing to come together every morning to listen to God’s word! I am grateful that last week I visited an old sister who we have not seen for a long time and invited her to participate in our Bible reading. She has also joined us starting this week!
  2. Thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve brothers and sisters and unbelievers as guests in my home! I am grateful that I could accompany the single sister on her vacation so that she would not feel lonely!
  3. Thank God also that I could minister to that unbeliever in need by helping her so that she may come to know God one day!
  4. Thank the Lord for having mercy on the lady suffering from terminal cancer, allowing her to have a resting place and receive good care! Pray that she will have a clear mind and be willing to accept the Lord’s salvation when she hears the Gospel.
  5. Pray that the Lord will protect the children from getting infected often in this cold weather and then spreading it to the whole family!
  6. Pray that the Lord will protect the pregnant sister so that both she and the fetus will be healthy and the baby will be delivered smoothly at maturity (expected date of delivery is March)!
  7. Pray that the girl who is studying for her doctorate degree will adapt to her studies and be willing to come to the fellowship to communicate with brothers and sisters to relieve her stress!

        May the Lord lead us into the new year and let us follow Him closely!
        I wish you all a blessed Chinese New Year in advance!

Serving Him,

Karen Tang

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  1. 感恩工作匯報期間在眾教會的分享、與弟兄姊妹相聚,並認識了新肢體!
  2. 感恩感染新冠病毒之後,仍可見到百歲老姊妹,並回德國參加姊妹的婚禮!
  3. 感恩在工作匯報與度假期間,有老姊妹維持zoom上的讀經班繼續進行!求主保守弟兄姊妹的網絡能正常運作,可以繼續參與讀經!
  4. 感謝主感動在吉森工作的女生,在她轉換工作地方前,能接受主的救恩!感謝主也讓十二歲的女孩因明白救恩,接受基督為她的救主!求主保守她們的信仰,繼續在神的家裡成長!
  5. 求主使因腦震盪而頭暈的姊妹能早日康復,弟兄有體力經營快餐店與照顧家庭!
  6. 求主賜單親媽媽有健壯的身體,使她有精力照顧有情緒病的兒子。求主醫治兒子,讓他有動力與勇氣繼續學習!
  7. 求主保守懷孕的姊妹,讓她懷孕期一切順利,身體與胎兒都健康。
  8. 感謝主保守,發生車禍的一家五口平安無事!求主憐憫,使他們的車子能早日補修穩妥。
  9. 感謝主帶領一些家庭來吉森團契!求主加添更多同工,在團契、學生和兒童事工上都能參與事奉!求主感動新生繼續來參加聚會,並認識真神!
  10. 最近比較多的弟兄姊妹患感冒,求主憐憫與醫治!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “That they may know that You alone, whose name is the Lord, Are the Most High over all the earth.” Psalms 83:18

        I am sorry that I did not have a chance to meet the brothers and sisters in the South Bay area during my furlough this summer. This was mainly due to the fact that I was unable to drive that far and some meetings were held on zoom. However, I am thankful that I was able to meet brothers and sisters physically and meet some new brothers and sisters and pastors, and share with each other God’s marvelous works. Thank you for your hospitality, and especially thank to the brothers and sisters who came to drive me to the meetings!

        I had planned to go to a 100-year-old sister’s celebration, but when I arrived in Canada, I was tested with Covid-19 and had to be quarantined. After that, I was thankful that I still had the chance to visit the elderly sister (a Canadian). When I gave her a red pocket, she knew it was a “goodwill” money by saying it in Chinese. She was touched to see that so many students from other countries whom she and her husband had hosted in the past had come back to celebrate her 100th birthday with her after several decades, which was a great surprise to her!

        A sister who was planning to get married in September had her mom suddenly return to Heavenly Father’s arms in May. In order to support the sister, I changed my plane ticket to go back earlier in order to attend her wedding the next day. We are thankful that her father, siblings, and many good friends flew in to attend and help, making her wedding very touching for her husband’s unbelieving parents and others!

        The sister who took my place in leading the Bible reading for the elderly was very happy to have me back, so she could take off the heavy responsibility and hand the group back to me. So, she did not have to notify the amnesiac sister to come online every day. When I first came back, the network was very bad and was often disconnected for a month. Later, I asked a brother to take a look at it. But, although he didn’t come to take a look at it, the network was back to normal again. Later, an old brother was also unable to go online to participate in the Bible reading. Another old brother who went back to China also could not go on zoom for some reason, although he wanted to read the Bible with us.

        All of the matriculants from last year’s orientation have left Giessen to go to college in other cities. The only working woman left, after a year of intermittent evangelism classes, finally accepted Christ’s salvation two weeks before she left Giessen. We were happy to give this gospel fruit to the Hamburg church. We started all over again, reaching out to three male and three female students (all roommates of the newly converted sister) at our two orientations this year. Since we have no students in our student fellowship, we may not be able to attract them. Not even one showed up last week.

        Recently, some of the families in the Giessen Fellowship have been experiencing some difficulties. A sister hit a rock while riding her bike and was sent to the hospital for examination and was thankful that there were no broken bones. But she had a concussion and needed to lie down and rest. Since the couple opens a fast-food restaurant, the brother has to take care of the work in the restaurant as well as his wife and daughter. Another single mother has a son and a daughter. The sister is weak and often sick. Her son, who just started college, can’t handle the stress and needs to be hospitalized for psychotherapy. Two families have become grandparents and sometimes need to go to their children’s homes to care for their grandchildren. One of the two families is about to go back to China for more than three months. The sister in charge of the Fellowship has just been pregnant for a few months and is quite tired. As a result, the fellowship is lacking a few co-workers from the original team.

        But we thank the Lord for bringing a family to Giessen with three children. When the oldest daughter saw us lead the seeker prayed the decision prayer, her mom said she could do it too. So, two weeks ago, we talked to her about the gospel and brought her to faith in Christ. (Unfortunately, last week they were on their way out of the house to come to the fellowship when their car was hit by someone and damaged.)

        As this couple became involved in the fellowship, at the same time another family who just moved to Giessen, the sister also started bringing her three younger children to the fellowship. Another single sister started bringing her little one to the meetings. A sister who just got married last year gave birth to a baby two months ago. Suddenly, there are many more children in the fellowship and the children’s ministry is short of staff.

Thanksgiving and Prayer Items:

  1. I am thankful for the sharing in the churches, the meeting up with brothers and sisters, and the acquaintance of new members during my furlough!
  2. I am grateful for seeing the 100-year-old sister after I got the Covid-19 and for going back to Germany to attend the sister’s wedding!
  3. I am thankful for the old sister who kept the bible reading on zoom going during the time of my furlough and vacation! Pray that the Lord will keep our brothers and sisters’ network up and running and that they will be able to continue to participate in the Bible reading!
  4. Thanks to the Lord for touching the woman working in Giessen to accept the Lord’s salvation before she changed her place of work! Thank the Lord for the 12-year-old girl who accepted Christ as her Saviour because of her understanding of salvation! Pray that the Lord will keep their faith and continue to grow in God’s family!
  5. Pray that our sister, who is dizzy due to a concussion, will recover soon, and that her husband will have the strength to run the restaurant and take care of his family!
  6. Pray that the Lord would strengthen the single mom’s body so that she would have the energy to take care of her emotionally ill son. Pray for the Lord’s healing for the son so that he will have the motivation and courage to continue his studies!
  7. Pray for the Lord’s protection over a pregnant sister that her pregnancy will go smoothly and that her body and baby will be healthy.
  8. Thank the Lord for keeping the family of five who were hit by a car safe and sound! Pray for the Lord’s mercy that their car will be repaired soon!
  9. Thank the Lord for the families He has brought to the Giessen Fellowship! Pray for more co-workers to serve in the fellowship, student and children’s ministries! Pray that new students will be moved to continue to come to the meetings and know the true God!
  10. Pray for the Lord’s mercy and healing as more brothers and sisters are suffering from colds recently!

        Thank the Lord for allowing us, including you, to have some safe corners to continue serving the Lord in this war-torn world!
        Thank you for your support and prayers!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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  1. 感謝主的保守,雖然流感與新冠肺炎病毒還在肆虐,但我在眾多的活動中沒被感染!之前的咳嗽也不知不覺停下來了,感謝主恩!
  2. 感謝主保守94歲的老姐妹,不被病毒感染!姐妹經常在家跌倒,求主保守她能夠平衡!感恩兒子每週送母親到教會參加主日崇拜!
  3. 今年復活節營會是疫情後第一次實體聚會,青年旅館有些變動,會有一些政府租用的床位給外面的人。求主保守講員以及所有參加的人,身體健康,在靈裡得到飽足!
  4. 復活節後吉森團契將會開始福音課程,求主帶領在線上聚會的弟兄姐妹來參加實體聚會,以致大家一起參與愛宴,服事慕道友!求主感動受邀請的人來參加!
  5. 我將於五月中旬至八月中旬回美國工作匯報。求主帶領期間的腳步,與眾教會和弟兄姐妹有美好的分享,述說神奇妙的作為!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, But the prayer of the upright is His delight.” Proverbs 15:8

        The daylight saving time was just changed last Sunday, and there were a few sunny days. It feels like spring has arrived. In fact, the temperature is still relatively low, and some places even snowed yesterday. Because a sister’s child came home with a flu from the kindergarten and then infected other family members, I learned that this year’s flu is very severe. They had fever that lasted for several days, which was worse than the Covid-19. Although most people have paid little attention to the trend of the pandemic, since March 1st to yesterday, the Corona-warning app on my mobile phone has always been red, which means that I have had three chances to come into contact with positive Covid people passing by me. Each warning takes ten days to turn green. This month has more warnings than I have received in the past three years. Therefore, I found that it seems that the corona virus has not completely left us. However, thank God, my body has no symptoms, and I go in and out as usual.

        I went out for more activities in March, and the number of times I ate in restaurants also increased. Among them, an old sister who is almost 80-year-old whom we had not seen for several months. Because she fell down twice last year, her children no longer let her help in the restaurant. So, a sister and I went to visit her. Unexpectedly, her daughter caught a cold that day and later infected her. As a result, she was unable to attend the birthday of her good friend for decades. We were grateful that we were not infected, so we attended the birthday lunch of the 94-year-old sister. Coincidentally, her son who took care of her caught a cold because of the flooding in the basement. Thankfully, his mother was not infected.

        I went to serve in the Chinese church in Hannover in the second week of March. I didn’t take the train for a long time. My train was canceled that day. Fortunately, there was another train to make up for it, but it arrived earlier. If I hadn’t gone to the train station early, I might have missed the train, and I might have been late for church. On the day I returned home, the public transportation in Hannover also went on strike. Fortunately, I stayed in the suburbs and I was not affected. An old sister knew that I would not be in Germany for a few months, she still insisted on coming to see me after seeing her doctor. We ate something at the train station, and the train station was full of people. So, the Corona warning I received later happened on that day.

        In the third week of March, Rev. Liu Min He came to evangelize in our church. The brother in charge of the Giessen Fellowship brought his family and two seekers to participate. They seldom came to Frankfurt. Therefore, we went for dinner after the meeting.

        Last Sunday, because the German church we leased was used as the venue for the second round of the Frankfurt mayoral election, we could not use it. The co-workers inquired about many places that could not be borrowed. Finally, a sister who owns a restaurant lets us use the place for Sunday worship. After the service, most of the brothers and sisters also stayed to eat together and had some fellowship time.

        This year’s All-German Christian Easter Camp will be reinstated, but the number of beds in the youth hostel has been reduced a lot. Some brothers and sisters must live in hotels outside the camp site. I am also willing to let a bed come out. This will be the first time I will stay home for the nights ever since I participated all the camps in the past. This will also be the first time that I have no serving position. Thanks to God’s guidance, several couples of missionaries have come to serve in Germany in recent years, and some could serve in the camp.

 Prayer items and thanksgiving:

  1. Thank the Lord for his protection! Although the flu and the corona virus are still raging, I have not been infected in many activities! The previous cough also stopped unconsciously, thank to our Lord!
  2. Thank the Lord for protecting the 94-year-old sister from being infected by the virus! The sister also often falls at home; may the Lord keep her from falling! Thanks to the Lord that her son brings her to church to attend Sunday worship every week!
  3. This year’s Easter camp is the first physical gathering after the pandemic. There are some changes in the youth hostel. There will be some beds rented by the government for outsiders. May the Lord keep the speaker and all the attendees in good health and spiritually satisfied!
  4. After Easter, the Giessen Fellowship will start a gospel course. May the Lord lead the brothers and sisters who gather online to participate in physical gatherings, so that everyone can participate in the love banquet and serve the coming seekers! May the Lord move those who see the invitation to participate!
  5. I will return to the United States for furlough from mid-May to mid-August. May the Lord lead every step during this period, and that we will have a wonderful time of sharing God’s miraculous deeds with all the churches and brothers and sisters.

        Happy Easter and may God bless you!
        See you soon!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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        「耶和華-你的救贖主,以色列的聖者如此說:我是耶和華-你的 神,教訓你,使你得益處,引導你所當行的路。」(賽四十八17)






  1. 感謝神作我們隨時的幫助,當我們辦活動不夠人手的時候,祂就把同工召回來服事!感謝神,讓我們在疫情過後舉辦了實體的聖誕聚會,有機會與慕道友有更多的交流和認識!
  2. 春節過後,幾名預科學生放假出外遊玩。求主帶領,讓他們回來之後,我們可以開始一些福音課程!
  3. 感謝主帶領三位印尼學生來到我們中間!求主藉著老弟兄的分享,讓他們有更多的思考!求主賜下智慧作跟進工作,也讓吉森團契有更多的同工來關心這些留學生!
  4. 感謝主帶領那位單親媽媽經歷了艱難的日子,看到孩子在主裡面成長,並接受洗禮!求主記念兒子剛上大學,保守他在別城的生活與學習,繼續在團契裡成長!
  5. 求主引導在Kassel團契的慕道友,使他早日得著主的救恩,脫離惶恐的生活,享受真正的平安!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” Isaiah 48:17

        Thank God for leading us into a new year, and may the Lord guide us in the way we should go!

        In the Christmas and Chinese New Year dumpling-making events organized by the Giessen Fellowship, we saw that God is our help at the time of our need. About 70 people signed up for the Christmas gathering, half of whom were non-believers. Later, due to illness and other reasons, some people withdrew, leaving about 50 people. In addition, our co-workers were also sick or unable to participate. In the end, there was only one couple left to prepare for the event, and they were very stressful. One week before the meeting, the co-workers who were originally unable to participate were able to return to the team to serve because they canceled their original plan. Therefore, the seekers who came that day not only had the opportunity to hear the gospel, but also those students who could not cook were very happy to be able to eat Chinese food. As a result, they were also very willing to come to make dumplings on New Year’s Eve, and they also participated in it. Those students who don’t have to wash dishes at their parents’ house, also came to help wash a lot of dishes. On the same day, an overseas Chinese from Indonesia came. She felt lonely due to the pressure of studying and wanted to contact some Chinese. A sister from another city introduced our event to her. Our sister contacted her and invited her to come. She agreed and said that she would also bring two friends. Because she was going to class that day, they didn’t arrive until we were almost finished eating. Because we didn’t know it, only pork stuffing was prepared to make the dumplings. Dumplings turned out not good meal for them. Even so, they were still willing to stay and eat plain noodles made out of the dumpling dough with our co-workers. They listened carefully to an old brother’s sharing. The old brother said he was going to make the dumplings with us, but later he didn’t make them. It turned out that God asked him to preach the gospel instead.

        When I first went to Giessen fellowship, a sister also moved to Giessen because of her divorce. She started a new life with her two young son and daughter. But due to the brutality of her ex-husband, he left a lot of shadows, which especially affected her son’s emotions. Thank the Lord, although the life of the sister is difficult, she insists on taking her children to church. Because our Giessen Fellowship does not have a youth class, and their mother tongue is German, they go to a German church. Last week, the two siblings were baptized in that church. Their baptism was their mother’s greatest joy.

        Last Sunday, I had the opportunity to go to the Kassel fellowship for the first time to share God’s words. At the end of the meeting, I shook hands with a middle-aged man, but I couldn’t feel the enthusiasm of brothers and sisters in Christ. Later, when we were together again during the small group discussion, I found out that he was a seeker. Because of living in fear for the past year, his whole person has gone downhill. It turned out that he wanted to move and sell his stuff online. A sister in that fellowship wanted to buy one of his items. After chatting, the sister warmly invited him to the church. He thanked the sister’s husband for giving him some words of wisdom. When he came to church, he felt a little calmer in his heart. God is so miraculous in bringing this man to Him.

Prayer items and thanksgiving:

  1. Thank God for being our help at the time of our need! When we were short of manpower when we organized the events, He called the co-workers back to serve the seekers who came to participate! Thank God for allowing us to hold a physical Christmas gathering after the pandemic, and we had the opportunity to have more exchanges and understanding with the seekers!
  2. After the Chinese New Year, those pre-university students also went out for vacation. Pray that after they come back, we can start some gospel lessons!
  3. Thank the Lord for bringing three Indonesian Chinese students to our midst! May the Lord let the them think more through the old brother’s sharing! May the Lord give us wisdom to do follow-up work, and pray that we have more co-workers in the Giessen Fellowship to care for these international students!
  4. Thank the Lord for leading the single mother through difficult times, seeing her children grow in the Lord, and being baptized! May the Lord remember his son as he has just entered college and study in another city! Pray that he will continue to grow in the fellowship!
  5. May the Lord guide the seeker in the Kassel fellowship, so that he can find the Lord’s salvation as soon as possible, escape from his fearful life, and enjoy real peace!

        Although Chinese New Year has just passed, I still wish you a blessed New Year!
        Happy Chinese New Year!
        Much blessings!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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  1. 感謝神讓我們在感恩節裡數算神的恩典!
  2. 感謝神帶領亞沙芬堡的孫姐妹回來,又積極關懷其他媽媽。求主堅固信徒的信心,並讓尋求神的慕道友能認識真神,得著救恩!
  3. 感恩德國老師幫助學生學習德語,並向他們傳福音!
  4. 求主幫助我們籌備聖誕聚會,吸引新同學來參加佈道聚會!
  5. 感恩神的保守,使讀經班裡的長者都喜悅讀神的話!
  6. 感恩弟兄收留的學生找到工作,並願意參加團契的聚會!求主吸引他早日接受救恩!
  7. 感恩有機會閱讀此信的弟兄姐妹,感恩有你們的支持與代禱!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. “Col. 3:17

        Every year at the Bible Study meeting on Thanksgiving, brothers and sisters are invited to share God’s grace. Thank God our Father that the Bible study group in Aschaffenburg began to meet in person again. Since the family of sister Sun who started the Bible study group, moved back to China a few years ago, we changed to meet at another sister’s restaurant. A few years have gone by, unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the restaurant was closed. So, we switched to online gathering. Since young unbelieving mothers were reluctant to go online, we only had four or five sisters. Recently, because sister Sun’s sons have returned to Germany to go to university, she has also stayed for the time being. Since her return, our bible study group has been meeting in person, taking turns in some sister’s place. Since the meeting time has been changed, some mothers can also participate. There is a sister who has a part-time job. Now whenever we have meeting, she also applied for that half-day leave to attend our meeting. A seeker gave birth to a second child a few months ago, and the baby was born prematurely. She herself experienced heavy bleeding during delivery, as if on the verge of death. Now her body is slowly recovering, and the baby went to a check-up recently. When she heard the doctor announce that there was nothing wrong with the baby, she was so excited that she burst into tears. She is now actively participating in Bible studies. Although she admits that there is a god, she is not yet sure who he is. She is willing to continue to seek this God. A sister’s mother moved in with her daughter’s family during the pandemic due to divorce. Although she is also a Christian, she was reluctant to attend our meeting every time her daughter went online. Now that we meet in person, she is very willing to come to the meeting with her daughter. In addition to Bible study meetings, because Sister Sun drives to church every Sunday, she also brings the other two sisters who usually do not go to Sunday services. Thank the Lord for bringing Sister Sun back, because of her loving dedication, the mothers in our Bible study group are once again active!

        Thank God that Giessen Fellowship held two orientation activities, both of which were attended by several students. At the second event, two new students who had Covid-19 came to our meeting instead of quarantine at home thinking that Germany was open with Covid-19 measures. We are thankful that they didn’t infect us. Recently, an exchange student also came. Since her teacher and classmate had told her to go to church in China, she came to our church service as soon as she arrived. One of the German sisters, who is retired and a former teacher, is willing to help students learn German through Bible reading. The sister in charge of the fellowship introduced two new students to her. Thanks to this sister who was eager to help students. She also used to go to the Chinese Bible study group in nearby city to help teach German.

        Several parents of the fellowship took their children to learn musical instruments from a German music teacher, and she was very active in arranging rehearsals for the children, so that we could have the children’s performance at the Christmas party. We are also preparing for this year’s physical Christmas party.

        Thank God that our Cantonese Bible Study group has also started a physical and online gathering! People who didn’t attend online meetups before now come to meetup in person as well. Originally, physical meetings were mainly for brothers and sisters living in Frankfurt, but since sisters in other cities are willing to participate online, we first have a meal and then invite online sisters to join the meeting. Thankful to one of the brothers in charge, he took in a recent graduate who did not find a job last year to live in his apartment. After a long period of job search, he found a job before the visa was about to expire. Since he lived in the brother’s place, he also knew some Christians and participated in some fellowship activities. Now he also participates in our Bible study because he is a Malaysian Chinese and can also speak Cantonese.

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for counting God’s blessings on Thanksgiving!
  2. Thank God for leading sister Sun of Aschaffenburg back from China and actively caring for the mothers in that place!
    Pray that the faith of believers will be strengthened and that God-seeking mothers will know the true God and receive salvation!
  1. Thank God for the German teacher for helping students learn German and evangelizing to them!
  2. Pray that the Lord will help us prepare for Christmas service and attract new students to this evangelistic meeting!
  3. Thanks for God’s protection so that the elders in the Bible reading class are happy to read God’s Word!
  4. Thank God that the student taken in by the brother found a job and are willing to attend fellowship meetings! Pray that the Lord will draw him to receive salvation soon!
  5. Thank God for brothers and sisters who have an opportunity to read this letter and thank you for your continuous support and prayers!

        May we count God’s blessings and give glory to God!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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  1. 感謝神讓政府對疫情有比較開放的政策,今年很多弟兄姐妹暑假都可以出外度假,並且平安回家。感謝神讓政府補貼車費,讓我也享受三個月的油費開支。現在汽油價錢繼續上升很多!
  2. 感謝主有機會接待有需要的人,順帶了解一下一些年輕人的情況。
  3. 感謝主藉著同工訓練營的講員感動多位弟兄姐妹蒙召奉獻!也感謝神的保守,自疫情以來第一次恢復實體營會,在營會期間弟兄姐妹都平安。營會後,得知有多人感染了肺炎病毒,感謝主也保守他們恢復健康!
  4. 吉森下週六舉辦中秋節活動,求主吸引新人來參加,並繼續來認識神。
  5. 感謝主恩,正當物價上漲的時候,上週五陪同一位老弟兄看中一間公寓,政府以廉價租金出租給他,讓他減輕很大的經濟壓力!由於前任住客住了很久,並留下很多雜物,房屋公司要清理和裝修好才能入住,11月才能交房子。正因為以上情況,房屋公司員工犯了一個錯誤,不應該這個時候讓人去看房子。既然信件已發出,就只好給弟兄去看。我們都讚嘆這也是神憐憫弟兄的奇妙作為!不然他可能會有很多競爭的對手,拿不了這套公寓。
  6. 感謝主也讓兩名今年考進大學的年輕弟兄找到住處,讓他們的母親也鬆了口氣,因為找房子並不容易!
  7. 感謝主賜下一點雨水,但對乾旱的大地還是不夠!求主繼續憐憫全球多個地方的旱災,賜下足夠的雨水滋潤農作物,使人民有足夠的糧食。



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.” Psalm 16:11

        In order to make up for the economic losses caused by the pandemic, the German government spent a lot of money on public transportation in June, July and August this summer, so that citizens can buy a monthly pass for only 9 euros, and they can travel anywhere in Germany. One can take any type of public transportation, except for fast trains. As a result, many citizens who have been staying home for a long time traveled in large numbers. In addition to the school holiday, the number of people taking their children on vacation increased greatly, and some trains were very crowded.

        Many brothers and sisters also bought this kind of ticket, and even some older brothers and sisters who could move around went to nearby cities. I also took the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the government. I bought this kind of ticket to travel around, sometimes to visit, sometimes to go on vacation. However, I didn’t know whether it was due to the large increase in the number of people or there was a lack of employees, many trains and subways were delayed, and sometimes they even cancelled the train to one’s destination. In order to save gas, I used this ticket to take the train to join the fellowship in Giessen. One day, on my return trip, it took twice as much time, and I had to change transportation several times in order to get home. So, sometimes there is a price to pay.

        Due to the relatively relaxed control of the pandemic in many countries, there are more brothers and sisters going out for vacation this year.  The number of people attending fellowship during the summer vacation was relatively small, and even some gatherings had to be stopped. Even so, recently, I had received some brother, sisters and non-believer who needed temporary stay. A recently baptized sister moved from Warsaw after finding a job in Germany. To my surprise, her workplace is very close to where I live. A non-believer who lives in another city got a job at the fair in Frankfurt and stayed at my place for a few days in order to save money on accommodation. Another student had just been admitted to a college in Frankfurt, and the day she was accepted was also the start of the school day. Her mother rushed to accompany her to look for a residence in Frankfurt. I am grateful that they found a student apartment, but they were only a few days away from moving in, so she stayed at my apartment.

        Because of receiving these people, I also had the opportunity to know more about young people. Because the boyfriend of the sister from Warsaw came to pick her up at the airport came from a far city, they both stayed at my apartment for two days. It just so happened that this young brother had just attended the co-worker training camp, and I had the opportunity to hear him share what he gained in the camp and testify that God solved a relationship problem through the message of the speaker. This problem haunted him and the local pastor for sometimes and they didn’t know how to deal with it. Because of this speaker, the brother in question understood the principle of unity and was willing to make peace with others. Because of his change, the brother whom I received and the pastor were very moved. He also answered a calling to serve God. He asked me some related questions and we talked till mid-night.

        After the last time Giessen Fellowship held the rice dumpling activity, neither the students nor the Chinese who lived here who came to participate stayed to participate in the Bible study class. Since all the participants of our student fellowship had already believed in the Lord, so we temporarily joined the adult Fellowship. Although we failed to retain the students, we will hold another event on the Mid-Autumn Festival to attract new people to our fellowship meeting.

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for allowing the government to have a more open policy toward the pandemic. This year, many brothers and sisters can go out for summer vacations and return home safely! Thank God for allowing the government to subsidize the transportation expense, so that I can also enjoy three months of fuel expenses! Gasoline prices continue to rise a lot in recent months!
  2. Thank the Lord for the opportunity to receive those in need! I learned more about the situation of some young people!
  3. Thank the Lord for moving many brothers and sisters to be called to serve our Lord through the speaker of the co-worker training camp! I also thank God for His protection! The physical camp was resumed for the first time since the pandemic. During the camp, all brothers and sisters were safe! After they returned home, I learned that many people were infected with the virus. Thank the Lord for keeping them back to health!
  4. Giessen will hold a Mid-Autumn Festival event next Saturday. Pray that the Lord will attract new people to participate and continue to come to know God!
  5. Thank the Lord for His grace! When prices were rising, last Friday, I accompanied an old brother to take a look at an apartment which he applied for from the government. The government rents it out to him at a cheap rate, which relieves him from a lot of financial pressure! Since the previous resident lived for a long time and left a lot of clutter, the housing company had to clean up and renovate before moving in, and the apartment could not be handed over until November. Because of the above situation, the employee of the housing company made a mistake and should not invite people to see the apartment at this time. Now that the letter has been sent to our brother, the apartment has to be shown to him. We all praise God for this as this is a wonderful act of God’s mercy on the brother! Otherwise, he may have many competitors and can’t get this apartment.
  6. Thank the Lord for letting the two young brothers who entered college this year find a room, and their mothers are relieved, because finding a room is not easy!
  7. Thank the Lord for a little rain in the past days, but it is still not enough for the dry lands this summer! Pray that the Lord will continue to have mercy on the droughts in many parts of the world, and send enough rain to nourish the crops, so that the people have enough food!

        Thank God for the opportunity to share His amazing works with you!
        Thank you for your prayers and giving thanks to God!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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  1. 感恩在疫情期間也難阻不了神對弟兄姐妹的祝福,使他們結合建立新家庭!求主保守他們的婚姻,體會基督的愛在他們中間!
  2. 求主祝福新人在OMF的事奉,成為中德文化的一個信仰橋樑!
  3. 求主保守葛忠良牧師的身體,使他事奉得力!
  4. 求主保守被感染新冠的弟兄姐妹,早日康復!
  5. 求主帶領吉森團契兩位中學生畢業後的前路!他倆都是由單親母親養育成人,看到孩子在教會長大,兩位母親特別安慰。因此,下週為她們辦一個感恩見證會,榮神益人!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15

        Because the pandemic lasted for more than two years, many brothers and sisters registered their marriages during the pandemic and did not have a make-up wedding until this summer. In Giessen Fellowship, there were weddings for three weeks in a row in June.

        The first couple met in Thailand. The Chinese sister was serving in Thailand and the German brother went on a short term mission trip. They got to know each other. Because of the pandemic, they had to communicate online. Finally, the sister married to Germany and both continue to participate in the refugee ministry in a German church.

        The second couple, both doctoral students at the University of Giessen, met in the student dormitory. A Chinese brother married a German sister. The Chinese student sought faith in order to get involved with this sister, even though his mother was already a believer. We were grateful that he received salvation in a fellowship brother’s home after attending a gospel camp! Unfortunately, he had to move to the south to start a new family with his wife.

        The third couple is both Chinese, a mainland brother marrying a Taiwanese sister. The brother immigrated to Germany as a teenager, and after completing his doctoral studies, he entered the seminary to be equipped. After graduation, he joined OMF and became a missionary, doing cross-cultural work between German and Chinese. The sister graduated from a German university with a degree in theology and joined OMF after her marriage!

        I was invited to a couple’s birthday party earlier, so I was unable to attend the third couple’s wedding. This is a Sino-German couple. The Chinese sister has been working hard to witness to the Chinese-German families in her area, trying to reach out to the German husbands who are not yet believers. They held a relatively grand celebration (the German brother turned 70 and the Chinese sister turned 60) and took the opportunity to reach out to their friends. As the invited speaker, their German church pastor, happened to be infected, they immediately invited Pastor Glaw, the elderly missionary who founded the FMCD. So it was a great joy to see an old friend. Although he is old and sick, he continues to serve as long as he has the spirit and is a good example to us.

        In addition to the above, I also watched two online weddings in June; my niece’s wedding in Canada and a pastor’s son’s wedding in Hong Kong. I thought that these should be all the weddings for this year. But a few days ago, I received another wedding invitation from a brother. He was a seeker when I met him in a former Bible study class. After I left the area, he was converted and baptized. He moved to the south because of his job, but he kept in touch with me and came to visit me every year on major holidays.

        After sharing with you the joy of our brothers and sisters, I would like to share with you the not-so-good news. After spending a few days in England and returned home, I tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday. But the symptoms were not serious, just like a cold. I went to see a doctor and told her that I had been coughing for almost a year and that I had been reacting since the vaccination, so she told me to get a lung test. I can only do it after I am done isolating myself. Having Covid-19 myself, it has also allowed me to experience the brothers and sisters around me who are suffering from the same illness. More and more brothers and sisters are getting infected. Two weeks ago, an older sister got infected, but thankfully she became negative in four days. Last week there was also a couple of young people who were infected, a little more seriously, with fever and a very sore throat. Some of our pastoral staffs in Germany have also been infected.

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Grateful that nothing can stop God’s blessings to brothers and sisters even during the pandemic, so that they can unite to build a new family! Pray that the Lord will preserve their marriage and to experience the love of Christ among them!
  2. May the Lord bless the new couple who serve in OMF and become a religious bridge between Chinese and German cultures!
  3. Pray that the Lord will protect Pastor Glaw and enable him to serve effectively!
  4. Pray that the Lord will protect the brothers and sisters who are infected with the Covid-19 virus and recover soon!
  5. Pray that the Lord will lead the way for the two middle school students of the Giessen Fellowship after graduation! They were both raised by single mothers, and the two mothers were especially comforting to see their children growing up in church. Therefore, next week, they will hold a thanksgiving witness meeting for them to glorify God and benefit people!

        Whether in good times or bad, let us all thank and praise our God in unison!
        Thank you for your company and prayers!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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  1. 感恩見證六位姐妹接受洗禮。求主保守她們的信心,讓從小聽聖經故事的年輕人把信仰活出來,讓剛信主的姐妹能夠多多的明白聖經!
  2. 感謝主的保守,讓年過百歲的老姐妹能夠在封關的日子得到女兒的照顧,也得到該有的藥物,保持她的生命!感恩年老的弟兄可以繼續參加讀經班,由於每日可以與弟兄姐妹交談,得到一點安慰。求主保守他有耐性,等候那解封的日子!
  3. 求主憐憫得到新冠肺炎病毒的老姐妹,使她可以盡快恢復健康!
  4. 感謝神,雖然復活節造就營停辦一次,卻有北德眾教會的實體培靈會,同時開放讓弟兄姐妹可以參加網上的轉播,使大家同得造就!
  5. 求主感動吉森團契的弟兄姐妹,在對疫情放寬的政策下,可以恢復實體的聚會!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” Psalm 50:14-15

        Thank God, it is the season of spring and everywhere are small wildflowers and dandelions, white and yellow, drawing a beautiful picture of God’s creation of all things.  Although the Covid-19 virus infection cases are still high (several thousand new cases every day), due to the government’s relaxation of policies, many commercial companies have opened their doors normally, and our German church has no restriction like before but still recommended to wear masks.  Therefore, I can go back to the church for some weeks now.  I am thankful to have witnessed the baptism of six sisters last Sunday, including two sisters aged 14-15, with whom we watch growing up. Since they experienced God’s wonderful salvation in their personal life, and they were baptized.  The other one was a young woman, who in the early days of the pandemic, thought that she had the Covid-19 virus (but in fact, she just had a serious cold). Her body was so weak that she asked for help online. After we responded and delivered some food to her, being touched, she also believed in the Lord later.  Another one is a sister who found out that she had cancer while visiting in China. She quickly returned to Germany for treatment and was under control. However, recently she had relapse and she was worried. But after several times of treatment, now she felt much better.

        An old brother in our Bible reading class, during the pandemic, completely returned to Hong Kong from Germany to retire.  Later, because his wife returned to China to take care of her hundred-year-old mother, he also returned to be with them.  Unfortunately, wherever he went, there was strict restriction with the Covid-19 measures. Now he is completely being lockdown.  So, every day we hear a little bit of information, and see some of the emotions of our brother.  However, thankfully, because of the platform for daily Bible reading, everyone encourages and intercedes with each other, although sometimes he would complain, but in the end, he is still thankful to God for his preservation.  Because his 100 years old mother-in-law had finished her medicine, and they were unable to buy any medicine, they were anxious for a few days. But thanks for God’s answered prayers, they called for an ambulance the other day. Though she could not be sent to the hospital, the doctor gave her the necessary medicine to save the life of the elderly.

        Last Monday, when the Cantonese Bible study class was about to meet, one of the sisters in her seventies said that she had gotten Covid-19 a few days ago and had a hard time in the first few days. She told us that she could not attend our online meeting.  Later, another sister comforted her. It turned out that she was also infected with Covid-19 virus from her son in early April, which was also very hard for her. Because the old sister lived alone, she was weak for the first few days after she became ill, and she was grateful that some brothers and sisters in the local area had brought her food.

        Since coming to Germany for more than a decade, I have participated in the discipleship camp every Easter.  Due to the unclear policy on the pandemic at the beginning of the year, it was finally decided to suspend it for this year.  Since the speaker was already in Europe in April, the churches in North Germany invited him to give a revival conference. At the same time, they also opened zoom so that brothers and sisters from other regions could also be participated.

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for the baptism of six sisters. Pray that the Lord will preserve their faith, so that young people who have heard Bible stories from an early age can live out their faith, and so that the newly converted sisters can understand the Bible more!
  2. Thank God for His protection, so that the old sister who is over 100 years old can get the care of her daughter on the days of lockdown, and get the medicine she needs to keep her life! Thank God for the elderly brother who can continue to attend Bible reading class so that he can appeal to our brothers and sisters every day for a little comfort.  Pray that the Lord will give him patience to wait for the city to be free again.
  3. Pray for God’s mercy upon the old sister who got the Covid-19 virus so that she can get back to health as soon as possible!
  4. Thank God, although the Easter Camp was cancelled, there was a physical revival conference of the North German churches, and at the same time, it was open so that brothers and sisters could participate in the online broadcast, so that brothers and sisters could be edified as well!
  5. May the Lord touch the brothers and sisters of the Giessen Fellowship that under the relaxation of the policy of the pandemic, the physical gathering can be resumed!

        May God’s grace be eternally upon all who love our Lord Jesus Christ!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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  1. 感恩疫情期間,還可以網上聚會,有些過節的氣氛!感恩與年長的弟兄姐妹一起讀經,經過一年的時間,連失憶的姐妹最近也不用人教她就可以很快地上網!求主保守其中一位弟兄,明天飛回國內,要在酒店隔離十四天!
  2. 求主保守孤單老人的生活,不被疫情影響自己的心情!
  3. 感謝主保守負責吉森團契的弟兄一家,雖得到病毒感染,但身體已恢復健康,隔離也結束!感謝主的保守,讓一位年長弟兄順利完成了兩隻眼睛的白內障手術!
  4. 感謝主讓我們藉著聚餐,關心到慕道友在異鄉的思愁。其中一位學生總是埋怨神沒有給他一條順暢的道路,求主幫助他在學業上能通過他的考試!
  5. 感恩弟兄的爸爸很快就與我們相熟,他在觀察我們基督徒的行為,求主保守我們在人面前有好行為,以致他們願意接受神的救恩!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “Praise the LORD! Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in his commands!” Psalm 112:1

        On Chinese New Year’s Eve, we shared with our brothers and sisters the blessings of the LORD, which are obviously very different from the blessings that secular people pray for. God is pleased to give us blessings, but we must obey His commands and love His laws, just as God commanded the Israelites that those who obey His commandments are blessed, and those who disobey His commandments are cursed.

        We thank God for the opportunity to read the book of Leviticus with our elderlies every morning. Although it was a bit boring to read, the pastor who was reading it connected it to the person of Jesus Christ, and it became immediately relevant to us. We are thankful that we finally finished reading Leviticus today. If we had asked our older brothers and sisters to read it by themselves, they would not have been able to finish it.

        I found an older sister last year after losing her contact for some time. Unfortunately, she does not speak Cantonese, so she was not able to join the reading group. Recently, she called me because she had some problems with her landlord. I suggested that she applied for an apartment for the seniors. But she had some struggles in her mind because of the trouble she had to go through the application process. She was probably lonely and wanted to talk to someone. Especially during the pandemic, she was stuck at home because she was afraid to go out.

        Near the end of last year, we resumed our physical meeting at Giessen, but only two families came regularly. Whenever I went with my co-worker, they also came to the physical meeting. The leader of the fellowship was sympathetic to our late arrival home, so the family brought some simple food to share with us. Three weeks ago, we didn’t have a physical meeting because our co-worker had just finished his third vaccination and the leader’s child had a fever. Little did we know that the child had gotten the Covid-19 infection from school and passed it on to his parents. Due to the above reasons, we did not go to the meeting and thus, avoided the infection. At the same time, a brother from another family had to have cataract surgery, so he and his wife did not go either, and they too did not have the chance to get infected. But thankfully, the family recovered within a few days and the child recovered even faster.

        Since the Omicron infection spread rapidly, the German church we borrowed for Sunday service has become more stringent in requiring a third vaccination, or a second vaccination/recovered from Covid-19 plus an official negative test before we can attend a physical meeting. Since I had not yet received my third vaccination, the testing center near my place was not open on Sunday, so I only attend the online meeting. I haven’t stopped coughing since I got my second shot last July. So I have some reservations about the vaccine and am still waiting to see what happens.

        Despite the strict requirements of the church, we still have family dinners during the holidays, as allowed by the government law. We mainly invited single brothers and sisters and non-believers so that they will not feel lonely during the holidays. On Christmas Eve, one of our non-believers received a job contract from his company, and we were happy for him because if he didn’t find a job within the month, he would have to leave Germany. Yesterday we heard the news that he got his visa. Another brother, he especially liked the physical meeting moment, so he was happy to have a dinner together.

        One brother’s father moved to Frankfurt last year to live in an apartment for the seniors because of his old age. On the moving day, he was touched to see so many Christians help to carry his things and prepare food for the movers. He was also invited to our dinner party, so he got to know us better and was willing to cook for us because he is a retired chef. But we would like him to see the good Christian behavior and turn from the Buddhist pursuit to the Christian faith.

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. We are thankful that during the pandemic, we can still meet online and have a festive atmosphere for the Chinese New Year! I’m thankful that after a year of reading the Bible with older brothers and sisters, even the sister who has bad memory can get online faster without being taught! Pray for the brother who will fly back to China tomorrow and be quarantined in a hotel for 14 days!
  2. Pray that the Lord will keep the lonely elderly from letting the pandemic affects their lives!
  3. Thank the Lord for keeping the family of the Giessen Fellowship, who has recovered from the Covid-19 infection, and that their quarantine is over! Thank the Lord for the elderly brother’s successful cataract surgeries on both eyes!
  4. Thank the Lord that we were able to care for the non-believers by inviting them for meals during festive holidays. One student always complained that God did not give him a smooth path! Pray that the Lord will help him prepare and pass his exams!
  5. We are thankful that our brother’s father soon became acquainted with us, and that he was observing our Christian behavior. Pray that the Lord would keep us in good behavior before people so that they would be willing to accept God’s salvation!

        May the Lord’s blessings come to you and your family!
        Happy Chinese New Year! Be healthy in body, mind and spirit!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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