我們與合作夥伴飛往吉爾吉斯參加開幕典禮。長樂因健康緣故不能作長途旅行,只好留在美國。感恩的是,我們的兒子Ivan飛回媽媽身邊,幫忙照顧陪伴。Richard and Yatling(來自新加坡的宣教士)則與我同行。開幕典禮為期兩天,8月19日星期五晚上,多位牧師和基督徒前來參加,祈求上帝的賜福。8月20日星期六,我們邀請了其他人參加,包括有可能將孩子送到我們學校的家庭。這兩天有超過50人出席。儀式進行得非常順利,感謝上帝。8月開辦時,我們有6名學生,到了9月,已經有40名,期待日後能有更多學生,為此我們開始準備二樓教室,好讓學生人數翻倍時有足夠的地方使用。
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Dear Prayer Partners,
After almost 3 years of preparation from Nov 2019 to Aug 2022 through many obstacles we partners of 5 families finally finished the construction of a three story building in Bishkek. This includes buying a piece of land, selecting and working with architect for the design, going through many revisions through Pandemic time, submitting to the government for approval, working with contractor to build this building. We faced many challenges with neighbors and utility companies. But now it is finally done.
We partners flew to Kyrgyzstan for this grand opening. Christa could not travel with me for this long distance and so she was left behind in the US. Fortunately, our son Ivan flew back to be with mom to make sure she is OK. Richard and Yatling (missionaries from Singapore) stayed two weeks with me to keep me company. The grand opening spans two days. Friday Aug 19 evening we had many pastors and Christians to come and pray for God’s blessings. Saturday Aug 20 we invited many people including potential families who might send their children to our school. Both days we had over 50 people. The ceremony went very well. PTL. Starting Aug, we only have 6 children attending. But now in Sep we already have over 40. More are coming. We have to quickly prepare the 2nd floor classrooms to double the number of children.
Our kindergarten in Tokmok is also doing well. We are now maxed out at 48 children. Parents are more interested in their children’s education. We are looking into ideas of expanding the kindergarten here. One could be building an attached classroom to add another 20 students. Another could be using our house for classrooms. We will see how God leads. Please pray for our wisdom of making the right decision.
In these three years I have seen many changes in Kyrgyzstan. The economy seems to be improving a lot. Many main roads in Tokmok and Bishkek were paved. Signal lights are replaced with digital signals. Teachers and government workers are getting better raises. I was told that corruption is much less allowing more funding to the people. They do not seem to be affected by the Russian Ukraine war. However, inflation is about 20%. People seem to be happier.
The most comforting is that we have seen many young people we knew grow up and are taking on the ministry. Peter is pastoring a Russian church in Tokmok. Ravil is a leader in LSI. Many children from orphanages are married and working. There are many new missionaries coming to fill the gap we left behind. IUCA and The College both have 350 students each. This is exciting to witness. I still remember vividly that in 2008 we only started with 51 freshmen/sophomores. GLEC is successfully taking over Elder Yang’s vision and expanding it. PTL.
Please Pray
May God be with you.
In Him,
John and Christa
在斯里蘭卡,今年三月,國家因外匯儲備短缺,無法向外購買能源和必需品,300 萬名學生的考試因沒有足夠紙張而被逼取消,接著開始了每日幾小時至十幾小時的停電措施,油站開始出現輪候的車龍,幸運的可獲得油箱容量半滿的汽油;日用品和食物大幅漲價;貨幣大幅貶值;不少基層家庭三餐不繼,甚至有些一日無一餐飽食。
耶穌到世上來,從出生到死亡,過著簡樸平凡的生活,連枕頭的地方也沒有,祂為我們成為貧窮。雖有富人與祂交往,但更多的是與窮人同居。祂第一篇講道就宣告要傳福音給貧窮人(路 4 : 17-19),對施洗約翰的不解,祂把窮人有福音聽放在最重要的位置(太 11 : 4-5)。祂強調賙濟窮人(太 19 : 21;路 12 : 33),明白窮人困苦(可 12 : 42-44),在登山寶訓和最後審判的敘述中,祂說救贖會取決於我們對窮人的愛顧和分享上(路 14 : 12-15;太 25 : 31-46)。傳福音給貧窮人是彌賽亞工作的記號(路 4 : 18,7 : 22)。事實上,當主耶穌以祂的教訓和行動,減輕人的困苦,使人在黑暗、無望、冷眼中,獲得光明、希望與溫暖,那奉基督的名而臨在的,就是天國降臨的記號。
為此,我們不能逃避貧窮世界,也不能漠視窮人的需要。只是不少時候,我們的回應只停留於禱告,捐助物資或金錢,卻很少像主耶穌那樣,進到貧窮人中間,花時間聆聽他們,花心思瞭解他們,然後作出具體實在適切的回應。在貧窮世界,投身比投金更為重要。彼得說:「金銀我都沒有,只把我所有的給你。我奉拿撒勒人耶穌的名字,叫你起來行走。」(徒 3 : 6)立時,這瘸腿的得著痊愈,跳著讚美主!
在新冠疫情高企下,誰想到 2020 年是億萬富豪們有史以來財富增幅最大的一年,有媒體更形容這年為富豪們的黃金年代。經濟學家 Thomas Piketty 在 2021 年 12 月的報告中指出,全球百分之七十五的財富,掌握在最富有的百分之十的人的手裡,剩餘的百分之二十五的財富,就由其他百分之九十的人口共分,而這百分之九十中的一半人口,合共擁有的財富竟不及百分之二。這百份之九十中的一半人口,沒有糧食、沒有電力、沒有乾淨的食水、沒有基本生活的需用。
Dear Prayer Partners,
In the last six months we have been staying put in our California home. Traveling has not been a good option. However, we have been continuing to work remotely with the partners and the couple in Kyrgyzstan to finish up the construction of the building of the 2nd Montessori kindergarten and training center in Bishkek. It has been two and half years since we bought the piece of land. During Covid time, planning, architectural design, getting permits for construction, actual construction through two winters has been very trying for us. There were a lot of obstacles we have to push through and now it is near completion. July 1 we plan to start opening the kindergarten with just a few children. And we are targeting a grand opening celebration August 19 and 20th. Our partners will all travel there for this exciting event. August 19 will be for most Christian organizations and missionaries. They can pray to God for the success of this ministry. August 20 we will invite local officials and parents for an open house to showcase our school. Please pray for all our travel to be safe and the opening be a success. Please see attached three floor building interior taken early June. The month of June they are finishing up the inside and setting up the classrooms.
With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the whole world economy is in turmoil. Just in a few days Kyrgyz som devalued from one US$ to 84 to 105. It has since come back down. It is because som is pegged to Russian ruble. This makes the inflation in Kyrgyzstan unbearable to the local people. Although Kyrgyzstan is quite far from Ukraine, but people there are very concerned. There are over one million Kyrgyzs work in Russia and send money back to support their families. A lot of them lost their jobs and have to come back home. Life is very difficult there. Very soon they will experience high inflation and food shortages. May 2022 inflation rate is 14%. Our head teacher in Tokmok is leading other teachers to ask for big raises that we cannot afford. We had to vacate her position for she is only working part time and commanding high salary. We decided to let her go and move up other teachers. This caused a big strife. Her husband and adult son threatened our administrator with bodily harm. It wasn’t until we negotiated a package with her and the scare was removed. Please pray for our school and please pray for the people of Kyrgyzstan.
Christa will stay back in US as she is still not safe to travel such a distance and Kyrgyzstan roads are very uneven. It is too easy for her to trip and fall. Our son Ivan graduated in Chicago and will be back to be with her when I am gone. Our younger son Ryan will also be working from home part of time to take care of mom also. Praise the Lord for our two understanding sons.
Please Pray
God bless.
In Him,
John and Christa
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三月時,吉爾吉斯還沒有新冠肺炎確診案例,政府已經封鎖邊界,人民不能越過家居15公里範圍,所有學校都關了,只有必須的商店才可以營業,我們的幼兒園也必須暫停。沒有工作,許多同工經濟困難,我們決定照常發薪水,讓他們無後顧之憂,他們也因此特別感恩。大部分人生活窮困,必須工作才有飯吃,逼得政府開放,但是很快新冠疫情爆炸性的擴展,每天感染從一百多到五百多,醫院設備落後,無法容納病人,控制疫情。我們的城市起先沒有病例,但是後來許多朋友都傳染到,Kip and Ivy宣教士一家、Timurlan and Irina牧師師母、基金會的Elena和女兒Nastya及女婿Xenia等,大學校長John Clark更病得非常嚴重,飛到土耳其醫治。我們的同工Kanat和親戚也感染到。我們的幼兒園家長老師都要求我們開課,經過政府的許可,服從清潔的規範,我們戰戰兢兢的開課了,求神保守他們不要被感染到。我們的家也開放,讓一些宣教士用來Zoom教課和禱告,感謝神房子不是空在那裡,被好好的利用。他們也用來做慈善的捐助營地,分發食物給窮人。
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Dear Prayer Partners and Friends,
Our last prayer letter was sent out at February of 2020. Since then many major things happened. Jan 24, 2020 Christa had a major spinal surgery. It is called Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF). Her spine at L4, L5 and S1 are fused together with two Titanium bars and 6 screws. The surgery was supposed to take 4 to 5 hours. But after 6 hours the doctor was still not out. I was very anxious and called in to find out the situation. After another hour the surgeon finally came out to let me know surgery was successful. It wasn’t until another two hours before I can see her in the recovery room. She stayed in Stanford hospital for 6 days. They allowed me to stay in the room with her overnight. Recovery was slow and she had to lie flat in bed. After Stanford hospital she was transferred to an Acute Rehab Center for another two weeks. In this center she had to do 3 hours of rehab every day from learning to get off from bed to the bathroom, walking with walker, no bending, no lifting and no twisting. Surgery did fix most of the pain in her back and leg. However, due to long time of not exercising her legs she needs to work hard to gain back her leg strength. As you all know January was when Covid19 pandemic started in the USA. Many nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists came to do home visits and then lock down period started. Without physical therapy her recovery was slow. Even as of now 7 months later she still has no leg strength and with balancing problem. Now she can walk on flat surface with a cane and mostly limited in the home. I am getting her to start driving for short distance to gain back her confidence. Hopefully in a year time she will be fully recovered.
Covid19 affected everyone in the world. California lead the confirmed cases even though we all seem to be careful in wearing masks, washing hands and keeping distance. Most companies changed their ways of business. Some are letting workers work from home and some just close down the business. Nobody knows when the pandemic will be over. God must want us to slow down and come to depend on Him. As like most home owners we are working on home improvements and planting gardens. We planted tomatoes, luffa, beans, peas and many flowers.
Initially Kyrgyzstan did not have confirmed cases until March. The government took it very seriously and locked down the borders. No one can travel 15 kms away from home. All the schools shut down and only necessary stores were allowed to operate. We had to close our kindergarten. For fear of the workers will face with hardship we still pay them salary and let them stay at home. They really appreciated our decision and we gained real loyalty. Due to majority of people are poor and they must work to earn a living the country started to open up after two months. Life is hard in Kyrgyzstan. New cases started to explode, from 100+ cases to 500+ cases per week. Hospitals are backward and have no way of controlling the pandemic. Tokmok people were not affected in the beginning. But we now know many friends contracted Covid19- Kip and Ivy family, Pastor Timurlan and Irina, Nastya (Elena’s daughter) and Xenia from Mercy Foundation. John Clark (President of IUCA) got so sick that he has to be flown to Turkey for emergency treatment. Our coworker Kanat and his relatives also got sick. Many church members are also sick. Our kindergarten was requested to open by teachers and parents. Government inspectors came to inspect and approved for us to open. With trepidation we opened the kindergarten and now have about half the capacity. We followed all the safety precaution guidelines to maintain the school. Please pray for God’s mercy and protection to our school. Our home was used by some missionaries to conduct some classes for college students and hold regular prayer meetings using Zoom. Praise the Lord that the house was not idle and fully used for good purpose. They were also doing some charitable work by bringing food to the poor and needy.
Last November while I was there, we were able to purchase a piece of land in Bishkek planning to open another kindergarten and training center. This is with three other families from US (two couples from Boston, one couple from New Jersey) and a family in Kyrgyzstan. We conducted regular Zoom meetings to discuss the plan. It was to get the building permit in April 2020 and start construction for the rest of 2020. With the government shut down the plan was delayed. We hope to get the permit by middle of September but there are still many hurdles we are facing, such as selecting the builder, hiring a trusted manager, overcoming neighbor’s objection. He does not like our plan of building three story structure and wants us to redo our drawing. That will limit our usable space. He also threatens us by not allowing us to connect to his utility connections such as water, sewage, natural gas and electricity. When we are ready to build the cold weather will set in. This will delay the project of school opening to around Sept 2021. We will wait on the Lord and not to be anxious to push our will. Praise the Lord for everything He has entrusted in us. Please pray for our health and patience to continue the endeavor.
In Him,
John and Christa
Dear Prayer Partners and Friends,
Thank you for praying for Christa’s spinal surgery. She is recovering now and still needs many months of rehab before she can be like normal.
Jan 24 she went into surgery at Stanford hospital at around 7:30 am. The doctor did not come out to tell me that everything is fine at 2:30 pm. The original schedule was for about 4 and half to 5 hours. I was really worried that something might have gone wrong. There was some spinal fluid leak and the doctor had to sew up the leak. That was why the operation was much longer. The first 24 hours she had to lie flat in the hospital bed. Then she can slowly tilt up to drink and eat. She had to have a lot of painkiller medicine to cope with her pain. They cause her to be hallucinated most of the time. Praise the Lord she got into a very nice room in the new hospital. It is a single room with a sofa bed so I can stay with her overnight. She stayed in Stanford hospital for 6 days and then was transferred to El Camino Acute Rehab Center. This is a reputable center near our home. However, she had to do physical and occupational therapies for 3 hours a day. It was very tiring but needed. Today is the 7th day here and we were told that she is cleared to leave in two days. Praise the Lord.
Next 8 weeks she will get 3-4 times a week home PT or OT visits. Hopefully by then she can be back to normal. Praise the Lord she is slowly coping with the pain and get reduced dosage of pain medicine.
Thank you all for praying for us. We give all glory to God.
In Him,
John and Christa
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Dear Partners,
2019 is coming to an end. Christmas is here. Let us remember Jesus Christ was born about 2000 years ago. He came to save us of our sins. May we rejoice and have hope in spite of the turmoil in the world.
Since Christa and I came back from Kyrgyzstan in Nov 2018 Christa has been having pain in her body especially in her back and legs. She has seen many doctors, physical therapists, massage therapist and chiropractors with no avail. Just in Dec we have finally decided for her to have spine surgery. It is scheduled on Jan 24, 2020 at Stanford hospital. The surgery will take 4-5 hours. She will then stay in hospital for a few days to recover. Depending on her condition she may need to go to rehab center for further recovery. Doctor says it may take her a few months to be back to normal. Please pray for surgery and recovery so she can get back to her health quickly.
I traveled to Kyrgyzstan twice this year. First was in April for one month to check on our kindergarten in Tokmok. Peter is taking good care of it and it is running smoothly. I have also reconnected with many missionaries from various countries. Kyrgyzstan economy is still quite backward. Previous president was put in jail for corruption. The country need to strengthen education to bring people out of poverty. Second was in Nov. This time I was mainly working with a group of people from Boston, New Jersey and locals to plan to start a new kindergarten in Bishkek. The one-month trip was quite successful. We were able to locate a piece of property in a prime area and purchased it. We also talked to a few designers and contractors on the building of the kindergarten building. The plan is to take one year for construction and start the kindergarten in 2021. We see the opportunity to influence the next generation through education. May God give us the wisdom to use His wisdom and resources for His purpose.
Our older son Ivan decided to go to School of the Art Institute of Chicago for further study. He will be there for about two years. Ryan is getting into real estate apprenticeship. He will still be staying home with us. However he is currently very busy. I will make sure to be with Christa for at least 6 months to see her through this difficult time of recovery.
May God be with you all. May you all have a great 2020.
In Him,
John and Christa
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