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  1. 為Magdeburg和Braunschweig完成短期門訓課程感恩。
  2. 為8月7日(主日)在Wernigerode的聯合聚會能租到合適的場地及天氣禱告。
  3. 為9月份洪牧師在北美的行程及宣教事工的分享及推動代禱。
  4. 為歐洲近年來一連串的恐怖暴力事件造成的傷害代禱。

您的同工:洪立民、鄭怡珠 敬上

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感謝 神恩,住我家的女生終於找到一份工作!自從畢業至今已超過兩年,期間有過一份工作,但試用期到了還是被解僱了。雖然畢業於一所很好的大學,她的同班同學都找到工作,唯獨她沒有。加上長久以來的尋找,常常收到的都是被拒絕的回覆,所以常受打擊,經常也會向國內的母親哭訴,母親也承受不少壓力。不過,感恩是她信主之後,也把福音傳給母親,因此母親也常常為女兒禱告!

女生找到工作的地方離我家比較遠,所以她兩週前已經搬去別人家暫住,現在要找自己住處。由於房源不多,在法蘭克福找房子,無論是租和買都是比較困難。日子過得很快,轉眼她住我家也有足半年時間。加上去年回美國述職回來之後,也一直有收留其他女生,所以,我也有一年的時間沒在我的書房工作了。客廳的桌子與飯桌就是我工作的地方。雖然有不便之處,但是有地方能夠幫助人,也有 神的恩典。

最近教會有兩對新人結婚,一對在另外的城市舉行婚禮,與當地教會聯合舉辦,因為新郎是那間教會的弟兄。我們教會有幾十人去參加,有很多去幫忙佈置禮堂和獻詩。雙方的母親都從國內飛來,看到弟兄姊妹熱心幫忙,都非常受感動。姊妹的母親已經是基督徒,弟兄的母親還沒有信,但是也看出 神的愛活在弟兄姊妹中間。

第二對新人的婚禮在本堂舉行,因此教會的弟兄姊妹很早就已經計劃籌備這個婚禮,組織了三個團隊 – 分別做點心、佈置和獻詩。做點心一組的組長還特別在教會練習做了一次,有的回家繼續練習,為求做得更好。由於新娘是吉森團契的弟兄的女兒,吉森團契總動員來法蘭克福參加婚禮,加上女方父母邀請中、外好友出席,雖然舉行婚禮的時間剛好下傾盆大雨,出席人數也破記錄!結果弟兄姊妹辛苦做出來的點心不到一會便一掃而清,晚一步的連點心是怎樣的都看不到。同樣的,新郎未信主的父母和妹妹也深深感受到弟兄姊妹的愛心,也很感動。

婚禮之前剛好去過吉森查經班,之後與一位慕道友談道,提到要送她一本福音書籍,但要回法蘭克福教會拿給她。我便請一位弟兄拿了幾本交給新娘的繼母交給那位慕道友。沒想到新娘繼母的朋友從國內飛來參加婚禮,正好需要一些福音資料,她便把兩套書送給國內來的姊妹帶回去,剩下一套交給慕道友。感謝 神適時的供應!


  1. 感謝 神憐憫女生讓她找到一份工作,讓她與母親看到 神的信實,並沒有撇棄她不顧!求 主幫助她找到一個住處和辦理工作簽證!
  2. 感謝 神配合兩對新人,藉著他們的婚禮,弟兄姊妹在籌備的過程中,不單讓未信的父母感受到 神的愛,也讓他們看到 神如何祝福他們的孩子,使他們也繼續尋求認識孩子們所信的 神!
  3. 感謝 主讓慕道友願意尋求 神!求 主使用兩本福音書,解開她心中的一些疑問,接受 主的救恩!也求 主使用被帶回去國內的福音書籍,使更多人認識 主!
  4. 感謝 主賜下偶遇,讓一位外城來的弟兄在火車上遇到一位從國內來的年輕人,他經常飛來歐洲。經過弟兄的轉介,我們在網上認識了。他最近又過來,昨天終於可以見面彼此認識,他說他相信有 神。求 神憐憫他,讓他認識真 神!

願 主記念你們的代禱!





請支持鄧秀珍宣教士之宣教經費,支票抬頭China Evangelistic Mission列明「鄧秀珍宣教士支持」郵寄 China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6, San Ramon CA94583

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Germany – Karen Tang’s prayer letter June, 2016

Dear brothers and sisters,

Then he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming,” the Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness” (Ex 34:6)

Thank God for His grace! The sister who has been staying in my apartment has finally got a job. It’s been two years since she graduated from university. During this period, she had a job but was fired at probation. She graduated from a good school and all her classmates found a job. She alone was jobless for a long time. All she got was rejection from job applications. She was very depressive and always cast her emotions on her mother. Her mother got a lot of pressure from her. But thank God that she evangelized to her mother before and she became a believer. So, she always prays for her daughter.

Since the sister’s office is a bit far from my apartment, she moved out two weeks ago to live in a friend’s place for a short period. She needs to find her own apartment now. Because of the lack of housing in Frankfurt areas, it is kind of difficult to rent or buy a living place. Time flies and she has stayed in my place for half a year. In addition to the time ever since I returned from my furlough last year when I have been receiving people to stay in my apartment, I haven’t worked in my study room for a year. I used a table in the living room or my dinner table as my working place. Although there was some inconvenience, it is also God’s grace that there is room to help others.

Recently there are two newly wedded couples. One wedding was being held in another city with another Chinese church because the bridegroom was a brother from that church. There were about forty from our church who went, many of whom helped with decoration and singing in the choir. Both mothers who flew from China were very touched by the zealous help of the brothers and sisters. The bride’s mother is a believer but not the mother of the bridegroom. However, she did see God’s love among the brothers and sisters.

A second wedding was being held in our church. Since it was local, brothers and sisters planned the wedding ahead of time. They formed teams to work with refreshments, decorations and in the choir. In order to make the refreshment better, they even practiced doing once in church and some even practice more at home. Since the bride’s father is a member of the Giessen bible study group, the whole fellowship went to attend the wedding. The father also invited many friends both Chinese and German. Although it rained cats and dogs at the beginning of the wedding, there was a record high of attendants. So, the refreshment was soon gone. Those who came in late didn’t see what was there. Likewise, the parents and sister of the bridegroom who were not yet believers were also touched by the love of the brothers and sisters.

Just one week before the wedding, I happened to be in Giessen bible study group. After the meeting, I mentioned a book to a seeker while evangelizing to her. But I had to get it from our church in Frankfurt. I asked a brother to give the books to the bride’s step-mother who could give the books to the seeker. It just happened that a sister whom she invited for the wedding needed some evangelistic materials to bring back to China. She therefore gave her two sets and left one set for the seeker. Thank God for His timely provision!

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for His mercy on the sister who found a job so that she and her mother can see God’s faithfulness! Pray that God will help her find an apartment and a working visa!
  2. Thank God for matching two newly-wed couples, through their wedding and the preparation process by brothers and sister, that the parents not only sense God’s love, how God bless their children, but also that they will continue to seek the God in whom their children believe!
  3. Thank God that the seeker was willing to learn more about God! Pray that God will use those two books to solve her major questions and receive God’s salvation! Pray also that more people come to know Jesus Christ by reading those books that were brought back to China!
  4. Thank God for a wonderful encounter! A brother from another city met a Chinese young man who came to Europe quite often in a train. He then introduced him to me on social media. Recently he came again and we met and get to know each other yesterday. He told me that he believed in god. Pray that God will have mercy on him and let him find the true God!

Thank God for your prayers!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

Email address: [email protected]
Pls support missionary Karen Tang’s mission fund.
Check title: China Evangelistic Mission, pls state “for missionary Karen Tang”.
Send to : China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6,
San Ramon CA 94583

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聖經教導我們作兒孫的要看顧家中的寡婦,在自己家中學著行孝。感恩我家中還沒有需要我照顧的寡婦,但是家人有病需要照顧,難免要盡兄妹之情,回家照顧一下。因此,結束了全德的造就營之後,馬上啟程回港一趟,剛好趕上第二天到醫院接哥哥回家養病。回去協助照顧病人,更體會到 神創造的奇妙。病人被切除一個重要器官之後,明顯生活質量降低很多,以後不能一覺睡到天亮。雖然醫學技術進步,可以延長人的壽命,製造一個假的器官,但是始終不能恢復原來器官的功能。可見 神設計人每一個器官都是那麼重要,那麼的配搭完美。

感謝 神的恩典,除了照顧家人之外,還趁機會與闊別多年的弟兄姊妹見面,在不同的教會與他們一起敬拜 神。更沒有料到還被邀請到差會辦公室與同工們分享德國華人事工。由於每次述職都是回美國,都沒有機會到香港分享過,因此這次的安排稍微讓差會辦公室的同工對德國華人事工有多一點認識。

上週回來之後也參加了德華福音會的年度會員大會,也分享一些法蘭克福區域的事工和我的服事。德華福音會有兩位德國董事成員因為退休、身體不適而退出,但感謝 主感動其他德國弟兄來承接他們的事奉崗位。

五月有兩個假日;這週是耶穌升天節,我們教會有四天三夜的生活營,有七十多人參加。感恩今年有不同的講員來與我們分享 神的信息,當中有來自美國的長老、有德國神學院退休的女老師和一位殘疾的宣教士。期待著這週弟兄姊妹在營裡面有更多的彼此認識,在 神的信息當中得到激勵。

下週假日是聖靈降臨節,也會參加北德的生活營並漢堡華人教會的新堂啟用感恩崇拜,與眾弟兄姊妹一同感謝 主為他們預備一個歸他們使用的場地。德國大部份的華人教會和查經班都是借用德國教會,因此都有場地使用的限制。

感謝 主讓我們經歷 神垂聽我們的禱告!住我家的女生簽證五月初便到期,上週日去教會才發現這週因為假期,政府部門少了兩天工作天,她便開始緊張,心裡壓力立刻上漲。我和另外一位姊妹為她禱告,結果出乎意料之外,辦簽證的官員沒有為難她,就給她延簽三個月,以便她可以完成她期待的面試。最近聽到要簽證的人都遇到一些麻煩,而她一點都沒有,我們都體會到這只能是 神的恩典!我們都為她高興並驚訝 神作事奇妙!


  1. 感謝 主使哥哥的身體恢復得比較快,求 主保守他的身體適應新的生活要求!求 主感動他認識這位保存他生命的主宰!
  2. 感恩有機會分享 神的作為,讓更多的弟兄姊妹為德國的華人事工代禱!
  3. 求 主保守前往生活營的弟兄姊妹,使旅遊巴司機平安地帶大家到營地,讓我們可以享受一個彼此認識、學習 神話與彼此造就的營會!求 主保守帶領籌備這兩個生活營的弟兄姊妹,使得營會順利進行!
  4. 感謝 主對住我家的女生的恩典!求 主為她開路,讓她明白 神的引導,以致她能行在 主為她安排的道路上!
  5. 感謝 主賜下兩位新生兒給教會的兩對夫妻!求 主醫治那位妊娠晚期得到血壓高的姊妹!
  6. 感謝 主的配合,使得一對準新人將於6月18日舉行婚禮!求 主帶領籌備的弟兄姊妹!

雖然不一定都認識每一位收到此信的弟兄姊妹,但感謝 主,謝謝您們默默的支持與代禱!為您們獻上感恩!



請支持鄧秀珍宣教士之宣教經費,支票抬頭China Evangelistic Mission列明「鄧秀珍宣教士支持」郵寄China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6, San Ramon CA94583

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Germany – Karen Tang’s prayer letter May, 2016

Dear brothers and sisters,

“If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (1Tim. 5:8)

The bible teaches us to take care of widows in our home and learn to put our religion into practice by caring our own family and so repaying our parents and grandparents. Thank God that I don’t have to take care of a needy widow but there was a need to take care of a sick brother. Therefore, right after the Easter Camp, I went back to Hong Kong just in time to accompany my brother home. He was discharged from the hospital on the next day of my arrival. One of his major organs was removed and he could no longer sleep through the whole night any more. After taking care of such patient, I was more amazed by God’s wonderful creation. Though medical technology is advancing, people’s life has been prolonged, a replaced organ could never have the same function of the original one. One can see that every organ that God created is very important.

I was thankful that besides taking care of my brother, I also took the opportunity to meet brothers and sisters and went to different churches to worship with them. Unexpectedly, I was invited to share the Chinese Ministry in Germany with the co-workers in CEM office. Since I only went back to the States for my furlough, I never shared it in Hong Kong. Now they had a better understanding of the Chinese Ministry in Germany.

After returning home last week, I also attended the annual general meeting of FMCD. I was also asked to share the ministries in the Frankfurt areas and my own. There were two board members of FMCD retired due to old age and health. But thank God that He has touched other German brothers to replace them.

There are two holidays, one being the Ascension of Christ and the other Pentecost in the first and second week of May. Our church will have a 4 days 3 nights camp this week. There are over 70 people who will participate. Thank God that we have several speakers this year: an elder from US, a retired German teacher from a seminary and a retired disabled missionary. We look forward to get to know each other and being edified by God’s words.

I will also attend the camp in the north of Germany and the dedication service of the Hamburg Chinese Christian Church next week. Thank God for providing a church for their own use. Most of the Chinese churches and bible study groups borrow German churches and therefore have limitations on the use of their building.

Thank God for letting us experience His answer to our prayers recently. The sister who stays at my place will have her visa expired in early May. After Sunday service last Sunday, she realized that there were only 3 working days because of the holidays. She was very nervous and felt extreme pressure immediately. Another sister and I prayed for her as she planned to go and try to get her visa extended the next morning. To our surprise, she got her visa being extended for another 3 months without being asked too much from the officer. Now she has some more time to finish her coming 2 interviews and continue to look for a job in Germany. Just recently we heard that other people are having problems with getting extended visa. So, we know that it was God’s grace that she got her visa.

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God that my brother has recovered quite well. Pray that he will adapt to the new way of living! Pray that he will come to know the Lord of life who has kept his life!
  2. Thank God that I had the opportunities to share God’s works so that there are more brothers and sisters who will pray for the Chinese ministry in Germany!
  3. Pray that God will give us a safe trip to the camp site so that we can learn from God’s words in this camp! Pray that God will lead those who prepare for these two camps!
  4. Thank God for His grace to the sister who stays in my apartment! Pray that God will open a door for her so that she will know to follow God’s guidance!
  5. Thank God for the two new born babies! Pray that God will heal the mother who got high blood pressure during her late stage of pregnancy!
  6. Thank God for matching up a couple who will get married on 6/18. Pray that God will help brothers and sisters preparing for the wedding!

Although I might not know all who receive this letter, I thank God for your support and prayer at the back! Thank God for having you!

In Him,
Karen Tang

Email address: [email protected]
Pls support missionary Karen Tang’s mission fund.
Check title: China Evangelistic Mission, pls state “for missionary Karen Tang”.
Send to : China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6,
San Ramon CA 94583

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  • 感謝神的看顧與保守,三家牧者的平安與身心靈的健康獻上感恩。
  • 請為Hildesheim的學生事工的開展代禱,求神開路並動工。
  • 請為第十三屆春季學人營會的預備與進行蒙神祝福代禱。
  • 請為6月第一主日在Wolfsburg有美好的聯合主日敬拜(Magdeburg, Braunschweig, Wolfsburg三個團契聯合)及參觀汽車城博物館代禱,預計會超過100人。

您的同工:洪立民、鄭怡珠 敬上

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Braunschweig 3月份開始門訓,感謝主有兩個家庭開放接待弟兄姊妹。將訂在每週六舉行,之後將成立家庭查經小組,而每週五的查經以學生為主。



  1. 為同工研習會的成功順利圓滿感恩。
  2. 為2月28日(主日)的聯合主日敬拜及將要受洗的弟兄姊妹繼續的追求成長代禱。



您的同工:洪立民、鄭怡珠 敬上

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「我凡事給你們作榜樣,叫你們知道應當這樣勞苦,扶助軟弱的人,又當記念主耶穌的話,說:施比受更為有福。」 (徒20:35)













  1. 求 主帶領二月七日在教會舉辦慶祝春節的包水餃活動,讓弟兄姊妹也可以邀請慕道朋友一起來感受 神的愛,並願意尋求認識神!
  2. 感謝主讓我們有機會參與德國機構分發單張、掛曆與聖經的活動!求 主藉著這些資料,使收到的難民有機會繼續尋求認識真神!
  3. 隨著大批的難民湧入,當中也有很多犯罪份子,使得德國治安變差。以前犯罪比較多是偷竊行為,現在開始多人身侵犯。求 主給政府有智慧與能力去保護市民!
  4. 求主帶領寄居我家的姊妹能早日找到工作,堅定她對主的信心!也求 主保守她國內的媽媽在基督裡得著力量與安慰!
  5. 全德門徒造就營將於3月24-28日舉行,求主感動弟兄姊妹踴躍參加,使靈命得以被激勵!



願 春節蒙恩,喜樂!

神 的使女

請支持鄧秀珍宣教士之宣教經費,支票抬頭China Evangelistic Mission列明「鄧秀珍宣教士支持」郵寄China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6, San Ramon CA94583

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Germany – Karen Tang’s prayer letter January, 2016

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”             Acts 20:35


January has just passed and Chinese New Year is just around the corner. Our church will continue to hold an event of dumpling wrapping for the response of last year was very good. Under the organization of Pastor Chen, the whole church will be divided into 8 groups and all will participate right after Sunday service. Through this event, hopefully we who live in a foreign land would feel a bit of the Chinese New Year atmosphere.


After mentioning the participation of a German church’s refugee ministry in my last prayer letter, we participated two more activities before Christmas. After hearing from Giessen Fellowship that a German church was collecting winter clothes for the refugees, I went back to our church to make the request. After collecting the clothes in two Sundays, I brought them to Giessen where two sisters helped to sort them out according to size and gender as requested by the German church. Then they packed them into banana boxes and a brother delivered to that church. Because of this activity, we could see that we could serve one another even in different cities.


At another time, our brother heard that a Christian organization planned to go to visit refugee camps for 2 days. They wanted to distribute gospel tracts, bibles and calendars in various languages. So we volunteered to go with them. Since it was just before Christmas, I asked 3 sisters to bake some cookies and added some candies in a bag to give to the kids in the camp. Due to the lack of appropriate equipment, they spent 8 hours to pack 80 bags. Then I invited some mothers to bake some more on another day. They spent less than two hours and packed 40 bags. Surely the mothers were more capable! The Christian organization had a van full of gospel materials in many languages including dialects spoken by the refugees. They distributed mostly calendars which were less sensitive as most of the refugees came from Islamic countries. But there were scriptures written on the calendars so that the refugees could still read God’s words. There were an Egyptian brother who spoke Arabic and a German missionary who spoke Turkish among us. They had a chance to speak with the refugees and gave them gospel tracts and bibles. There were some who could speak little English and we could communicate with them. Although refugees were free to go out of the camp, we were not allowed to go in for most of these camps were guarded. But once the van parked outside, refugees would come and take the calendars and cookies bags. Some of the guards were nice to tell us what dialects refugees spoke and the sister in the van would pack the materials and the guards would take them and distribute for us. For half a day, we went to over ten refugee camps located in cities near Frankfurt. Besides distributing calendars to refugees, we also saw that they were well received by the government.


Since the New Year Eve gang assaults on women occurred in Cologne, there were more news about crime happened recently. This made it no more a safe place to live like before. Whether the criminals were refugees or gangs, we had no control over them. We have to be very careful nowadays.

With the use of social media, I found out that I could even comfort a mother who lived in China while I also took care of her daughter here. Another sister who had already gone back home would also use Wechat to ask for advice when she felt burdened. Even though social media is time consuming, it is not a bad tool to serve others in a timely manner.


Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Pray that God will lead the dumpling wrapping to celebrate Chinese New Year on 2/7! Pray that brothers and sisters will invite non-believers to come and feel the love of God and seek God.
  2. Thank God for giving us the opportunities to join the Christian organization to distribute calendars and bibles to refugees! Pray that they will seek and know God!
  3. Because of the large influx of refugees, among them are some criminals, making Germany a less safe place to live. Before, there were thieves. Now, there are sexual harassments. Pray that God will give the government wisdom to protect their citizens!
  4. Pray that God will help the sister who stays at my place to find a job and strength her faith! Pray also for her mother for strength and comfort in Christ!
  5. Pray that brothers and sisters will participate the Easter Camp from 3/24-28!


Thank you for remembering us in your prayers!

May God bless you a happy Chinese New Year!


Serving Him,
Karen Tang

Email address: [email protected]
Pls support missionary Karen Tang’s mission fund.
Check title: China Evangelistic Mission, pls state “for missionary Karen Tang”.
Send to : China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6,
San Ramon CA 94583

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「我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛 神的人得益處,就是按祂旨意被召的人。」      (羅8:28)


感謝 神,藉差會四十週年感恩紀念的日子,讓差會的宣教士可以有幾天退修的時間,一起述說 神恩與帶領,也讓我們有機會見證 神在泰國工場的奇妙作為與眾民族一同來敬拜 神。


因為離開教會幾個月,從泰國回來之後,開始恢復服事的腳步。當我得知在離開北美之前服事過的姊妹又住院,便去探訪她,卻沒想到就成為我們永別的一天。探望她之後幾天,傳來她的噩訊,她被電車撞死,我無法相信那是她。後來證實是她之後,就提供住宿給姊妹的妹妹與外甥女,她們從台灣趕過來辦理身後事。雖然那位妹妹是佛教徒,剛到埗時,她們住了兩天佛光山提供的住處。後來因為住到我家,就有機會帶她們去查經班、去教會,接觸弟兄姊妹。藉著大家的慰問、禱告與幫忙翻譯文件等,使得她們都感受到基督徒的愛心。她們也蒙 神的恩典,弟兄姊妹為她們的禱告蒙垂聽,讓她們看見一件神蹟,申請文件得以順利辦理,所以每次吃飯前都會叫我領她們禱告。教會有一對夫婦正好和她們要飛回同一個城市,母女因為之前手續未能在短時間內完成,需更改機票,便與教會夫婦同一班航班回家。後來由於那位女士的母親入院,她們又更改機票,提前兩天回家。但是她們已經彼此認識,只等教會夫婦回去再跟進。




服事人的需要永遠不會停止,但是 神給我們看見,不論是什麼信仰背景,什麼種族,都可以是我們的服事對象。幾星期前有機會參加德國教會為難民舉辦的福音聚會,因爲現在的難民大部份是有伊斯蘭教背景的,他們聚會用亞拉伯語和德語進行。看到那家德國教會的弟兄姊妹很熱心,準備了很豐富的飲食,還有幾位印尼裔的弟兄姊妹來幫忙。





  1. 感謝 神使用弟兄姊妹的關愛,讓那位佛教徒體會 神的愛與大能!求 主繼續感動她,讓她願意跟教會夫婦參加當地教會的活動,從而認識真 神。
  2. 求 主憐憫那位年輕媽媽,醫治她的疾病,早日回家乳養那對自出生就沒有機會接近母親的雙胞胎!求 主也憐憫那位父親,讓他有能力堅持下去,照顧好兒女與妻子!
  3. 求 神憐憫那些因戰亂而被逼離棄自己家園的難民,讓他們得到安定的住處,學習好當地的語言與適應當地的文化,藉著歐洲眾教會的幫助,使他們認識真 神!
  4. 教會的聖誕主日崇拜將於十二月十三日舉行,求 主幫助那些排演話劇的弟兄姊妹,使他們都能配搭完美! 求 主使用弟兄姊妹邀請朋友來參加聚會,使他們有機會聽聞福音以及日後繼續願意來尋求認識 神!


雖然沒有在感恩節之前寄出此代禱信,但是 神恩滿溢,我們就可以天天獻上感恩的祭!

願 主的平安喜樂與你們同在!



神 的使女

請支持鄧秀珍宣教士之宣教經費,支票抬頭China Evangelistic Mission列明「鄧秀珍宣教士支持」郵寄China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6, San Ramon CA94583

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Germany – Karen Tang’s prayer letter December, 2015

Dear brothers and sisters,


“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”                                                                         Rom. 8:28


Thank God, through the 40th anniversary of CEM, missionaries got together for a few days to have a time of fellowship and sharing of God’s grace and leading. We also had the opportunity to witness God’s wonderful works and ministries in Thailand and a time of worship with various ethnic groups


Because of an absence from church for several months, after returning from Thailand, I resumed my ministry. When I heard that the sister whom I’d been serving before I left for N. America was hospitalised, I went to visit her not knowing that that day would be our last day together on earth. A few days later, I was told of an accident in which she was killed instantly by a street car. I was shocked and didn’t believe that it could be her. Later it was confirmed that she was that sister. So, I offered to provide accommodation for her sister and her niece who came hurriedly from Taiwan to help bring the ashes home. They stayed at a place provided by the buddhist temple for the first two days. Even though the dead sister’s sister is a buddhist, after she and her daughter moved to stay at my place, I was able to bring her to bible study group, to church. They were surrounded by Christians who offered their condolence, who offered help in translating their documents etc. They also prayed for her. They were touched by Christian love. God listened to their prayers and did a miracle. They got the necessary document which was originally thought that it would be hard to get. She would then ask me to pray at each meal. Because they didn’t have enough time to get all the processes done in time, they changed their flight to one which was the same as a Christian couple who flew to the same town. But unfortunately, the sister’s mother was hospitalised and they changed their flight back again to fly home two days earlier. Although they could not fly together, they knew each other already and hopefully the couple could follow up.


Recently I also learned that there was a first time mother who gave birth to a twin. Right after her delivery, she was sent to another hospital for an operation. She was hospitalised since then. It has been more than 7 months now. She still has high fever now and then. The twin was taken care of by the father and some helpers. The father was so tired of taking care of the new born babies and visiting her wife at the hospital that he felt very weak. Although they are Vietnameses, because our sister knew them, she asked if our church could help. By taking turn. we might help to lessen some of the pressure of a few women who had been helping along. We could only help to bring her some soup cooked according to a Chinese doctor.


There are always needs for serving others. But God give us a vision that no matter what kind of religious background, what ethnic group one could be, they are still our serving targets. Several weeks ago, some of our church members and I had the opportunity to attend a gospel meeting for refugees. Since most of them have an Islamic background, the meeting was held in Arabic and German. We saw that the German brothers and sisters were very zealous in preparing a good meal for them. Among the helpers, there were some Indonesian brothers and sisters too.


Refugees is a very disputable issue in the European countries. But for those who had already entered Germany, there were German churches who tried to help them. Some churches had refugee ministry for some years already. Because of our limitations on place and language, our Chinese church is difficult to start a refugee ministry independently. We are still observing in which areas where we could help together with the German church to share their burdens. Last week our brother brought a pot of fried rice to the meeting. He was very happy because it was all gone since there was not much hot food that day. Perhaps we could serve in cooking for them.


Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for the caring love of brothers and sisters so that the buddhist might see God’s love and power! Pray that God will continue to touch her so that she would be willing to go to church and know the true God!
  2. Pray that God has mercy on the young mother and heals her sickness so that she could go home and take care of the twin whom have never been nursed by their mother! Pray that God will also have mercy on the father and give him the strength to live on and take care of the wife and babies!
  3. Pray that God has mercy on the refugees who left their homeland because of war! Pray that they would be settled down and be able to learn a new language and adapt to a new culture! Pray that through the help of churches in Europe that they may come to know God!
  4. Our Christmas worship service will be held on 12.13.15. Pray that God will help those brothers and sisters who are preparing for a Christmas play! Pray that new comers will be invited to hear the gospel message and they will continue to come to church to seek God!



Although this letter didn’t make it to you before Thanksgiving, God’s grace is abundant that we can give thanks to Him every day!


May God’s peace and joy be with you!


Happy Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

Email address: [email protected]
Pls support missionary Karen Tang’s mission fund.
Check title: China Evangelistic Mission, pls state “for missionary Karen Tang”.
Send to : China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6,
San Ramon CA 94583

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11月20 -22日的冬季營會約130人參加,都有得著造就與收穫,也有聖靈的同在與感動。週六晚開放1小時的見證會,共有8位弟兄姊妹搶先上台見證,看見聖靈動工,願將一切的榮耀歸於神。









  • 請為12月在Magdeburg及Braunschweig開始的真理班代禱,目前有8位報名參加。
  • 請為12月在牧區中各城的聖誕晚會及佈道代禱。
  • 請為2016年的聯合同工退修會代禱,將在1月中舉行。
  • 請為繼續為三家牧者的忠心服事同心配搭及熱心傳福音代禱。



您的同工:洪立民、鄭怡珠 敬上

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  三個月的述職轉眼就結束,感謝 神與差會的安排,闊別三年之後,得以與眾弟兄姊妹見面,其中還有些新相識的,包括好些年長的弟兄姊妹,更有一位十幾年沒有見面的姊妹,實在奇妙!


  至於個人方面,感謝 主預備一位推拿醫師,可以在這期間做些治療,減輕一點坐骨神經的痛楚,和肩膀緊繃的肌肉也得以鬆弛下來。特別感謝個別弟兄姊妹對我的關愛,雖然有些弟兄姊妹因為繁忙沒有機會相約,但是能見一面,也是寶貴!

  雖然回來述職,但是 主也有特別預備的服事機會,就是參與一間教會的事工,每週一次探訪一間老人公寓;大樓住了不少的華人老同胞,有上百人,大部份都是講粵語的,其中信徒只有幾位,當中也有幾位是講國語的,他們大多是基督徒。每次與他們唱詩,他們都不會唱,但是看見他們從起初不開口到慢慢跟著唱,努力去學,很感恩。每次也有些福音信息,雖然未能讓他們馬上接受,求 神繼續感動他們,打開他們的心,讓他們早日接受主的救恩!

  從差會得知,每次回來述職,經濟上都有些進步,可是隨著我的離開,經濟上的支持也會隨著年日每年下降,這是一個循環現象。除了經費未能達標之外,加上美元對歐元的匯率,每季寄到德國的支票都會有幾百美元的落差。但是感謝 神的恩典,在經費困難之間,差會和我還是靠著主恩,繼續勉力作主交託的工,感謝你們十多年來對我的支持、關心、代禱與幫助。你們這樣的擺上,為的也是遵從耶穌基督的大使命,使萬民作門徒。由於工場的教會和查經班,無論在佈道、牧養、教導、服事、經費各方面仍需外來的幫助,因此,你們在經濟上的支持,無論是教會或是弟兄姊妹的個人奉獻,都很重要。差會方面為了減少額外開支,也盡量以電子郵件方式來分發我的代禱信,若是沒有電子郵箱的,還會用傳統方式寄出。所以我也更新了教會與弟兄姊妹的資料,若是你需要更新郵寄地址,請與差會聯絡。若是不願意接收日後的信件,也請告知差會停止寄出,謝謝你們的合作!

  謝謝你們長久以來的支持與代禱!願 主祝福你們,常與你們同在!中秋節快樂!



請支持鄧秀珍宣教士之宣教經費,支票抬頭China Evangelistic Mission列明「鄧秀珍宣教士支持」郵寄China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6, San Ramon CA94583

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Germany – Karen Tang’s prayer letter September, 2015

Dear brothers and sisters,

Before we realized, 3 months of furlough had gone by. Thank God and CEM’s arrangement, after 3 years of absence,  I was glad to meet brothers and sisters again. I was able to meet some new faces including some elderlies. Amazingly, I met a sister whom I hadn’t seen for more than 10 years!

Besides visiting my supporting churches, there were also opportunities to visit a few more new churches. After sharing with them the Chinese ministry in Germany, they understood more about this ministry and learned about the needs there. Pray that more brothers and sisters are encouraged to care about this ministry and pray for us.

Personally, thank God for providing a Chinese doctor for some massage treatment during this furlough. Though he didn’t eliminate the pain but had lessened it and my shoulder muscle was more relaxed. I would also like to express my gratitude to those who had cared for me and had spent time fellowshipping with me. Though there were some brothers and sisters who were busy to meet again, meeting one another at church for even one time was a precious moment for me.

Although the main purpose of this trip was home assignment, God had provided an opportunity to participate a church ministry. Every week we visited a senior housing where there were over a hundred more Chinese living. Majority of the Chinese were Cantonese speaking and there were only a few Christians. There were also some Mandarin speaking and most of them are Christians. Every time we taught them a Christian song or two, they said they didn’t know how to sing. But it was good to see that slowly they would open their mouth and try hard to sing along. Every time we also shared some gospel news to them. Though they didn’t respond immediately, some did come to listen regularly. Pray that God will continue to touch their heart and they would come to accept Jesus’ salvation.

From CEM, I learned that every time I returned for furlough, there was some progress financially. As years gone by, my financial support dropped gradually. This is a cyclic phenomenon. Besides not meeting the budget financially, there was also an exchange rate loss of several hundred dollars every time CEM sent a check seasonally to FMCD. Despite of the financial difficulty, with God’s grace, both CEM and I continue to fulfill what God has bestowed on us. Thank you so much for the past support, over a decade of not only financial but also your care, your prayer and help. The way you put such effort was to obey Jesus Christ’s great commission and make disciple of all nation. Because of the lack of resource in the church or bible study groups here, be it evangelizing, pastoring, teaching, serving or financially, external supports are still needed. Therefore, your financial supports, whether from churches or from individual, are very important to us. In order to cut down the expense, CEM is sending my prayer letters through email. If you do not have an email address, CEM will continue to send it through the postal service. As such, I have also updated your information. If you need to update your address, pls contact CEM. If you do not want to receive any mail in the future, pls also contact CEM to stop sending. Thank you for your corporation!

Thank you for your longtime prayer and financial support!

May God bless you and be with you!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

Email address: [email protected]
Pls support missionary Karen Tang’s mission fund.
Check title: China Evangelistic Mission, pls state “for missionary Karen Tang”.
Send to : China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6,
San Ramon CA 94583

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  • 請為8月16日(主日)的聯合敬拜受洗及郊遊代禱,雖然在暑假盼望也能有許多慕道友參加。
  • 請為9月15日、16日兩場音樂佈道會代禱。
  • 請為10月各城迎新會的籌備及接觸更多的新同學代禱。
  • 請為今年秋季將在Braunschweig福音中心開始的德文班代禱。

您的同工:洪立民、鄭怡珠 敬上

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