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  1. 為柏林愛加華人基督教會青年事工的成長感恩。
  2. 為Braunschweig的聘牧事工順利代禱。
  3. 為今年的福音造就營的兩位講員——林加東牧師與洪予健牧師——所傳講的信息,能大大的造就弟兄姊妹代禱。

您的同工:洪立民、鄭怡珠 敬上

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  1. 感謝神,感動年輕弟兄姊妹接受神學裝備出來事奉神!求主使用這對宣教士,在中、德教會建立美好的橋樑,彼此合作遵行大使命!
  2. 求主使用吉森神學院,造就神的僕人!求主幫助正在求學的華人弟兄,因為德語仍然是他的外語!昨天聽他說,有一位埃塞俄比亞的學妹,她10歲來德國的時候是難民身份,現在23歲的她也開始在讀神學。感謝神,帶領不同民族在這神學院接受裝備!
  3. 感謝吉森的德國教會,幫助團契的青少年在主裡面成長!求主祝福這家熱心傳福音的教會!
  4. 感謝神帶領更多的小朋友來到團契!求主差派工人來牧養這些小羊!
  5. 由於去年沒有新生留下來,學生小組需要暫停。團契將會在十一月份辦兩次迎新活動,求主感動新學生來參加,並留下來認識我們的信仰!
  6. 感謝神的保守,被火燒了房子的姊妹終於可以回到自己原來的住處,暖氣也修理好!感恩她90歲的先生還是每週開車送她來參加團契活動!求主保守他們的健康!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “O God, You have taught me from my youth, And I still declare Your wondrous deeds.” Psalm 71:17

        I am thankful that I recently participated a sending ceremony of a pair of Chinese missionaries in a German church. Thanks to God’s grace, some young Chinese brothers and sisters responded to God’s call to serve Him in recent years. Several of them have already been equipped in German seminaries. The brother mentioned above, who immigrated to Germany from China with his family when he was a teenager. He was moved to serve God full time before he finished his doctorate degree and enrolled in the theological seminary in Giessen. During his Bachelor program in the seminary, he completed his professional doctoral dissertation, and then completed his Master’s program. After graduation, he married a Taiwanese sister and joined the Overseas Missionaries Fellowship(OMF) in Germany. While studying at the seminary, he served in this German church. The church made an exception and accepted them as their local missionaries. They also go to Taiwan to serve every year, and the brother also teaches in a seminary. Because they speak German very well, they serve as bridges between churches with German and Chinese cultures.

        Thank God that in Giessen, not a big city, there is a seminary that studies the Bible and a relatively large German church. Their resources bring blessings to our brothers and sisters in the Giessen Fellowship. Last year, another young Chinese brother attended the seminary in Giessen. He also came to participate in fellowship activities and did some ministry. Most of the brothers and sisters in our Giessen Fellowship attend the Sunday services of this German church. The church also runs a school, so some brothers and sisters in the fellowship have children who study in that Christian school and therefore participate in the church’s youth fellowship. Several young people in the fellowship were also baptized in this church. Many years ago, a German theological student saw the prayer request of the Giessen Fellowship who asked for a Sunday school teacher. He came to help this group of children teaching them Sunday school. After he graduated, he joined the service of a Chinese church and became a good co-worker of our second generation.

        After the above group of children grew up, there was only one young boy left. His parents brought him to fellowship, but because he had no companions, he no longer wanted to come to church. The parents persisted for a while, and God moved two families to come to the fellowship. Each family had three children, and the children in the fellowship suddenly became active. Two more babies have been added to the fellowship in the past two years, and two sisters are currently pregnant. Thank God for the increase in the number of children in the fellowship, but we lack co-workers to lead them. Pray that God will help us!

Thanksgiving and Prayer Items:

  1. Thank God for inspiring young brothers and sisters to receive theological equipment and serve God! Pray that the Lord will use this pair of missionaries to build a good bridge between the Chinese and German churches so as to cooperate with each other to fulfill the Great Commission!
  2. Pray to the Lord to use Giessen Theological Seminary to cultivate God’s servants! Pray to the Lord to help the Chinese brother who is still studying in the seminary, because German is still his foreign language! Yesterday I heard from him that there is an Ethiopian girl who came to Germany as a refugee when she was ten years old. Now she is studying theology at the age of 23. Thank God for leading different ethnic groups to receive equipment in this seminary!
  3. Thank God for the German church in Giessen for helping the youth in the fellowship grow in the Lord! May the Lord bless this church that is passionate about evangelism!
  4. Thank God for bringing more children to the fellowship! Pray to the Lord to send workers to shepherd these lambs!
  5. Since there are no new student left from last year, the student group is suspended. The fellowship will hold two orientation activities in November. May the Lord move new students to attend and stay to learn about our faith!
  6. Thanks to God’s protection, the sister whose house was damaged by fire can finally return to her original residence, and the heating has been repaired! We are grateful that her 90-year-old husband still drives her to attend fellowship activities every week! May the Lord keep them healthy!

        Thank God for your constant companionship and support, and may the Lord bless you and your family as well!
        Happy Thanksgiving in advance!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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  1. 感謝神的定時,讓我去探訪年輕病人的那天,不但見到老姊妹的最後一面,並可以在她兒子面前為她禱告!感謝天父把姊妹平安地接回天家!感謝主,使她在生前對兒子的吩咐,讓他在眾多不信的家人朋友面前舉行一個基督教的安息禮拜!求主藉此機會使他們能看到神的恩典與憐憫,讓他們繼續去認識天父的慈愛,接受主的救恩,將來與老姊妹再見!
  2. 感謝天父的帶領,讓參與上週同工訓練營的弟兄姊妹有豐富的屬靈收穫!最近一、兩年都看到有好些弟兄姊妹回應神的呼召。這次看到有弟兄們在尋求讀神學的資源。求神帶領這些弟兄們,讓他們找到合適的神學裝備課程,將來能全職事奉!求神帶領一位剛結婚不久的弟兄,他有感動,但是還需要等待妻子的支持!
  3. 因漢諾威教會的牧師要回國工作匯報,我七月與八月都被邀請回去分享神的話。感謝主賜下機會,在服事之餘還可以看到一些以前認識的弟兄姊妹!漢諾威與法蘭克福相距大約350公里,以前坐快速火車只需三個小時之內。自從疫情以後,政府有補貼車票,我便利用此補貼來坐火車,但是規定只能坐慢速火車,並且從我家出發要多次轉換交通工具,加上暑假很多地方修路,人手短缺,有時火車晚點甚至不開,所以去一趟漢諾威要花上七個小時!求主保守下一週的路程,火車班次都順利!
  4. 求主憐憫一對年過八十的老夫妻,最近被租客燒了部份房子,被逼搬離那房子,之後又有賊進入被封鎖的房子偷了貴重的東西,求主安慰他們的心!感恩丈夫雖是天主教徒,他盡量每週都接載妻子參加團契聚會(他們住在週邊的城市)!




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Dear brothers and sisters,

        ‘There is a season for everything, and a season for everything under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die.’ Ecclesiastes 3:1-2a

        In the second year after coming to Frankfurt, I held a funeral service for a sister for the first time because the church did not have a pastor then. The sister was only in her early forties, fell ill and passed away, leaving behind two young children. More than ten years later, I saw her daughter at the last barbecue outdoor worship held by our church.

        Last month, I also conducted a memorial service for a sister who was over seventy years old. It turned out that this sister had not yet believed in the Lord when she got cancer. Later, she met a Christian through a friend. This sister went to the hospital where she was staying after work every day to pray for her. She also invited the sister who led her to believe in the Lord to preach the gospel to the patient and she decided to believe in the Lord. Unfortunately, after she recovered from her illness, she did not have the opportunity to go to the local Bible study fellowship because she spoke Cantonese, and she had not read the Bible much because she had not gone to school. During the pandemic, we visited the sister who prayed for her, who brought us to see her and invited her to participate in an online Bible study class, and then invited her to participate in an online Bible reading class. We gradually got to know her. Unfortunately, due to some misunderstandings, she stopped attending online gatherings. But she told me that she would still listen to the messages I sent every day.

        The day before the sister passed away in the hospital, I happened to be visiting a young sister who was just admitted to the same hospital.  Therefore, I invited the sister who prayed for her to visit her with me. Unexpectedly, that day happened to be the day when the doctor announced that the sister had only a few days to live. Her son and his family were in the ward. After understanding the situation, I prayed for the sister, asking our Heavenly Father to take her back to God’s arms as soon as possible to avoid further pain. As a result, I received the news the next day that the sister had returned to heaven.

        Although the sister had made her decision to accept Christ for many years and had little foundation of her faith, she was very clear that she had decided to follow the Lord, and she would not believe in other gods. Therefore, before she died, she had told her son that if she left the world, she would have her son to conduct her funeral according to Christian rites. Because I met her son for the first time in the hospital, he also heard me praying for his mother, so he asked me to hold the memorial service for her mother. Neither he nor his family believe in the Lord, he didn’t understand anything regarding Christian service, so he asked me to handle it.

        On the day of the memorial service, in addition to her family, relatives and friends, there were also people from other ethnic groups, including the sister’s daughter-in-law, who is Thai, and she also invited her friends. Most of them are inclined toward Buddhism and superstition and have never been exposed to Christian service. Thank God for giving us this opportunity to witness to them and let God’s words comfort the sister’s relatives and friends!

Thanksgiving and Prayer Items:

  1. Thank God for his timing! On the day I went to visit the young patient, I not only saw the old sister for the last time, but I was also able to pray for her in front of her son! Thank you, Heavenly Father, for taking my sister back to heaven safely! Thank you, Lord, for allowing her to command her son during her lifetime to hold a Christian memorial service for her in front of many unbelieving family members and friends! Pray that God will take this opportunity to enable them to see God’s grace and mercy, let them continue to know the love of our Heavenly Father, accept the Lord’s salvation, so that they will see the old sister again in the future!
  2. Thank our Heavenly Father for His guidance, which enabled the brothers and sisters who participated in last week’s co-worker training camp to gain rich spiritual gains! In the past year or two, we have seen many brothers and sisters respond to God’s calling. This time I saw some brothers looking for resources for studying theology. Pray that God will lead these brothers to find a suitable theological seminary and will serve in full-time ministry after equipping themselves! Pray that God will guide a brother who has just been married. He is moved by God’s calling, but he still needs to wait for his wife’s support!
  3. Because the pastor of Hannover church has returned home for furlough, I was invited in July and August to share God’s words. Thank God for giving me the opportunity to meet some brothers and sisters I knew before while serving! Hannover and Frankfurt are about 350 kilometers apart. It used to take only less than three hours by high-speed train. Since the pandemic, the German government has subsidized tickets, and I have used this ticket, but I can only take slow trains. Starting from my home, I have to change transportation multiple times. In addition, there is a lot of road construction during the summertime, and there is a shortage of manpower. Sometimes the train is late or even cancelled. So, a trip to Hannover took seven hours last time! Please pray that the Lord will protect the journey next week and all train rides will go smoothly!
  4. Pray to God to have mercy on an old couple who are over eighty years old. Recently, part of the house was burned down by a tenant, and they were forced to move out of the house. Later, thieves entered the blocked house and stole valuable things. Pray that God will comfort their hearts! Thank God that although the husband is a Catholic, he tries his best to drive his wife to fellowship meetings every week (they live in a nearby city)!

        May the Lord’s grace be with you!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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您的同工:洪立民、鄭怡珠 敬上

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  1. 感謝主賜我地方,可以做接待弟兄姊妹的事工!
  2. 感謝主讓我有機會接待弟兄姊妹,讓我可以更多的認識她們,建立更緊密的關係!感謝主差派天使送來禮物,感謝弟兄姊妹的愛心!
  3. 感謝主讓我接觸不同年齡階層的非信徒,讓我可以把信仰介紹給他們!求主帶領他們,使他們回到自己的國家,繼續去尋求認識神!
  4. 感謝主有機會藉著提供住宿幫助那些有需要的人,特別是在情緒低落的時候,有經濟困難的時候!求主幫助年輕媽媽能靠著真神的力量,解決她的困境。
  5. 求主保守那對年老的夫妻,讓他們在德國探訪親友時都平安!求主醫治老弟兄的咳嗽!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        ‘Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.’ Hebrews 13:2

        After the pandemic, people resumed visiting and traveling as they had in the past. Since the Frankfurt International Airport is an international hub, many travelers, including brothers and sisters, board and disembark their planes here. Some brothers and sisters who came from other cities to Frankfurt to take an early flight had to come to Frankfurt a day earlier to find a place to stay overnight. There are also some brothers and sisters who pass through Frankfurt and go to other cities. Therefore, since the end of last year, I have been receiving such travelers frequently. I mentioned this in my January prayer letter, but I didn’t realize that this kind of hospitality would continue.

        In March, I met a 16-year-old boy who had just graduated from high school. His mom came to Germany on a business trip, and he went out sightseeing on his own, and my friend introduced us. When they came to Frankfurt, I invited him to my home for dinner, and we had a great conversation. Although he has a Buddhist background and traditional Chinese culture, he does not reject other religions. After lunch, I took him to our church Sunday service, but unfortunately he was in a hurry to meet his mom from work and had to leave after listening to the worship songs. However, he still left a good impression of our church.

        In April, a sister whose church has been supporting me, came to visit me from US. She stayed at my home for a few days. We had a chance to get to know each other better. She surprised me with a gift from her and the brothers and sisters in her fellowship, which was more than I could ask for because it was exactly what I needed. As the scripture says, to receive a sister without realizing it is like receiving an angel.

        In May, I received an elderly couple who went back to Hong Kong to retire from Germany many years ago. The brother was 80 years old and was touched by the birthday celebration he had with our fellowship brothers and sisters! He was especially touched when his wife almost fainted at the airport on her schedule flight and was taken to the hospital. After a week, she recovered and was able to get on the plane again.

        In the past few days, a sister came for a meeting and brought her brother (who just retired), who was going abroad for the first time, to stay with me so that he could go sightseeing. Although we met for the first time, he didn’t say much, but he was already curious and asked me why I had come to Germany from the USA. I told him my testimony of my calling. Since he was not yet a Christian, he asked me a few questions about the church. Pray that he would continue to seek the Christian faith.

        During the pandemic, I got to know a young mother with a toddler. Because of her marital problems, I kept her company by phone because she lived in a small village in Germany and was very lonely. After a few years, the divorce was finalized, but she still had to face many problems. Sometimes she would come to Frankfurt for business and stay at my home. She used to have a sad face, but last week she came to my place to let me do some work for her. At dinner, I saw that she was smiling. She told another sister that she was infected by me, and that she was able to let go of some things and could smile again. She is an idolater and has not yet believed in Jesus, but every time I pray for her, she is willing to do so. This week she said she wanted to come and stay for a few days.

        The older brothers and sisters who are in my Bible reading group know that I have been hosting some brothers and sisters. They joked that my place could be used as a hotel, and that it could help cover my expenses by charging a small fee. I said I wouldn’t do that because this is a place that God has given me to host different people, including non-Christians, and I hope that while providing them with lodging, I can also be a witness for the Lord, so that they can feel God’s love and know Him.

Thanksgiving and Prayer Items:

  1. Thank our Lord for giving me a place to host brothers and sisters!
  2. Thank our Lord for giving me the opportunity to receive brothers and sisters so that I can get to know them better and build closer relationships! Thank our Lord for sending angels to send me gifts! Thank God for the love of our brothers and sisters!
  3. Thank our Lord for allowing me to reach out to non-believers of different age groups so that I can introduce my faith to them! Pray that the Lord would lead them to continue to seek to know God when they return to their own countries!
  4. Thank our Lord for the opportunity to help those in need by providing accommodation, especially in times of depression and financial hardship! Pray that the young mom would be able to resolve her situation by relying on the power of the true God rather than idolatry!
  5. Pray for the Lord’s protection over the elderly couple as they visit friends and relatives in Germany! Pray for the Lord’s healing of the old brother’s cough!

        Pray for our Lord’s blessing to keep you in good health and bless the works of your hands!

Serving Him,

Karen Tang

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        感謝神,Braunschweig & Magdeburg這一年半以來都是德州恩友堂及分堂來接力牧養,尤其Braunschweig有明顯的質與量的增長。六月份是愛加教會傳福音行動月,將鼓勵弟兄姊妹起來,與短宣隊彼此配搭至校園、中文學校、超市等地傳福音及個人佈道。



您的同工:洪立民、鄭怡珠 敬上

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  1. 感謝神保守95歲的老姊妹,讓她樂意來教會敬拜神,讓她的生命成為眾人的榜樣!
  2. 感謝神帶領年近80歲的老姊妹,讓她懂得上網來與我們一起讀聖經!求主保守她的身體,前幾週被感染得了感冒,咳嗽很厲害。現在偶有幾聲咳!
  3. 感謝主憐憫那位無國籍的女士,讓她在世最後的階段有個安身之處!
  4. 感謝主保守懷孕的姊妹,平安把女兒生產下來!感謝主讓她在病友面前做美好見證!
  5. 本週四至下週一將會是一年一度的全德造就營。本次是歷屆參加人數最低,可能很多人復活節假期回家探親,又可能因為物價上漲。求主保守營會,讓赴會的弟兄姊妹都有屬靈的收穫!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green, To declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.” Psalms 92:14-15

        Thank the LORD for looking after His righteous people! Last Sunday, our church celebrated the 95th birthday of the oldest sister in the church. In the last few years, she has had numerous falls, including a broken bone during the pandemic, which required surgery and no one was allowed to visit her, and a fall at the end of last year, which broke six ribs. In spite of this, God still preserved her, and she still doesn’t need crutches, and she can still walk as long as she has someone to help her. Because of the pandemic, she has lost communication with people, so her communication is a bit confused. Despite this, her son still drives his mom to Sunday services every week, even though he doesn’t understand Chinese. She herself is happy to come and greet others with a smile, and even the children go to say hello to her.

        In January, we visited a good friend of this old sister, whom they met when they came to Germany in the early years. She is also close to 80 years old, but she is in good health. Although her hands are trembling, she can still cook for her family and even go grocery shopping by bus. During the pandemic, we bought her an iPad and taught her how to use zoom, so that she could also attend our Cantonese Bible study. Later, she moved in with her son and helped out at his restaurant. After she fainted, she didn’t dare to help out anymore. Last year, her house was finally rebuilt after several years, which started just before the pandemic. She finally had her own house and her life was stabilized, so I invited her to come to the Bible reading. After teaching her how to go on zoom, she forgot how to go on zoom for the first few days, and she just pressed the buttons randomly (I recently went to check her iPad, and she even pressed the Hebrew text out!). Eventually she was able to get on, or her family helped her. After a week, she is now very good at coming up and reading with us. Thank God, when we first invited her, she said she wanted to go for a walk in the morning, go grocery shopping, etc. Now she comes every day to listen to God’s word.

        My last prayer letter mentioned a stateless woman who left the world in early February, just a few days before my last visit. When I visited her again three weeks later, I was informed that she was no longer with us. I thank God for His mercy that she was able to live her last few months without having to live in exile, and that she was taken care of by good medical staff. The hospice staff told me that she passed away peacefully, and they found the only card in her hospital room, which was one of the scripture cards I gave her. The scripture was 1 John 1:5: “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness.” May she receive this true light!

        A sister from the Giessen Fellowship had to be hospitalized for two weeks before her caesarean section because her placenta was not in the right place and the doctors were afraid that she might bleed heavily at any time. Thanks to God’s protection, her daughter was finally born and both mother and daughter were safe. During the hospitalization period, her roommate, a Muslim, was also reading the Koran and praying, but she was so frantic that the doctors and nurses came to calm her down. Our sister also prayed for her so that she could have a good night’s sleep. In contrast, our sister had more peace of mind, relied on God, and was able to pray for her roommate. We joked that the two weeks she was in the hospital were her retreat.

Thanksgiving and Prayer Items:

  1. Thank God for keeping our 95-year-old sister so that she is willing to come to church to worship God, and that her life has become an example to others!
  2. Thank God for leading our 80-year-old sister to go online and read the Bible with us! Pray for her health. A few weeks ago, she caught a cold and had a bad cough. She is coughing occasionally!
  3. Thank the Lord for His mercy on that stateless woman and for giving her a place to stay in her last days on earth!
  4. Thank you for keeping the pregnant sister until she gave birth to her daughter! Thank the Lord for the wonderful witness she gave before the pagan!
  5. This Thursday through next Monday will be the annual Easter Camp. This is the lowest turnout ever, probably due to the fact that many people went home for the Easter vacation, and also due to the rising prices of goods. Pray that the Lord will keep the camp and make it spiritually fruitful for all the brothers and sisters attending!

        Pray that you too will have a meaningful Easter!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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您的同工:洪立民、鄭怡珠 敬上

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  1. 感恩老弟兄姊妹們每早都願意一起來聆聽神的話語!感恩上週探訪了一位已經很久沒有與我們見面的老姊妹,邀請她參與讀經,這週開始她也上來了!
  2. 感謝主,有機會服事弟兄姊妹與非信徒在家中作客!感恩可以陪伴單身姊妹度過她的假期,讓她不致覺得孤單!
  3. 感恩可以服事那位有需要的非信徒,求神讓她看到神的愛,藉著幫助她,使她能夠來認識神!
  4. 感謝主,憐憫那位得了末期癌症的女士,讓她可以得到一個安息的地方,得到好的照顧!求主幫助她,讓她有清醒的頭腦,在聽到福音的時候願意接受主的救恩!
  5. 求主保守小朋友,在這寒冷的天氣下免受感染,及不會和家人交差感染。
  6. 求主保守懷胎的姊妹,使她與胎兒都健康,按期(預產期是三月)把嬰孩順利產下來!
  7. 求主幫助那位讀博士的女生,讓她適應當地的學習,願意來團契與弟兄姊妹交流,減輕壓力!




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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “But his delight is in the Law of the Lord, and on His Law he meditates day and night!” Psalms 1:2

        On January 2nd, our Bible reading class started our Bible reading this year with Psalms. Our senior brothers and sisters have been following the Bible reading plan for three years since 2021 during the pandemic. At the request of our sisters, this year we also added a hymn-singing session, which coincided with the fact that many of the hymns were based on the theme of the Psalms, so in addition to reading the Bible, we also learned to sing new songs to praise God!

        Last December, I had several receptions. A couple passed by my house and stayed overnight before heading to other city; a sister came from other city to Frankfurt to take a flight back to visit her relatives in China, and she also had to stay overnight; one sister was out of town, and she stayed at my home for the whole Christmas vacation this year; and I also accompanied a teenage student to stay in a hotel for one night (at the request of his mother), and then I took him to the airport to fly home the next day.

        I also hosted a non-believer who wanted to buy a car because she lives in a relatively remote place in the south. She looked at a used car and the car dealership was about half an hour’s drive from my home. She asked me to accompany her to see the car and test drive it. After she bought the car, I had to take her to the car dealership to pick it up, and then drive with her back to her home because she had just obtained her German driver’s license. The next day I had to take four hours of public transportation to get home.

        In December, I also accepted a request from a stranger. A stateless Chinese lady who was several years younger than me, was admitted to a hospital. Since she did not speak English or German, the hospital was unable to communicate with her, so they hired a Chinese interpreter. It was this interpreter who asked me to visit her in the hospital. The hospital later transferred her to an organization which had converted a hotel into a refugee camp and there was a room in the hotel that could accommodate her. As I followed her around, I became her interpreter, translating for the person in charge and staff of the organization that took her in, the staff of the social welfare department, the doctors, and the ambulance staff. Since this woman is suffering from terminal cancer, a hotel is not a place for her to live for a long time because there are no medical staffs to take care of her.  She cannot eat a lot of things, and she cannot move around so it is not clear whether she has eaten anything or not. Every time I visited her, I would bring her some soup, which she called “Jesus Soup”, because I prayed for her and asked Jesus to save her and help her. God did find her a hospice ward through a few dedicated doctors of a charity organization, and after much effort, she was able to stay there for a long time and receive good care. There was a Tibetan lady there who could understand a little Chinese and was also responsible for taking care of the meals. She said she could cook some food suitable for Chinese appetites.

        Since the Giessen Fellowship did not have the manpower to hold a large-scale Christmas event this year, we invited the new students to join us for the holiday. Only one girl came to join us, while the other two boys were called by their classmates after they had promised to come. This girl had just come to study for her doctorate degree, and she had a lot of anxiety and stress, and we didn’t see her come to the fellowship after the holiday.

Thanksgiving and Prayer Items:

  1. I am thankful for the senior brothers and sisters who are willing to come together every morning to listen to God’s word! I am grateful that last week I visited an old sister who we have not seen for a long time and invited her to participate in our Bible reading. She has also joined us starting this week!
  2. Thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve brothers and sisters and unbelievers as guests in my home! I am grateful that I could accompany the single sister on her vacation so that she would not feel lonely!
  3. Thank God also that I could minister to that unbeliever in need by helping her so that she may come to know God one day!
  4. Thank the Lord for having mercy on the lady suffering from terminal cancer, allowing her to have a resting place and receive good care! Pray that she will have a clear mind and be willing to accept the Lord’s salvation when she hears the Gospel.
  5. Pray that the Lord will protect the children from getting infected often in this cold weather and then spreading it to the whole family!
  6. Pray that the Lord will protect the pregnant sister so that both she and the fetus will be healthy and the baby will be delivered smoothly at maturity (expected date of delivery is March)!
  7. Pray that the girl who is studying for her doctorate degree will adapt to her studies and be willing to come to the fellowship to communicate with brothers and sisters to relieve her stress!

        May the Lord lead us into the new year and let us follow Him closely!
        I wish you all a blessed Chinese New Year in advance!

Serving Him,

Karen Tang

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