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  1. 教會東邊向街的外牆壁畫重新上色,壁畫翻新後,吸引了更多孩子來新光幼稚園讀書。
  2. 兒童主日學分為兩個班,以便老師能夠針對學生的需求進行教學。
  3. 每月第一個星期日,教會崇拜後一起吃飯。會友都很熱心地帶食物來分享和有美好的交通。


  1. 祈求天父指引教會同工,作福音外展事工。
  2. 跟進參加聖誕節慶祝的新朋友。
  3. 在青年團契週會中,同工開始教導年輕人如何傳福音。祈求年輕人渴望學習真道和願意分享他們的信仰。



Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,

        Happy Chinese New Year! Wishing you God’s blessings and grace to you!

        Praise the Lord there was a short-term mission group from Hong Kong to Living Stone Church during Christmas holidays. They did a fantastic job of repainting the drawings of the wall which has attracted more students for our Sonlight Kindergarten. The team members were also involved with the Christmas program which was well attended with over 100 people. There were many newcomers, and some people who had not come for a while. The staff and young people involved in this project were exhausted but very happy to see God was in work!

        We are thankful to know local staff see the vision of reaching out to the unbelievers. Firstly, one of our nannies at our nursery and family moved to a newly developed community a few months ago. She mentioned that if our church could help start a children group there. So, the staff visited the area and are planning to go prayer walking and see it’s possible.  Secondly, our pastor, Phalla, knows an older lady who started a church with her daughter about 20 kilometres from Livingstone Church. A Korean missionary helped build a church in her land. But the missionary did not have any support for them. The daughter finished her Bible school training and started preaching on Sundays. Now the daughter is getting married and moving to the USA. The lady is looking for a church that can partner with the ministry. Phalla has a vision to help her to build up the congregation and asks if it’s possible for our church to help. Thirdly, Udom, our Bible school student and his father’s family have been going to their homeland to start programs to reach out to the people there twice a year. That place is about 3 hours’ drive from Phnom Penh. The local staff also see if our church can help to plant a church there!

Praise God for these items:

  • The newly repainted wall can attract more parents to send their children to our school.
  • The children’s Sunday school has split into 2 classes so that the teachers can target the needs of the students.
  • Every first Sunday of the month the staff starts a meal together after church. The members are enthusiastic to come and share their food.

Pray for:

  • God’s guidance for the staff to know which is the priority for outreach ministry.
  • Follow- up of the people who came to the Christmas program.
  • During the youth fellowship the leaders have started to teach the young people how to present the gospel. Pray that the youth are eager to learn and have a heart to share their faith.

        Thank you so much to partner with us for growing the kingdom of God in Cambodia!

In His name,               
Joseph and Liza Ng

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        當世人正忙碌準備慶祝聖誕節時,我們從神的話語得到鼓勵,因知道耶穌是世上的喜樂和希望:「那天使對他們說:不要懼怕!我報給你們大喜的信息,是關乎萬民的;因今天在大衛的城裡,為你們生了救主,就是主基督。」(路加福音二10-11) 「外邦人都要仰望他的名。」(馬太福音十二21)





  1. 我們在加拿大慢慢適應冬天零下20度的寒冷天氣。感謝主這兩星期有暖流,可以生活如常。
  2. 能夠與子孫們有互動的時間,並能為他們祈禱。
  3. 有新人來參加柬埔寨的活石堂。
  4. 年青人熱心愛主並主動參與事奉。


  1. 為活石堂的高姑娘和同工禱告,求主賜下合一的心,有從神而來的異象來策劃明年的事工方向和目標。
  2. 為活石堂會友有心渴慕神的話,並將聽了的道應用在日常生活中。
  3. 因為柬埔寨在12月25和26日沒有聖誕節公眾假期,教會會在29日慶祝聖誕。到時有短宣隊來訪,求天父保守他們能與本地同工配搭事奉。
  4. 聖誕慶祝時多有新人來參加,求主讓教會的同工和會友能關顧他們。求聖靈動工,讓他們能早日歸信耶穌成為他們的救主!



Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,

        Greetings from Calgary! As the world is preparing to celebrate Christmas, we are encouraged by God’s word that Jesus is the joy and hope of this earth: “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. ” Luke 2:10-11  “In his name the nations will put their hope.” Matthew 12:21

        When we look around the world there are so many things going on: wars, political unrest, crimes, family conflicts and natural disasters. Many people are struggling and suffering without hope nor joy! But we thank God that we have the assistance of joy and hope in our Savior, Jesus Christ!

        Many people have asked us if we are going back to serve in Cambodia. Because we are not young and our health is not the best anymore, we have decided to retire in Calgary. Thanks to technology we are still able to pray with the staff twice a week; each of us has Bible study with 2 young people every week. Life here is full and fulfilling!

        Thank you very much for supporting and praying for us. These are our praise and prayer items:

Praise God for:

  • A good transition to life in Canada for us, able to interact in the lives of our children and grandchildren and pray for them.
  • New people come to Living Stone Church in Cambodia. Young people are zealous to be close to Jesus and serve Him.

Pray for:

  • The leadership of our Living Stone Church that they can work in unity, have visions for the coming new year.
  • The members thirst for the words of God and apply them to their daily life.
  • The church will celebrate Christmas on December 29th; there’s a short-term mission group that will join them. May God grant them health and work out every detail.

        Thank you. Let us know if there is anything we can pray for you.

        Have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New year!

In His name,               
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 今年秋天的天氣到10月才變涼,落葉前樹葉轉顏色,形成很美麗的景色。卡加利可能很快就會下雪了!
  2. 我們可以每週以網絡與活石堂的同工一起祈禱2天,並且我們每人與2位年輕人一起查經。
  3. 我們的孫兒已進入新學年,他們在身體和社交方面都有成長。


  1. 為我們能適應老年生活,因年老而有一些常見的健康問題。
  2. 請為柬埔寨活石堂的本土同工祈禱,他們需要互相理解,不是看別人的不足,而是團結合一,拓展神的國度。
  3. 請為教會的青年人能渴望神的話語,並將所聽了的道應用在他們的生活中。


Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,

        In Canada we just celebrated thanksgiving on October 14th. It reminds us that there are so many things we need to be thankful for: the air that we breathe, our family, our friends, our supporters like you, freedom to worship. The most important is the love of God, the freedom we have in Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who teaches and guides us.

        We’re enjoying our time with our children, not only with our daughter and son in law everyday. We’ve been able to see our other two sons and their families more and spend time with them. Our sons and their wives are growing stronger showing more love and grace to each other. We have altogether 3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters ranging from 14-4 years old. The 14 years old Jacob is so proud to get his learners’ driving license and he can drive with a licensed driver. It’s so awesome to see them grow up. We pray that they will grow into godly men and women.

        Here are our praise and prayer items.

 Praise God for:

  • The warm and beautiful Fall weather so far. It might snow in Calgary soon!
  • The opportunity is that we can pray with our Khmer staff 2 days a week, and each of us have Bible study with 2 young people.
  • Our grandkids are enjoying the new school year. They have grown physically and socially.

Pray God for:

  • For the adjustment to senior life as we have some common medical issues because of old age.
  • For the Living Stone Church in Cambodia that the local staff have an understanding of each other not to look at others faults but to unite together to expand the kingdom of God.
  • For the young people that they thirst for the words of God and apply them in their lives.

   Thank you so much for your support and prayers.

In His name,               
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 我們順利地在卡加利安頓下來,又可以享兒孫福。
  2. 能與兒子、女兒和孫兒們聯繫。
  3. 可以用網絡跟柬埔寨的同工和年青人查經和禱告。


  1. 為當地同工能成為帶領會友們委身事奉神的榜樣。
  2. 為高姑娘有從天父賜的智慧來督導教會和幼稚園。
  3. 為我們的健康禱告,我們都是糖尿病前期。月甜的膽固醇高了些及有骨質疏鬆問題。
  4. 為我們的網絡查經班和祈禱會,能與柬埔寨同工,會友同行。
  5. 年青人湯的媽媽駕駛電單車時發生意外,撞傷了右腳的膝蓋。湯要在家中看顧媽媽,下午才返青年團契。


Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,

        Greetings from Calgary, Canada! Time passed by swiftly. We’ve been back for 3 months after our mission work in Cambodia. It’s difficult to say goodbye but we left with a confidence that the local staff can stand up to lead the church and the kindergarten with the grace and leading of our Heavenly Father.

        It took us no time to settle down in Calgary where we live with our daughter and son in law for our retirement. Our 2 other sons and their families live in Calgary too. It’s so good to see them and our 3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters. Life here is quite busy as we  still have prayer meetings with our staff twice a week and each of us has Bible study with the young people through zoom meetings. Liza continues to pray with our part time staff who is studying at the Bible school and his wife.

        Please pray for Polly, the step sister of Phalla, our lead pastor, who was baptized in March. But because of the pressure from their unbelieving mother she has lost faith in God; she hasn’t been back to church for a while and does not want to study the Bible with Phalla and Savy at her house.

        Thank you for your support and prayers for us. Here are our praise and prayer items.

Praise items:

  • We settled in Calgary smoothly.
  • Good times with children and grandchildren
  • Opportunity to serve God through prayer meetings and Bible studies with the Khmer members.

Prayer requests:

  • For the deeper commitment of the local staff to lead the church and kindergarten.
  • For wisdom for Angel Gao to oversee the church and school.
  • For our health – we have a few medical issues that are related to old age. However we are comforted by God’s words in Isaiah 53:5 “…the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.“
  • The mother of Thon got a knee injury in a motorcycle accident. Please pray for healing.

               All for now. Thanks again for remembering us.

In His name,               
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 我們二人已在4月19日平安到達卡加利。有家人和教會的信徒來機埸歡迎我們。
  2. 在柬埔寨的四個半月,與同工有好的交通分享,並在香港一個月與信徒分享了天父在柬埔寨的工作。
  3. 3月8日教會及學校一起去海灘旅行,更見證了6位姊妹的浸禮,大家玩得盡興而歸。
  4. 我們的女兒、女婿和鄰居將我們在卡加利住的房間裝修。他們更換了床、櫃、地板和油漆。


  1. 為活石堂能在天父的恩典中成長,並且讓得救的人數加增。
  2. 請記念新光幼稚園能接觸鄰居,並能帶領他們得著福音。
  3. 開辦男大學生宿舍之計劃——地方、經費等。
  4. 我們身在加拿大能夠繼續用網上平台與活石堂的同工們禱告和查經。
  5. 在卡加利的日子我們能行在主的心意中。



Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,

        After living in Phnom Penh for 4 and 1/2 months and HK for 1 month we arrived safely home in Calgary on April 19. Doing well but we still need to adjust to the colder weather!

        Praise God that we were able to spend time with the local staff reading His word and praying 4 mornings each week and topical study once a week. We all have grown in knowing God and each other more. We are confident that with God’s help they can take up the ministry.

        We met up with lots of friends while we were in HK for a month. Our CEM HK office set up a vision sharing meeting for us to share about how Cambodia has changed from 30 years ago economically, religiously and challenges soon. We also shared about the ministry of Living Stone Church and Sonlight Kindergarten, and their needs.

        Saying good-byes is never easy. It’s very emotional to leave the people behind after knowing them and nurturing them for almost 30 years. All in all, we experience the love and respect of our staff and people whom God has placed in our lives.

        We truly are thankful to God and to all of you who have supported our ministry throughout 20 plus years. Without your love, encouragement, and prayers we would not have done it! Thank you and please continue to pray for the work in Cambodia that the church will stand firm and many more people will come to know Jesus as their Savior!

 Praise items:

  • Arrived safely in Calgary on April 19th nighttime. We were welcome by our family and church members.
  • Had a blessed and fruitful 41/2 months in Cambodia and a month in HK sharing with friends about the work of God in Cambodia.
  • On March 8th our church and kindergarten went to the beach for an outing and baptism for 6 sisters. We all enjoyed it very much.
  • A new start in Calgary – our daughter and son-in-law renovated and painted our room with new flooring, new bed, and cabinets.

Prayer requests:

  • Living Stone Church continues to grow in the grace of God and bring many people to Christ as the church staff have the same heart to serve our mighty God.
  • Sonlight Kindergarten will reach out to our community that many come to know the saving grace.
  • Our new role in Living Stone Church – we still want to pray and do teaching with our staff via zoom.
  • Our time in Calgary will be rewarding.
  • The need for a men’s dormitory – place and finance

        Thank you very much for co-working with us. Drop us a few lines whenever you have time; we love to hear from you.

In His name,               

Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 活石堂在一月有一人在崇拜後信主,二月也有兩人信主。
  2. 活石堂有新人來聚會,他們是會友的親戚朋友。
  3. 教會的電線因日久出問題,時不時有跳制的情況,現在差不多都解決了。


  1. 今年一月開始第一次家庭小組。有會友歡迎我們在2月10日在她們的家舉行,求天父使用小組,讓會友能互相關顧及代禱。
  2. 水禮班有五名姊妹參加,水禮會在3月8日(公眾假期)去河邊舉行,順便能舉辦戶外活動,求天父保守她們奉獻身心靈給主。
  3. 新光幼稚園需要多收新生。現在的學生多是讀半日,求天父賜幼稚園足夠學生。
  4. 教會物業本來有兩人負責企名。其中一位已返回天家,另一位多病又有癌症。現在請兩位新企名人簽名。要交稅美金9500元,律師費1000元。祈求天父使這轉名過程得以順利。



Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,

        Greetings from Cambodia! We have been back in Phnom Penh for almost 3 months. It brings us joy to see our dear friends, and work with our local staff. We find it awesome to see the words of God is like a double-edged sword. Hebrews 4:12 says “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” When we read the Bible and pray with our staff from Tuesdays to Fridays the Holy Spirit teaches us many things, such as knowing the heart of God, yielding to the lordship of Christ, bearing the fruits of the Spirit, and more. Our local staff has been renewed through the years. We’re confident that God will raise them up to do His work at Living Stone Church.

        On Sunday December 24, 2023 Livingstone Church celebrated Christmas. When we were having lunch, Udom, our church staff, told people whoever can memorize 3 Bible verses would get a gift. Several went to memorize 3 verses and get a small gift. At our staff meeting, we agreed to lead the church to memorize one verse a month and the congregation can memorize 10 verses by Christmas 2024!

        We will leave for Hong Kong on March 19th for a month before we go back to Canada. Our mission is organizing an event for us on Cambodia’s work on April 5th from 7:30-9 pm. Hope we can meet and reconnect with you. Thank you so much for supporting and praying for us and our ministry in Cambodia. Please continue to praise God for His work and pray for our needs.

 Praise items:

  • One decision to follow Jesus in January, 2 more in February at the Livingstone Church.
  • More people are coming to our Sunday services. Most of them are relatives and friends of our members.

Prayer requests:

  • Home group on February 10th. Pray for more to join for fellowship and prayers.
  • Baptismal class has started with 5 sisters. The water baptism is on March 8 which is a holiday.
  • Sonlight Kindergarten: we need more students, especially in the afternoon because many go home after the morning session, and a new teacher.
  • Continue to pray for the changing names of the land title of our building that will go smoothly. We need to pay a change of name tax of US$9,500 and lawyer fee of US$1,000.

        Thank you. We are excited to see you all soon!

In His name,               
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 我們在加拿大上機回柬埔寨時有些波節,曾收到消息,我們可以在金邊機場做「落地簽證」,30日後再申請延期半年。但在上機前一天,才發現如沒有柬埔寨簽證,加拿大航空公司是不發登機證的。只好馬上訂30日後去泰國的機票再入境。可是當上機時,又要有旅館預訂證明。感謝主,我們旅途平安,到達金邊時順利取得「落地簽證」一個月,現在已辦了延期簽證。
  2. 與會友、同工們久別重逢,都看見神保守了他們的信心和工作的能力。
  3. 教會有新人來聚會,兩星期前有一名女士決志信主。
  4. 在十一月時,已有青年人提出由他們負責今年教會的聖誕節佈置,他們更為所需的金錢奉獻。


  1. 教會地契由兩位信徒作為企名人,其中一人已返天家多年,另一位有病,她提出從企名人中退下來。我們正在搜尋所需要的文件,並請一位基督徒律師幫忙。
  2. 教會定於在明年3月8日(公眾假期)舉行水禮,有4位新信的會參加水禮班。
  3. 明年1月13日教會舉行第一次家庭聚會,希望以後可以每月相聚一次。



Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,

        Praise the Lord we arrived safely in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on October 30 at 11pm local time. We’re grateful that we can come back to our second home after 2 and half years in Canada. Our members, staff and friends are happy to see us back.

        There was an early Christmas dinner hosted by 2 brothers at the end of November for us. They and their families came, and we enjoyed a nice dinner with Christmas cake and presents. The 2 brothers came to study in university from the village in 1998. They were poor so they stayed in the dorm at our church. Now they have opened international schools with many students all over Phnom Penh. One thing that impresses us the most is that they have been supporting one pastor financially in the remote village. This pastor stayed in the same dorm with them before. They said they want to bless others as they were blessed before.

        As the world is busy getting ready to celebrate Christmas, we pray that the people will understand the real meaning of Christmas. May God grant hope, peace, and joy to everyone.

        Thank you for partnering with us in our ministry through your support and prayers. Please continue to praise God for His work in Cambodia and remember our prayer requests.

Praise items:

  • Arrived in Phnom Penh safely after a few issues on boarding in Canada.
  • Great to see our church members, the staff of our church and school, and friends.
  • New faces coming to church. A lady received Jesus as her Savior 2 weeks ago.
  • Some of the members of the youth group are working. They gave money for the decoration of the Christmas celebration of the church. Pray that more people will be reached.

Prayer requests:

  • Changing names on our church land title. One of the 2 names in the old land title went to heaven about 10 years ago and the other who wants to take her name away because she is sick with cancer.
  • Baptismal class for 4 applicants to be baptized on March 8.
  • First home group will meet on January 13. Planning to meet at different homes once a month. Pray that the members will have closer fellowship.

        Have a blessed Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!

In His service,            
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 9月19日,月甜約見為她做手術的外科醫生,她説月甜曾折骨的手腕已經痊癒。經過6次醫療保險所承保的物理治療後,她的手大致上可以活動自如,並將於10月18日接受最後一次物理治療。
  2. 我們在8月祈禱信為波妮十歲的女兒——美美的小腸腫瘤禱告。天父聽了我們的祈禱,醫生說腫瘤已不見了。
  3. 在9月17日主日崇拜後西歷接受耶穌為主,她是我們新光托兒所的媬姆,示湯的媳婦。
  4. 勝戶是活石堂的青年人,他得到獎學金在去年10月尾去以色列進修一年,今年10月初學成回到金邊。感謝天父帶領他在以巴戰爭爆發之前安全離開以色列。


  1. 為活石堂的同工能有好的溝通,彼此配搭事奉,帶動初信會友靈命成長。
  2. 為阿冰(一會友的妺妹)及心聆的鄰居珍達慕道的心禱告。
  3. 為我們在金邊的日子能與本地同工們設立家庭小組。



Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,

         Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name” (Psalms 100:4). We had Canadian thanksgiving on October 9th; there are so many things to be grateful for: God’s unfailing love and mercy, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the love and care of our family and friends, the health we’ve enjoyed. We are thankful for the use of zoom that even though we have been living in Canada we can still pray with our staff 4 times a week and hold Bible study once a week. All of us have learned so much from His words. Now God opens the door for us to go back to Cambodia for ministry. We are excited to leave for Phnom Penh on October 29th for 41/2 months. Over this time, we plan to work alongside our local staff to build them up to take leadership of the church; help the members to grow spiritually by setting up home groups and working with individuals to see them delivered from their pasts.

        Next year on March 19th, we will go to Hong Kong for a month before going back to Canada. We are looking forward to meeting up with you and sharing what God has been doing in our lives.  Thank you so much for supporting us and our ministry all these years with gratitude.  Please continue to remember our praise and prayer items.

Praise items:

  • Liza went to see her surgeon who did her wrist surgery on September 19th with assurance that her wrist was healed. She can use her hand with some restriction after 6 times of physiotherapy covered by provincial medical care and will get the last one on October 18th.
  • We asked for prayer for Phally’s daughter who was diagnosed with a tumor in her intestines. God has answered our prayers that the doctor said the tumor was not there.
  • On September 17th after church Srey Nick received Jesus as her savior; she is the daughter in law of one of the nannies at Sonlight Kindergarten.
  • One of our young people in our church, Seng Hua, who got scholarship to study in Israel for a year last October. He came back to Cambodia before Israel got into war.

Prayer requests:

  • For the staff at the Living Stone Church that they work together with good and open communication.
  • For the salvation of Bing, sister of our member and Chanda who is the neighbor of Som Neang.
  • For our trip to Phnom Penh, God would put the right people in our lives to help them grow spiritually.

        Thank you. We would love to hear from you and pray for you.

In His service,            
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 我們曾為波妮能得救祈禱,天父答應了我們。當她的哥哥波拿傳道與她分享福音時,她接受了耶穌作為她個人的救主。她熱衷於每週學習天父的話語。
  2. 七月柬埔寨大選順利、和平進行。
  3. 有新人來參加活石堂主日崇拜。


  1. 活石堂的同工正計劃在會友家中開辦小組,讓大家有機會交流、分享及互相鼓勵。請為這事工禱告。
  2. 為波妮10歲的女兒美美禱告,祈求天父醫治她腸臟的腫瘤。
  3. 為月甜的手腕禱告,祈求在物理治療後沒有後患。



Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,

        Looks like summer is going away soon in Calgary. We are enjoying cooler weather now. Since the last time we wrote there are two unforgettable events that have happened in our lives. Firstly, on June 24th Liza slipped coming from the washroom in a restaurant. Her left hand landed on the floor that broke three bones in her wrist. The shoes that she wore didn’t have much grip at the bottom and that is why for the fall. For the 7 weeks she went through putting cast on, surgery with a plate and 7 screws inside her wrist. She experienced much pain, discomfort, helplessness, and inconvenience. However, on the other hand she experienced the love and prayer support from friends and family especially Joseph, our daughter, and her husband whom we live in the same house. And that makes me humble to ask for help from them! Finally, 7 weeks after my surgery, the cast was removed and now, I am in physiotherapy.  God let me learn something on all of these; as in Romans 12:4-8 I’m reminded that we need different parts of our body. Also, it’s in the body of Christ that we need every member of our church. In 1 Corinthians 12:23 encourages us to treat the less honorable with special honor in the body of Christ. It humbles me to have more mercy for those in the body of Christ.

        Secondly, God protected our family from the fire just 2 houses away. In the morning of August 5th around 5:30 when we were still asleep Liza heard the honking of cars and she thought drivers were impatient. Then we heard banging on our door; our next-door neighbor told us there was fire in the garage of the house next to him. Then fire engines came, and the fire was under control in an hour or so. We are so thankful the fire was only contained in that garage; no one was injured! If it were during the middle of the night fire was not so easily found out!

        We thank you so much for supporting our ministry in Cambodia for all these years. Please continue to praise God for what He has done, and we covet your continued prayers.

Praise items:

  • We prayed for Polly’s salvation and God answered us. She received Jesus as her personal Savior when Phalla shared the gospel with her. She is keen to study God’s word every week.
  • The general election in Cambodia went smoothly and peacefully.
  • There have been new people coming to the Living Stone Church.

Prayer requests:

  • Our local staff is planning to start small groups in the homes of the members on top of the various Bible study groups.
  • For Polly’s 10-year-old daughter, Mei Mei that God will heal the tumor in her intestines.
  • For Liza’s wrist that she can use her hand with no problems after the physiotherapy session.

        Thank you. Write us a message when you have time, and we can pray for you too.

Yours in Christ,                
Joseph and Liza Ng

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