- 教會東邊向街的外牆壁畫重新上色,壁畫翻新後,吸引了更多孩子來新光幼稚園讀書。
- 兒童主日學分為兩個班,以便老師能夠針對學生的需求進行教學。
- 每月第一個星期日,教會崇拜後一起吃飯。會友都很熱心地帶食物來分享和有美好的交通。
- 祈求天父指引教會同工,作福音外展事工。
- 跟進參加聖誕節慶祝的新朋友。
- 在青年團契週會中,同工開始教導年輕人如何傳福音。祈求年輕人渴望學習真道和願意分享他們的信仰。
Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,
Happy Chinese New Year! Wishing you God’s blessings and grace to you!
Praise the Lord there was a short-term mission group from Hong Kong to Living Stone Church during Christmas holidays. They did a fantastic job of repainting the drawings of the wall which has attracted more students for our Sonlight Kindergarten. The team members were also involved with the Christmas program which was well attended with over 100 people. There were many newcomers, and some people who had not come for a while. The staff and young people involved in this project were exhausted but very happy to see God was in work!
We are thankful to know local staff see the vision of reaching out to the unbelievers. Firstly, one of our nannies at our nursery and family moved to a newly developed community a few months ago. She mentioned that if our church could help start a children group there. So, the staff visited the area and are planning to go prayer walking and see it’s possible. Secondly, our pastor, Phalla, knows an older lady who started a church with her daughter about 20 kilometres from Livingstone Church. A Korean missionary helped build a church in her land. But the missionary did not have any support for them. The daughter finished her Bible school training and started preaching on Sundays. Now the daughter is getting married and moving to the USA. The lady is looking for a church that can partner with the ministry. Phalla has a vision to help her to build up the congregation and asks if it’s possible for our church to help. Thirdly, Udom, our Bible school student and his father’s family have been going to their homeland to start programs to reach out to the people there twice a year. That place is about 3 hours’ drive from Phnom Penh. The local staff also see if our church can help to plant a church there!
Praise God for these items:
- The newly repainted wall can attract more parents to send their children to our school.
- The children’s Sunday school has split into 2 classes so that the teachers can target the needs of the students.
- Every first Sunday of the month the staff starts a meal together after church. The members are enthusiastic to come and share their food.
Pray for:
- God’s guidance for the staff to know which is the priority for outreach ministry.
- Follow- up of the people who came to the Christmas program.
- During the youth fellowship the leaders have started to teach the young people how to present the gospel. Pray that the youth are eager to learn and have a heart to share their faith.
Thank you so much to partner with us for growing the kingdom of God in Cambodia!
In His name,
Joseph and Liza Ng