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  1. 感謝主的帶領,在人數少的時候帶領別的人來參加聚會!求主感動亞沙芬堡餐館弟兄的表哥繼續有興趣參加查經班,更多的來認識 神,接受基督的救恩!感謝主帶領吉森的慕道友,藉著父親的探訪,讓妹妹有機會接觸基督信仰,回國後可以跟父母去教會。求主也感動這位慕道友繼續穩定參加查經班,不要被別的事務阻擾。
  2. 求主眷顧考試中的學生,特別是那些還不認識 神的同學,因為壓力的緣故,就不來參加查經聚會!吉森學生組三位負責的姊妹中,有兩位已經回國過年與家人團聚。求主賜恩給留下來的姊妹,讓她有力量來服事。
  3. 感謝主,讓負責組織廣東話查經班的姊妹看見自己的缺乏,願意在靈性上有所追求,求主保守她屬靈生命,願意聽從父神的話,有更多的擺上,有更多的愛心忍耐服事那些未信者!
  4. 感恩有機會服事參加全德造就營的弟兄姊妹,求主賜能力能妥善安排各樣事宜。求主賜下話語給兩位講員,讓他們來激勵我們的弟兄姊妹,更好的為主而活。
  5. 感謝主帶領德國年輕傳道人來服事教會的第二代。短短幾個月,看到青年人都比較穩定參加青年主日學,有幾位青年人跟傳道人學吉他,上週雙語崇拜的時候已經可以以吉他詩歌來一同敬拜主!除了主日以外,很感恩她也願意服事我們兩個團契的小孩們,當大人聚會的時候,小孩也同時可以學習聖經。以前大人聚會,沒人管小孩,他們便自己玩。所以,傳道人來了,家長也很感恩!求主使用這位德國傳道人,讓青年人的信仰更堅固,讓他們帶來的未信朋友有機會認識 神!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

“The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.” Proverbs10:22

        Time really flies! Before you know it, it is already the 7th day of the Chinese New Year! We finally finished all the Chinese New Year activity in our bible study groups. Yesterday there weren’t many people who came to the Aschaffenburg bible study due to sickness by flu and make up class for daughter. Even the owner couple of the restaurant was not there. The sister went home immediately after hearing her father being hospitalised. Even though she went back to take care of her father in China, she still encouraged us to continue meeting for bible study because her husband was at the restaurant all the time. But he went out to do some duties leaving his daughter to help out yesterday. His daughter has just finished her exams and was on semester break. She joined our bible study for the first time. She was already baptised. Even though she was born here, her Chinese was pretty good and understood what we shared. Another surprise was that the cousin of the restaurant brother stayed to listen to God’s words and agreed to what was being taught. He is not a Christian and also works in the restaurant. Before yesterday, whenever we asked him for bible study, he never joined.

        After Christmas meeting, Giessen Fellowship started preparing for the Chinese New Year meeting. Since some children of several families participated in the performance, some non-believing families also came. However, since it was examination time for the students, they came later. They expressed their gratitude for the plenty and good food. For the past two weeks, since they were very anxious about their exam, they did not come for our bible study. But last week, God brought a father who just came from China to visit his daughter here. His daughter has come to our fellowship from time to time and had a good impression on our belief. Her husband works here but showed no interest in our bible study. Since his father-in-law who was a believer wanted to see how it was like regarding Christian meeting was concerned, he brought him and his sister-in-law to our bible study last week. His sister-in-law also had little knowledge about Christianity. Because she had to accompany her father, so she came also.

        Like in the past, after our Sunday service, we had our wrapping Chinese dumpling to celebrate the Chinese New Year. There were many people including a young pastor with some of his members from a German church. They also learned how to wrap the dumplings. Our brothers and sisters also invited some friends to come.

        It is almost one year since the establishment of the Cantonese bible study group. Our non-believers have never visited our church. But because every fellowship was asked to perform something for our Christmas meeting, our group also practised a Christian song for that event. As such, most of us went to church to perform. They were happy to have participated. One lady who worked in a restaurant also rushed to join us during her rest hours. Although the two oldest sister in our church had no fellowship for them, they also joined us to sing because they knew Cantonese as well. They too were very happy to sing on stage. Two of the non-believers also came for the wrapping of dumplings.

        The sister who organised this Cantonese bible study group has been baptised for only a few years. She worked on shifts and could not attend every Sunday service. In addition, her mandarin was not that good at the beginning. So, her bible knowledge was not that good. Gradually, she herself felt the lack of biblical knowledge. So, she would come to my home for a discipleship course whenever she found time.

        Last year I was elected by our pastoral co-workers in Germany to chair our annual Easter Camp for all Christians in Germany. So, I had to organise the camp with other co-workers. I was busy earlier because I had to find out the exact no. of applicants for the camp. This year we are grateful because most of the fellowships and churches submitted their group application form early for they knew of the limited seats available. So, it seldom happened that even before our deadline, the application was already full leaving two churches not being able to apply. In order to accommodate all these applicants, I had to ask the co-worker to apply for more beds before she left for vacation. This year, we also had a new challenge. Upon the request of one of our speakers, we prepared a link for applicants who would sign up for a 40 days fasting prayer chain so that they could pray for this camp and might experience a revival by the Holy Spirit.

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for His guidance! He brought some others to attend bible study meetings when there were few people joining the bible study. Pray that God will touch the heart of the cousin of the restaurant brother to continue to join the bible study so that he will come to know our God and accept Jesus’s salvation! Thank God for bringing the father of the non-believer to visit her so that her sister would get a chance to have contact with Christianity. Pray that she would go to her parents’ church when they return home! Pray also that non-believer would attend our bible study group more regularly and would not be hindered by other business!
  2. Pray that God will bless those students who are having their exams, especially those who do not know God yet! Because of exam. pressure, they do not come to meetings! Two of the three sisters who help out in the student group went home for Chinese New Year and family reunion. Pray that God will help the one left behind the ability to serve!
  3. Thank God that the sister who organises the Cantonese bible study group saw her needs for strengthening her spiritual life! Pray that she would listen to God’s words and will be willing to serve those non-believers with more love and patience!
  4. Thank God for the opportunity to serve brothers and sisters who join the Easter Camp! Pray that God will give me the ability to do all the necessary arrangements! Pray that God will give the two speakers His words to encourage our brothers and sisters to better live for Christ!
  5. Thank God for bringing the young German pastor to serve our 2nd generation! Only in a few months’ time, we can see that some of our youth have been coming to church regularly! Some youth take guitar lessons from the pastor. Last week, the youth group was able to use guitars and singing to worship with the adults in our bilingual service. Besides Sunday school, we are grateful that the youth pastor is willing to serve our younger kids for two other fellowships. Before she came, the children were left playing by themselves while the adults were having their bible study. Now she also teaches the children. The parents are so thankful! Pray that God will use this German pastor to strengthen the faith of our youth and also evangelise to the friends that were brought by the youth!

        May God bless you during this Chinese New Year season!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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        感謝 神的預備,當我們的德國教牧同工提出第二代事工缺乏工人之後,黎明啟差會的宣教士就在他的神學院接觸到一位願意來華人服事的畢業生。我們教會便馬上與宣教士聯絡,接觸這位學生,彼此了解,最後經過教會會員的接納,聘請這位年輕傳道人來服事教會的青少年。雖然這位德國傳道人對中國人與中國文化沒有太多的認識,但是她也很願意了解和接納。最近我帶她參加一些查經班,慢慢去認識弟兄姊妹和中國人的文化,從她享受弟兄姊妹的食物,和她主動與陌生的中國人交流,看她已經比較接納我們。她才來幾個星期,昨晚已經可以嚐到一對新人在餐館擺設的豐盛喜宴。除了愛中國食物之外,但願她愛我們的青少年,把他們帶到主面前,堅固他們的信心。


  1. 感謝主,帶領吉森團契成為一個合神使用的團隊,同心合意的興旺福音!
  2. 感謝主,感動那位丈夫信主!求 主保守他的信心,在沒有一個屬靈的環境下仍然不動搖!求主也感動他太太,挪去她的困惑,接受主的救恩!
  3. 求主賜下智慧,服事知識份子!
  4. 感謝主的預備與供應,帶領德國青年傳道來到我們教會服事第二代!雖然只簽了一年的合約,求主感動,讓她在這事奉上得力,以後還可以繼續服事我們的青少年!
  5. 吉森團契將於12月9日舉行聖誕聚會,求主藉著海報通知,吸引新人來參加聚會,得聽聞福音!
  6. 法蘭克福華人教會也於12月17日舉行聖誕聚會,求主帶領負責弟兄在統籌上一切安排順利,讓大家共慶之時,能接觸新朋友,以致他們日後能再來教會!

        雖然感恩節已過,還是感謝 神各樣的恩典,包括你們長期的代禱支持!



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Dear brothers and sisters,

 “I will sacrifice a thank offering to you .” Psalm 116:17a

        The writer of the hymn “Thank you , Lord” wrote that some thank the Lord for friends and homes, for flowers and stars. But he thanked God for saving his soul and His great salvation!

        Thank God for His guidance! Since we started the student group in Giessen in February, there are some who attend the bible study group regularly. One couple participated actively and asked a lot of questions. In their path of seeking God, God provided for them an evangelistic camp in October. During the camp, the husband prayed the prayer of accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior without understanding what the prayer meant. His wife just happened to see me and asked me what it meant. She thought that her husband was not clear about this acceptance. On the same night, I happened to sit next to them. I explained to him again what it meant to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior. After he returned to our bible study group the following week, he himself told to his closer friends about his decision. He has already finished reading a book on how to grow spiritually and started reading the gospel books. Although his wife has still a lot of questions, she also enjoys coming to our bible study group. She has more trust on us than other Chinese. She also invited new students to our ‘welcome new student’ activities. She even wondered why the new students did not come for she really liked our activities and brothers and sisters.

        Our fellowship is very thankful for this gospel fruit. We see that it was a result of the team work, from 80+ years old brother and sister till teenagers. Because brothers and sisters bring food to serve the students and stay to eat together, the relationship among our brothers and sisters is also being built up. The whole fellowship is quite active.  We held one seminar each week to welcome the new students for the whole month of October. They were being presented by our brothers and sisters according to their gifts. Thank God that even though some students came last year and had left for other cities, He brought some new students this year!

        Thank God for His provision! After we mentioned the lack of workers for our second generation in our German co-workers retreat last year, one graduate from the Liebenzell Mission seminary was willing to serve Chinese when she was told about our situation. Our church contacted her immediately. After getting to know each other, passing the vote to hire her by church members, she became our youth minister. Although she is a German and has little knowledge about Chinese and Chinese cultures, she was willing to learn and accept us. Recently, I brought her to the fellowships which I’ve been serving to get to know our brothers and sisters. From the way she enjoyed our Chinese food and actively talking to Chinese strangers, she has been adapting quite well.  Even though she just came for a few weeks, she got a chance to attend a Chinese wedding banquet which was being held in a Chinese restaurant by the newly wedded couple. Besides loving Chinese food, pray that she would love our teenagers so that she would bring them to our Lord and have their faith being strengthened.

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for leading the Giessen fellowship who works as a team to advance the gospel!
  2. Thank God for touching the heart of the husband who accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior! Pray that God will keep his faith so that it would not be shaken even when there is no spiritual environment when he returns home! Pray that God will touch his wife and take away her doubts so that she will also accept God’s salvation!
  3. Pray that God will provide wisdom to serve those educated!
  4. Thank God for His provision so that one German youth pastor comes to serve our second generation! Although the contract is for one year, pray that she would have power to serve and she might consider to serve for longer term in the future!
  5. Giessen fellowship will hold a Christmas meeting on the 9th December. Pray that new comer will come and hear the gospel!
  6. Frankfurt Chinese Christian Church will hold the Christmas meeting on the 17th. Pray that God will help the brother who is in charge of the program so that it would be run smoothly! Pray that the new comers will continue to come to our church after the event!

        Although Thanksgiving has passed, there are still much to be thankful including your long term prayer and support!
        Wish you have a blessed Merry Christmas in advance!God’s grace is abundant!


Serving In Christ,
Karen Tang

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        在這些媽媽回國之前,查經班的一位姊妹請大家為她禱告,因為她這次帶孩子回國有一個感動和使命,就是要向她的婆婆傳福音。原來她婆婆幾個月前得到癌症,她先生已經回家看望母親,雖然他已慕道多年但還沒有信主,那次回去,也受太太所託向自己母親傳福音,他就把傳道人給他的四律讀給母親聽了。當姊妹回家的時候,竟聽到她自己的母親也得到癌症,她同時要兼顧兩家的病人。因為她早就有負擔向婆婆傳福音,而 神也預備她婆婆的心,當她跟婆婆聊到信仰的時候,才知道婆婆的女兒(她自己也不是基督徒)也給了她一本聖經,她講完福音後婆婆接受了救恩。由於姊妹的家人害怕把得癌症的消息告訴她媽媽,所以她媽媽還被蒙在鼓裡。


        去年,吉森團契在過了大學新生入學的日期才有感動做學生事工,所以沒有做迎新活動。去年底才開始舉辦好幾個活動,今年初正式開始每週的學生小組聚會,轉眼就快一年了。感謝 神的帶領,有幾名學生基本上都固定參與聚會,有六名學生已報名參加九月底的福音營。新學期十月就開始,我們也準備了一連串的迎新活動,藉這些活動吸引他們留下來參加查經聚會。


  1. 暑假結束,各查經班也開始恢復正常聚會。求主保守各查經班,使弟兄姊妹與慕道友都能藉著神的話語認識 神!
  2. 求主保守姊妹的婆婆信心不搖動!求主醫治姊妹的婆婆和媽媽,讓她有機會向媽媽傳福音!
  3. 感謝主的帶領,使所有參與同工訓練營的人都有收穫!求主保守弟兄姊妹的心,讓他們在營會的立志得以實現,讓教牧同工都可以繼續跟進他們的進度!
  4. 南德福音營將於九月三十日至十月三日舉行,今年由法蘭克福華人教會主辦,求主賜下所需的同工,使各崗位的事奉都能順利進行。感謝主讓吉森六名學生參加營會,求主感動更多各地的慕道友參加,以致他們得聞福音,接受主的救恩!本來邀請的講員因為身體健康問題,不能出席,但感謝 神的預備,有兩位講員來幫忙!求主帶領講員在臨時應急之下仍能預備美好的福音信息!
  5. 很多城市的教會、團契都密鑼緊鼓準備迎新活動,求主帶領新學生來參加活動,讓他們認識一班基督徒,讓 神的愛吸引他們繼續去查經班!
  6. 求主憐憫各地被風暴、地震摧殘的受害者,讓他們得到及時的援助,身體得到保護,可以重建家園!求主安慰死者的親友!




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Dear brothers and sisters,

“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” Isa. 55:6

        Entering the end of August and beginning of September, students from grade school gradually start their new semester. Germans like to bring their kids out for vacation or visit family during summer holidays. Since Germany is not a very big country, there are only a few major highways that connect areas from east to west and north to south. If all states start the summer holidays at the same time, there will be traffic jams. Therefore, all states except two would discuss and plan their own holiday dates in order to avoid the problem. We are in the State called Hessen. When summer holiday started, most of the mothers in our Riedberg bible study group would bring their kids back to China. As such, our bible study group stopped meeting. When it was almost time for them to return, the state of Bayern started their holidays. Since Aschaffenburg is in Bayern, that bible study group stopped meeting.

        Before returning home, a sister from our bible study group requested to pray for her because she had a passion and mission to evangelise to her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law got cancer a few months ago when her husband returned to visit her. Even though her husband is not yet a believer, he was asked by her to tell her mother-in-law the gospel. So, he got a 4 spiritual law booklet from our pastor and read it to her. As soon as the sister arrived home, she was told that her own mother also got cancer. She was heavy laden. Since she had this burden to evangelise to her mother-in-law and amazingly, God had also prepared her. When she talked about her faith to her, she found out that her sister-in-law who also was not a believer had already given a bible to her mother-in-law. So, when she asked her to accept Jesus Christ as her Saviour, she accepted. On the other hand, because her own family member was afraid to tell her mother about the cancer, her mother was not told of her illness yet.

        This year’s co-worker training camp was held in August. One thing special was that we didn’t invite any speaker for this camp. Co-workers mentioned that there were a lot of biblical knowledge but not the practical know-how in last year’s feedback. So, some of our pastoral co-workers designed this year’s program especially tailored to our co-workers who are leaders in different churches, bible study groups in Germany. This is a new attempt and the feedback was good. Both the pastoral co-workers and lay leaders had closer contact.

        Last year, it was after the new students came that Giessen bible study group had the heart to start student ministry. Therefore, we missed organise any welcome program. Since end of last year, we had several programs for the students and beginning of this year, we started a student group meeting every week. Soon, it is almost one year! Thank God for leading some students to join the group whenever they can. There are 6 of them who have applied to participate the gospel camp at the end of September. New semester will start in October, and we will prepare some welcome programs to attract students to stay for the student group.

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

1. After summer holidays, our bible study groups resume meeting as before. Pray that God will keep each bible study group and lead all to learn to know God through His words!
2. Pray that God will keep our sister’s mother-in-law’s faith! Pray that God will heal her mother-in-law and her mother and give our sister the opportunity to evangelise to her mother.
3. Thank God for His guidance so that all who attended the co-workers training camp learned something! Pray that God will keep our brothers and sisters’ heart so that they will fulfill what they had committed to change in the camp! Pray that our pastoral co-workers will follow up on their progress!
4. Our South Germany gospel camp will be held from Sep. 30- Oct.3. Our church will be the host organiser. Pray that God will provide the necessary co-workers for each division of works so that the camp will run smoothly! Thank God for the 6 students from Giessen who have already applied for this camp! Pray that God will touch more seekers from other areas to join the camp so that they will hear the gospel and accept our Lord’s salvation! Due to physical problem, our original speaker couldn’t come. Thank God for providing two speakers to replace him! Pray that God will prepare their message in such a short notice!
5. Many churches and bible study groups are preparing programs for welcoming new university students for the first semester. Pray that God will help bring these students to attend the activities so that they will be attracted by God’s love among the Christians and will be willing to stay for bible study group!
6. Pray that God will protect those victims of flooding and earthquake and that they will get all the help that needed to re-build their homes! Pray that God will comfort the families and friends of the lost ones!

Thank God for keep our lives so that we still have the breath of life to serve Him!
Thank you for your continuous prayer and support!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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  1. 感謝主讓兩位回國多年的姊妹願意等候 神,最終今年五月都嫁給主内弟兄了!
  2. 感謝主的愛護,讓母女經過打擊之後嚐到主恩的滋味,女兒終於嫁給德國弟兄,學業快完成!
  3. 感謝主感動哥廷根的姊妹,願意服事她身邊的姊妹們!
  4. 求 主賜下智慧給有叛逆孩子的母親們,讓她們知道如何處理親子關係!
  5. 求 主憐憫丈夫成為植物人的姊妹,讓她往返探病的時候都有體力!姊妹也希望找到一份工作來維持一家的生活,求 主預備工作的機會!
  6. 感恩參加教會的生活營,與弟兄姊妹有美好的時光!
  7. 感恩參加教牧同工宣教士的退修會,與中、德的同工們一起相聚,分享事奉的難處,彼此禱告扶持!




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Dear brothers and sisters,

“Have I not wept for those in trouble? Has not my soul grieved for the poor?”  Job 30:25

I met a mother of a sister during her wedding in June. She was grateful to see me. She reminded me of her request four years ago. One day, she called me from Taiwan to ask if someone from church could help receive her daughter. Her daughter was being kicked out by her German ex-husband. So, I let her stay in my home for half a year. During that period, she finished her divorce process and her German language study, passed the entrance examination into university and moved out. Later, she met her boy-friend who is also a German. The difference is that this one is a Christian. After dating for several years, she is married. Thank God for protecting this sister and her mother from a big blow and coming out of it! Thank God for the man who loves this sister!

I was invited to preach in Gottingen fellowship last Sunday. I stayed overnight at a sister’s house. Time flies. I got to know her for 16 years already. I still remembered that she called one day to ask for an accommodation because she needed to come to write an examination. After she passed her examination and got her admittance letter to university, it was already late to find a place to live. I received her to stay in my less than 15 mone-room apartment.

Every night, we took an extra mattress off my bed and she slept on it. Every morning, we stacked the mattress on my bed again. Because we lived together, she became the first gospel fruit in Germany after evangelizing to her. I was grateful to see her being admitted to university, graduated, married and is now a mother of four. Her faith is stable and has served not only in the Chinese fellowship but also in international bible study group. She married a Dutch working in Germany. Although they have four children including a twin, they still have time to open their house for sisters gathering and an English bible study group. Praise God for their energy!

In contrast, another sister is having a lot of pressure taking care of a family with 3 children. She is really helpless facing her rebellious daughter. There is such a big difference between the two families mainly because in the former the couple takes up the responsibilities together while in the latter, the husband not only is not helping much after work but becomes an extra burden for the wife. Now even though this husband realizes the pressure of his wife, there is much learning for him.

About one month ago, I received an email from a sister who told me about an incidence. Her husband suddenly fainted while on his way to work. Since there was no immediate resuscitation, his brain lacked of oxygen and became almost in a vegetative state. This happened in February but she didn’t contact me. Her husband found a job here several years ago and moved to Frankfurt area. They came to our church for a few times and never saw them again. They went to worship in an international church. She has 3 children. Perhaps after her husband was transferred to a rehabilitation center, she was wearied. She had to take 4 hours both ways in order to visit her husband taking the public transportation. It was grateful that her reliance on God gave her much strength to endure such difficult situation. Even though her husband had no reaction, she still read him the bible and spiritual books in every visit. Her church helped in taking care of her children until her parent came. Thank God that her mother got another 6 months extension to stay and help her. A few days ago, he was transferred to a nursing home which is now only an hour distance from home.


Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for two sisters who returned to China several years ago and was willing to wait upon God for their life long partners. They were both married to brothers in Christ this May!
  2. Thank God for protecting the mother and daughter after a big blow! Thank God that the daughter married to a German brother and will finish her study soon!
  3. Thank God for the sister in Goettingen, who is willing to serve the sisters there!
  4. Pray that God will give wisdom to those mothers who have rebellious teenagers!
  5. Pray that God will have mercy on the sister whose husband is in a vegetative state! Pray that God will give her strength and let her find a job to sustain the family.
  6. Thank God for having a good time with brothers and sisters in our family camp!
  7. Thank God for a great fellowship time sharing difficulties in ministries and spent some time praying together with Chinese and German pastors and missionaries in our pastoral annual retreat!


Thank God for His grace! Thank you for your prayer support!


Serving Him,
Karen Tang

Email address: [email protected]
Please support missionary Karen Tang’s mission fund.
Check title: China Evangelistic Mission, please state “for missionary Karen Tang”.
Send to : China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6,
San Ramon CA 94583

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感謝 神的帶領,上星期有七位弟兄姊妹接受洗禮,其中有一對父子,繼女兒兩年前受洗之後,終於接受洗禮。妻子是第一位受洗的,多年以後,看到全家都受洗,喜樂的心情是難以形容的。這位父親有很多親兄弟,與他最接近的哥哥表示,最了解他的信仰情況,弟弟能信主受洗,作兄長的也驚訝不已。他們的母親都是虔誠的基督徒,家裡就剩下這位最小的弟弟一直都遠離 神。他們從小就來德國打拼,因為做餐館,事業成功,他很驕傲,心中沒有 神。但是 神的恩典仍臨到這家。十多年前信佛的妻子接受主,把兩個兒女從小帶去教會。雖然小孩們不怎麼認識 神,但是總是喜歡去教會;縱然母親因為疲倦想偷懶不去,兒女還是要求母親帶他們上教會去。這幾年弟兄犯了錯誤,生意也失敗了,才知道自己的能力還是有限。去年他重新開始一家餐館,當中有很多難處, 神卻出人意外地為他解決,他才意識到沒有 神,那些事是不可能成就或如此安排的。他不得不承認 神的大能,終於願意歸家跟隨主。兒子雖然從小去教會,但是還沒有完全認識 神。今年高中有一個重要考試,如果成績不好就不能繼續升學,所以有點緊張。因為姐姐兩年前已經走過同樣的路,而那時的她就靠著禱告去面對。所以他也開始禱告,而 神垂聽他的禱告,成績都比他平時考得好,連老師都稱讚他有進步。因此,他相信是 神的帶領,也願意接受洗禮,認真地走 神的路。由於他們兩位的經歷都是最近發生,他們想受洗的時候洗禮班已經快結束,所以都要額外給他們補課。雖然他們的中文程度有限,但是為了受洗,他們都甘願熬夜完成作業,實在感動,因而我也願意成全他們。




這麼多年來上洗禮班都沒有經歷過只有一個人上課的,而這一次只有一位年輕媽媽報名。 神特別憐憫這位媽媽,由爸爸帶著大兒子,她則帶著小兒子來上課,因為小孩沒有睡好午覺,總會哭鬧著。這時母親就只好餵哺母乳,他才會安靜下來,讓我們可以繼續上課。由於沒有其他同學,她都可以這樣做。到後期,當那對父子加入來上課時,她的小孩也沒有怎麼吵鬧,嬰孩的父親有時也有空照顧他。所以,我們兩個都特別看到 神的恩典實在太奇妙了!



  1. 感謝 神親自呼喚祂的孩子們歸家!求 主保守剛受洗的弟兄姊妹的信心,好好地走主的路!
  2. 感謝 神的帶領,吉森團契服事的學生小組,自從開始提供飯食之後,團契弟兄姊妹的關係也密切很多!他們有幾位年長或中年的弟兄姊妹也慢慢來參與學生的聚會,突破以前的擔憂,覺得年紀比他們大,不知道跟年輕人談什麼!求 主使用弟兄姊妹的愛心,繼續吸引學生來聚會!
  3. 感謝 神的保守,讓我上週感染的急性甲溝炎得以及時處理!剛開始只是紅腫和痛,去看了家庭醫生,她說塗幾天藥就好。但是塗了兩天都不好,開始發膿,而且越來越嚴重。可惜剛好遇上週末醫生不開診,本以為熬到週一去看醫生。但週一是五一勞動節假期,只好去醫院急診部。感謝 神的憐憫,不需要等候,馬上就有醫生處理,再找到假期營業的藥房,買了醫生開的抗生素吃,再轉去看家庭醫生跟進。目前還是有一點腫痛,已經好很多,求 主醫治!






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Dear brothers and sisters,


“I will set out and go back to my father” Luke 15:18a


Thank God for His leading that 7 brothers and sisters were baptized last week. Two of them were father and son. The daughter was baptized two years ago. The wife was the first one who got baptized. Many years later, she was so happy to see that finally, the whole family was baptized. The father has many siblings himself. His closest brother told us that he knew very well about his brother’s unbelief. So, when his brother was told of his baptism, he was very surprised. Their mother was a devoted believer and always brought her children to church. But this youngest son had drifted away from God as he grew older. The sons came to Germany at their teenage years. As years gone by, their restaurant business has been very successful. That made the youngest son very arrogant and there was no God in his heart. But God’s grace came upon his family. More than ten years ago, the wife who had worshipped Buddha before became a Christian. She would bring her daughter and son to church. Even though the kids didn’t know much about God, they liked very much to go to Children Sunday School. Sometimes their mother was tired and lazy to bring them to church, they would beg her to go. Due to some mistakes made by this husband, his businesses failed in recent years. It was only then he realized that his ability was limited. Last year, he opened another restaurant again. Though he faced some difficulties, they were being solved by God. He was amazed because he knew now that without God, nothing could be accomplished. So, he finally accepted God’s power and was willing to go home and follow the Lord. His son on the other hand admitted he never took God seriously even though he went to church since he was little. This year he had to take an important high school exam. If he failed it, that meant he would not be able to continue to study in college. So, he was a bit nervous. But after hearing from her sister who went through the same process two years ago, he tried to pray to God like her sister did. God listened to his prayer and his results turned out better than he thought. His teacher also praised him for the progress. As such, he believed that it was God’s leading and he was willing to be baptized and follows God’s path seriously. Because the father and son both made the decision to be baptized only recently, our baptismal class was almost ended. So, they had to finish the lessons outside class. In order to make it to this baptism, they would spend long hours at night in order to work on their lessons despite their limitation on the Chinese language. It was touching to see their effort and I was willing to help them to get baptized.


Another young couple being baptized was PhDs who majored in law. They were seekers for many years. Because of a job found in Frankfurt, they moved to here. One day, the wife was being led by the Holy Spirit to urge her to go to church. Even though the husband was not so willing, they did go to church a few times. Just as they decided not to go to church again (I learned this only when she wrote in her testimony), the wife received a message sent by me to say hello and invite them to our baptismal class. She accepted the invitation and came to class with her husband. Slowly they learned more about our faith and the wife decided to accept Jesus as her personal Savior. They then went back home to visit their families. She missed last year’s baptism. After coming back from China, the husband also decided to accept Christ’s salvation. So, they both got baptized this year!


Over the years, I’ve never had only one student attending our baptismal class. But this happened this time. Only one young mother attended the class. Because the father took care of the elder brother, she had to bring the toddler to class. Due to the lack of good sleep in the afternoon, the toddler cried a bit. She then had to breast-feed him to keep him quiet so that we could continue the lesson. Since there was no other student in the class, she could do so up until the last few lessons when the father and son mentioned above joined in. After that, the toddler was less noisy or his father could take care of him. So, the mother didn’t have to breast-feed him again. We both were so amazed that God had mercy on this young mother to provide such a condition!


Thanksgiving and prayer items:


  1. Thank God for calling His children to come home! Pray that God will keep the faith of those who were just being baptized so that they will follow God’s path!
  2. Thank God for His guidance! Since the older fellowship started serving dinner for both themselves and the student group, the relationship among brothers and sisters is getting closer! Some of the older brothers and sisters also join the student group. They have overcome their worry of not being able to communicate with the young people because of the age gap! Pray that God will use their love to attract students to come to our meeting!
  3. Thank God for His protection! I got an acute paronychia and was treated in time. At the beginning, I felt the pain as my thumb got swollen. I went to see a doctor who prescribed me a medicated cream. After two days of application, my thumb got worse and pus developed. Since it happened over the week-end, there was no doctor to see. I thought I would go the following Monday. Unfortunately, it was a holiday. So, I had to go to the emergency room in a near-by hospital. Thank God for His mercy, without waiting, I was treated immediately. I also got the antibiotic prescribed by the doctor in a pharmacy which was opened on that holiday. I later went to my family doctor for follow-up. Right now, it has gotten much better. Pray for a recovery!


Thank God for His grace that you always remember us in prayers!

Pray that God will bless your work also!


Serving Him,
Karen Tang

Email address: [email protected]
Please support missionary Karen Tang’s mission fund.
Check title: China Evangelistic Mission, please state “for missionary Karen Tang”.
Send to : China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6,
San Ramon CA 94583

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  1. 感謝主感動說廣東話的姐妹,讓她看重主日崇拜聚會和周邊的廣東人的福音需要,願意把活動調到週六並組織了廣東話查經班!願他們透過查經班來認識真神!感謝主,由於姐妹害怕被組員問到聖經信仰問題,她也開始多讀聖經!
  2. 感謝主帶領學生來參加吉森的學生查經班!最近有兩位女生要考語言班的考試,求主帶領,讓她們考過之後可以進入大學!感謝德國教會的支持,讓我們可以使用多一個房間作為學生查經的地方,但每次他們有活動我們就要靈活變動場地,求主憐憫,讓我們都有好的安排!
  3. 感謝主保守吉森年長及中年的弟兄姐妹的身體!自從開始學生工作之後,他們每週都要帶一至兩道比較大份量的菜去教會,大家在教會裡聚餐。
  4. 求主保守最近感冒的弟兄姐妹包括我與小朋友,讓得病的人得到早日康復!





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Dear brothers and sisters,

Many people got serious flu this year! I thought I would escape from catching the flu since the temperature had climbed up a bit. Unfortunately, there were two wearing mask sitting right after me during last Sunday service. In addition, one elder brother who just got this serious flu came to my house for a meeting. Inescapably I got the flu myself last Tuesday.

Although I got sick, I was full of joy because we finally started a Cantonese speaking bible study group last Monday. There are two Hong Kong mothers living in my neighborhood. One of them came to our church because of her marriage problem. Later she became a believer and I taught a baptismal course in Cantonese with her alone. She was later being baptized. Because of her shifting work hours, she hasn’t been regularly attending Sunday Service. At the same time, she developed a new hobby, hiking. She organized a hiking activity once a month with the local Chinese. She has been doing this for two years already. I tried to tell her not to organize activity on Sunday but she didn’t listen then. But somehow, God has touched her at the beginning of this year. After talking to some of us, she decided to change her activity from Sunday to Saturday so that she can attend Sunday Service when she is not at work. Even more grateful, she finally agreed to organize a Cantonese speaking bible study group each month. Since she came to Germany at a very young age, she has been living here for 20-30 years. Like many who came at those early days, she worked in restaurants. So, she knew more Cantonese speaking people. Through her connection, there were 12 in our first meeting; 4 retirees, some even drove from near-by city. Some of them were surprised to see each other again in my place after several decades. We have a younger brother whose father is also a cook. He is studying in university and is willing to support us.

After several seminars, the student group in Giessen started bible study every week since February. Every time there were several students. There were more male students at our very first meeting. But since our bible study, there were more female students who came. There is one family where the husband is a visiting scholar and the wife is a pHD student. They have a small daughter. So far, these students are either from the language school or studying pHD. More interestingly, there are two teenagers who feel boring in the adult group and found themselves too old for Sunday School. So, they also like to join our student group.


Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for touching the Cantonese speaking sister so that she would treasure the time of worshiping God on Sunday and saw the need to evangelize to the Cantonese speaking Chinese here. So, she was willing to change her activity from Sunday to Saturday and organize the Cantonese speaking bible study group. Pray that these people would come to know our God! Thank God also for touching the sister to read more the bible for she fears that she would be asked by these people.
  2. Thank God for bringing those students to the Giessen student bible study group! Pray for the two students who need to pass their language exam, in order to enter university. Thank God for the support of the German church to give us an extra room for bible study purpose. However, every time they have activity, we have to seek for another place. Pray that God will help us for a better arrangement each time!
  3. Thank God for keeping the elderlies and middle aged brothers and sisters in good shape! Ever since the student ministry started, they have to bring one or two dishes of extra portion of food to church each week to share with the students!
  4. Pray that God will keep those (including me and small children) who got sick so that they may get recovery soon!


May God’s peace and joy be with you!
Thank you for your prayer support and remembering us!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang


Email address: [email protected]
Please support missionary Karen Tang’s mission fund.
Check title: China Evangelistic Mission, please state “for missionary Karen Tang”.
Send to : China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6,
San Ramon CA 94583

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但我親近 神是與我有益;我以主耶和華為我的避難所,好叫我述說你一切的作為。”詩篇73:28


感謝 神賜給法蘭克福華人教會有多才多藝的弟兄姊妹,加上技術上的配搭,在去年聖誕聚會中演了一場很好的戲劇,吸引不少人繼續聆聽與戲劇主題有關的證道。一如既往,在特別的日子裏還是見到很多平時見不到的臉孔。由於場地空間有限,無法讓每位來賓都好好正式的坐下享受弟兄姊妹預備的美味食物,但是大家都很珍惜這樣一年一度的愛宴。


由於團契成員傾向老、中年,所以很難吸引年輕人留下來,當中一位女生也是不定期的出席聚會。雖然團契的弟兄姐妹也明白傳福音的重要,但是礙於沒有長期的傳道人,而她們因為種種原因(年老不方便出門的、上班的、開餐館的、有年幼的小孩要照顧等)都覺得沒有辦法做福音工作。但是去年年底,他們(包括團契唯一的女生)同感一靈,都覺得很虧欠 神,必須開始做一點學生工作,因為當地有兩所高等學校。他們覺得年齡大,與學生有代溝,所以選了三位比較年輕的姐妹(其實她們都已婚,只有那位女生不是媽媽)來做學生工作。他們則以提供晚餐來吸引年輕的留學生。他們向我們教會提出馬其頓的呼聲,為了支持他們,我與三位姐妹商討開始一些福音預工,聖誕前辦了幾次活動,每次都有幾位學生來參加。團契的老、中、小的成員都積極投入支持學生工作,他們等待在廚房做善後工作的家人時也會參與學生活動的唱詩或遊戲部份,大家都感謝 神帶領學生來參加聚會。



  1. 感謝 神賜給教會各樣同工,彼此配搭一同服事!但各方面仍缺同工,今年更有幾位執事退出,求 主賜下願意服事的弟兄姐妹,一同承擔神家的事工!
  2. 庇哩亞團契原本在週五晚上聚會,但因冬天早黑,街道非常冷清,加上最近治安不好,有女生因此害怕而不來團契。感謝 神的預備,讓德國教會願意提供週六早上的場地給團契使用!
  3. 感謝 神感動吉森團契全體一起來做學生工作!求 主帶領今年建立學生小組,藉著查經來認識 神!求 主保守三位負責的姐妹,一同學習裝備自己,成為查經組長!求 主保守女生的身體,剛得知懷孕不久就流產!
  4. 感謝 主帶領2016年的起起伏伏,保守了哥哥和姊姊切除了有癌細胞的器官並完成了化療;也讓我有機會陪伴兩位離世親戚的家人!
  5. 求 主帶領新一年走在祂旨意的路上!

願 主賜恩給 神所愛的兒女!為你們的禱告感謝 主!

祝 2017  新年快樂,蒙恩!




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Dear brothers and sisters,

“But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.” Psalm 73:28

Before there was time to reflect upon 2016, 2017 has arrived with the sound of fireworks from my neighbors! Although there was no white Christmas, after snowing on New Year’s Eve, we had a white New Year to give us a new scene. It was much cleaner than previous years because the snow had covered the garbage left after the fireworks.

We are grateful that God has given our Chinese Church in Frankfurt many talented brothers and sisters. With modern technology, they had performed a great show at our Christmas celebration meeting. People were attracted to listen to the sermon which was based on the theme of that drama. As usual, we met many old faces who usually showed up on special occasions. Because of limited space, there were no enough seats for everybody to sit down to enjoy the food prepared by our brothers and sisters. However, every one enjoyed the love feast once a year.

Giessen fellowship consists mainly of a few families who live permanently with a few who work or study. The average age is comparatively higher. Because of these families, they also bring their children to church. There are two families with 3 generations coming to church. So, there are several children in the fellowship. Since the German seminarian who helped teach them graduated last year, two sisters volunteered to teach them Sunday school even though they had no training before.

Due to the older age in the fellowship, it is hard to attract younger people to stay. There is only one student and even she doesn’t come regularly for that reason. Although brothers and sisters understand the importance of evangelism, due to the lack of permanent pastor and various reasons (like old folks with inconvenience, those who work, those who work in restaurants and those who take care of small kids etc.), they thought that they could not do any student work. However, at the end of last year, they were all touched by the Holy Spirit (even the only student felt the same). They felt owed to God and needed to start doing some student works because there are one university and one college in the city. Since the older brothers and sisters thought that they have generation gap with the students, they volunteered the three younger sisters (actually they were all married. Only the student is not a mother.) to do the student works while they bring food for dinner to attract the students. The fellowship also asked our church to help. To support them, I and the three sisters discussed to start some preparation works. We had a few activities before Christmas. Every time, there were some students. Some of the older brothers and sisters with the young kids also participated with singspiration and games while they waited for their family members to finish the cleaning work. Everyone was grateful some students came to each activity.


Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for the co-workers serving in our church but there is still a lack of them in every ministry. There are several deacons who will resign. Pray that God will provide more co-workers in His house!
  2. Berea fellowship used to meet on Friday nights. Because it gets dark early, the streets are very quiet and security is not good, some sisters are afraid to go to the fellowship. Thank God that the German church give them Saturday mornings to meet during the winter times!
  3. Thank God that the whole Giessen fellowship was touched by the Holy Spirit to do student ministry! Pray that God will lead to establish a bible study group for the students so that they will come to know God through His words! Pray that the 3 sisters responsible will learn to equip themselves to be bible study leaders! Pray that God will keep the student in good health! Her fetus just died during early pregnancy.
  4. Thank God for leading me through the ups and downs in 2016! Thank God for keeping my brother and sister through chemotherapy after removing the organ with cancerous cells! Thank God for the opportunities to be with family members whose loved ones died!
  5. Pray that God will lead us through 2017 in His way!


May our Lord’s grace be upon those He loves! Thank God for your prayers!

Wish you a happy and blessed 2017!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang


Email address: [email protected]
Please support missionary Karen Tang’s mission fund.
Check title: China Evangelistic Mission, please state “for missionary Karen Tang”.
Send to : China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6,
San Ramon CA 94583

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  1. 感謝神藉著福音營講員張路加牧師的信息,讓多人受感接受主的救恩!求 主堅固他們的信心!教會姐妹帶去的二位慕道友雖然決志信主,可是還有世上的事纏累,不願意去教會。求 主感動她們,明白先求 神的國和義,其他的東西就會加給她們!
  2. 感謝主藉著各樣活動,讓新人來參加團契或主日崇拜!求主讓我們更多的關心他們,以愛吸引他們歸向神!
  3. 感謝主使停止一段時期的亞沙芬堡查經班恢復聚會!求主保守,讓查經班能夠穩定聚會,讓那一區的婦女(先生上班)先聞福音,接受主的救恩!
  4. 吉森查經班以家庭為主,近日大家都有感動要積極做學生事工,正在籌備一些吸引學生的活動,求主給他們智慧,懂得如何與學生交流分享福音!新學期來了一位男生,求主保守,讓他繼續願意參與查經班!
  5. 因為參加營會、家人生病、離世的緣故,最近到處奔波,身體有點疲憊。求主保守我的身體,加力量繼續事奉!





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Dear brothers and sisters,

Thank God for His grace that I had the opportunities to participate several camps this year! I broke my record of attending 7 camps! In October, I attended the South German Gospel Camp where I was assigned to a 6-bed room. Due to the noise I made while sleeping, the sister who slept next to me would touch me lightly so that I would not make any noise. As such, we didn’t have good sleep. Right after the camp, I caught a cold. The following week, I attended the All European Pastors and Leaders Conference where I had the privilege to have a single bed room. But since there was still a distance from the hotel to the church where we had the conference, in addition to the change of cold weather, my cough has not yet stopped.

Attending the gospel camp was another new experience for me. Since there were not enough Sunday School teachers for the children, I volunteered myself to help. Since I never had a chance to serve in that area, I could only be a helper. It happened that there was a retarded child in the group. Since she was willing to let me hold her, I took care of her most of the time. There was a mother who went with us to this camp. Once she came from China to visit her daughter, her daughter brought her to church. She was willing to attend bible study groups. She also saw a big change in her daughter’s life after becoming a Christian. But she didn’t think she had anything to do with this religion. But after listening to the first message, she was touched already and accepted Christ as her Savior. Because she had also accompanied her daughter in the baptismal classes before, she was able to be baptized in time with her daughter last week.

There were more and more parents coming to visit their child. I saw some such couples in the gospel camp also. One of these couples was in our small group. The father shared with us that her daughter made the applications to attend the camp for them without their knowing. The father was an official in China and would have nothing to do with this religion. Since they were already at the venue, he might as well stay to listen. After hearing the messages and seeing the loving sacrifice among brothers and sisters, he had changed his mind in just a few days. He had a good impression on Christianity.

Recently our young brothers and sisters have been actively involved with new student welcoming activities. Two weeks ago, The Channels who came from Canada provided an evangelistic music meeting. Yesterday, our brothers and sisters invited those who participated that night for a hiking and after that brought some of them to church for Sunday service.

Thank God for touching the sister in Aschaffenburg to invite people for bible study group. Although it is hard to find a time to meet for everyone, our bible study group started meeting again. We met in the sister’s restaurant at their resting time. After the bible study, she also invited us to have dinner there.

Besides attending the most number of camps, I heard the most shocking news this year. My brother and sister got cancer one after the other. There were two family members passed away within less than 2 months’ time recently. Except my sister, I had spent time either taking care of or be with my family members, just as the bible said: “If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”  1 Tim. 5:8


Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God through the messages from Rev. Luke Zhang in the gospel camp, many came to accept Christ’s salvation! Pray that God will strengthen their faith! Our church’s sister brought two friends to the camp and accepted Jesus as their Savior too. But, there was other priority in their mind that kept them from coming to church. Pray that God will touch them and let them understand to seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness first, the other things will be given to them as well!
  2. Thank God for all the activities through which new comers came to fellowship and Sunday worship! Pray that we care for them more and may God’s love will draw them to Christ!
  3. Thank God for resuming the bible study group in Aschaffenburg which has stopped meeting for a few months! Pray that the group will meet regularly and those housewives will come to hear the good news first for the husbands go to work!
  4. The Giessen bible study group consisted of mostly families. Recently, God has touched their hearts to do student works more actively. They are preparing some activities now. Pray that God will give them wisdom how to do and how to share the gospel to the students! There is a new student who came to the fellowship last week. Pray that God will keep him and touch him to come continuously!
  5. Because of those camps, sickness and deaths in my family, I have been running around and am pretty tired. Pray for my health so that I will have the energy to serve.


Two more weeks before Thanksgiving, so I wish you all

A blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang


Email address: [email protected]
Pls support missionary Karen Tang’s mission fund.
Check title: China Evangelistic Mission, pls state “for missionary Karen Tang”.
Send to : China Evangelistic Mission, 2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste A6,
San Ramon CA 94583

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