轉眼間,我已經進入大學課程的最後兩個學期了。俗話說:「歡樂的時光總是過得特別快。」我也確實很開心。我有很多朋友鼓勵我的信仰,並跟我深入討論有關基督教的話題。在大學內外,有朋友幫助我創作藝術作品。我還很開心地探索了圖書館的大量藏書,了解了20 世紀80年代和90年代的香港歷史。
隨著我大學時光的進入尾聲,請禱告記念我能夠在最後一年的畢業專題研究(Final Year Project)中取得好成績。目前,我還不知道該做什麼題目,但到了適當的時候,我會知道該怎麼做。也請禱告記念我能知道畢業後該做什麼,以及如何明智地利用我的時間(目前,我還不知道畢業後該做什麼)。最後,請禱告記念我能繼續遇到那些可以鼓勵我信仰的人,並深入討論有關基督教的話題,幫助我創作藝術作品並探索生命的許多奧秘。
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In a blink of an eye, I am now at my second last semester of my university course. As the saying goes, times flies when you are having fun, and I sure had fun. I had many friends who encouraged me in my faith and discuss deep topics on Christianity. I had friends who helped me in my creation of my artworks in and out of university life. I also had a great time exploring the large collections of books in the library and learning about history of Hong Kong in the 1980s and 90s.
As the end of my time in university approaches, please pray that I will be able to do well in my final year project. Currently, I am no idea what to make, but in due time, I will know what to do. Also pray that I will know what to do after graduation and how to use my time wisely. Currently, I also have no idea what to do. And finally, pray that I will continue to meet people who I can encouraged me in my faith and discuss deep topics on Christianity, helped me in my creation of my artworks and explore life’s many mysteries.