
Home 文章 鄧秀珍代禱信2018年11月




        回美工作匯報三個月以為很多時間,事實上時間永遠不夠用,所以在此向未能相聚的牧者與弟兄姊妹道歉。這次除在數間教會作匯報和與弟兄姊妹見面之外,神還有些特別安排是我沒有預料的,一切都是出於神的恩典與憐憫,感謝 神美好的預備與供應!

  1. 感謝 神,讓我有機會在以前服事過的教會團契分享我的事工!也感謝神讓英文堂的牧師給我機會與會友分享,沒想到他早已認識FMCD的創辦人葛忠良牧師和在這邊宣教多年的楊長老!
  2. 聽從差會總幹事的安排,參與一間教會的講台服事和週間的老人崇拜,可以服事一群住在老人公寓的老人家,他們年紀老邁、行動不方便,沒有機會到教會聚會。當中也有很多慕道友,無論他們的動機如何(因為寂寞、因為有免費食物),他們還是願意坐下來聽。
  3. 出門最怕身體有問題,但是還是逃不了,得了牙痛,去看牙醫。看第一位牙醫,他告訴我要修補的牙齒太多,不要說費用非常昂貴,他也不夠時間做,勸我回德國再處理。但 神卻派了一位如「天使」的姊妹來告訴我,她有一位親戚是牙醫,她問他是否願意做。第二天他就回應,並說因為我是為 神工作的,願意免費為我修補牙齒。雖然要飛一程往溫哥華,但 神也為我的住宿有所預備,經過兩次的治理,神藉著這位牙醫弟兄不單把我的牙齒修補好了,還把它們弄整齊和美化了,凡看到的人都讚嘆牙醫的手藝和他的愛心!
  4. 看到一張多年前從德國退休的宣教士夫婦與我認識的姊妹合照後,馬上請姊妹幫忙聯絡宣教士夫婦,難得他們從南加州上來北加,相約聚舊一番。後來宣教士還聯絡了一位正在法蘭克福附近停留的香港姊妹。我回來找她,想約她來參加我們的廣東話查經班,沒想到她的房東也是我認識的姊妹,她們原來已經說好要來參加。她的房東因為以前孩子還小,都沒有來參加過。
  5. 工作匯報之後到加拿大與家人團聚,還剛好看到姊妹們給大姐夫慶祝八十歲生日的驚喜。




  1. 感謝主的預備與供應,使得這次工作匯報有豐富的收穫與喜樂的事奉。
  2. 求主帶領來參加迎新活動的新生,讓他們繼續參加接下來的查經班。
  3. 吉森團契將於十二月八日舉辦聖誕活動,求主預備講員的信息向慕道友傳揚好消息;求主帶領弟兄姊妹的籌備工作、小朋友的每週排練;求主感動新人來聆聽福音。
  4. 求主帶領法蘭克福華人教會各團契,藉著聖誕活動有更親密的連結,慕道友有更多聽聞福音的機會。
  5. 11月11日法蘭克福華人教會有洗禮,求主保守接受洗禮的弟兄姊妹的信心,讓他們的見證感動其他還沒有認識主的朋友來尋求 神。
  6. 感恩看到年底快到,還有兩對新人準備在神面前立盟約。一對將在十一月十七日舉行,而且他們也剛畢業,雙重慶賀!另一對將在聖誕節前的週末舉行婚禮。求主祝福他們的婚姻!兩個婚禮場地都比較遠,感恩路上有弟兄姊妹同行。

        願你們在感恩節期間也一起數算 神的恩典!


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Dear brothers and sisters,

        “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

        At first, I thought that 3 months of furlough were a lot of time. But in fact, time was never enough. So, I apologise to those whom I have not contacted for meeting up with you. Besides sharing my ministry with some churches and meeting with brothers and sisters, God had some special arrangements that I never thought of. Everything is out of His grace and mercy. Thank God for His provision!

  1. Thank God for some deacons of a church where I have previously served to let me share my ministry in some of their fellowships! I also thank God for the English pastor who let me share my ministry with his congregation during their in-between fellowships period. To my surprise, he told me that he knew Rev. Glaw (the founder FMCD ) many years ago. He also knew one of our current missionaries, an elder from his previous church.
  2. After listening to our CEM General Director’s arrangement, I had an opportunity to help with the pulpit service for a church as well as their worship service for the elderlies in a senior apartment. These elderlies are both old and physically weak and don’t have a chance to go to a local church building to worship. Among them are non-believers. Whatever their motive is (because of loneliness, of free food), they are willing to sit down and listen.
  3. One thing I fear when I am away from home is having sickness. Unavoidably, I had a toothache and needed to see a dentist. The first dentist told me that there were too many teeth that needed to get fixed, not only that the cost would be very expensive but he didn’t have enough time to do it. He told me to do it in Germany. But God sent me “an angel”. A Christian sister told me that her relative was a dentist. She would ask him if he was willing to help. He replied the next day and told her that since I worked for the Lord, he would work for me without charge. Although I needed to fly to Vancouver, God provided an accommodation for me as well. After two visits to the dentist, God through this brother not only fixed my teeth, he also beautified them. Everyone who saw my teeth would praise his technique and his love!
  4. After seeing a photo of a retired missionary couple from Germany with a sister, I asked her to find their contact. It was not easy to see them who lived in South California. They came to North California for some visits. It was nice to meet them again. Later, the missionary gave me a contact no. of a Hong Kong sister who is now living in a town near Frankfurt. After I returned, I contacted her and wanted to invite her to our Cantonese bible study group. To my amazement, I happen to know her landlady who already invited her to come. Her landlady herself had never attended because her child was still young before.
  5. After furlough, I flew to Canada for family reunion. I was glad to see that my sisters had prepared a surprise for my eldest brother-in-law’s 80th birthday!

        Autumn has started in Germany when I returned. Although I had begun to adjust to the cold weather in Canada, I still caught a cold soon. So, I missed this year’s South German Gospel Camp which was being held last week. Instead, I went to Giessen for their series of welcome new students’ activities. I was told that there was no new student at the first activity. But last week 3 new students came, one of whom had come to our BBQ activity in May.

        This year, Frankfurt Chinese Church will have a similar Christmas activity like last year. Every fellowship will perform something. Some fellowships have started preparing. Because of such activity, some non-believers are more involved. They will go to church even though they might not go at other times.

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for His provision so that I had a fruitful furlough and joyous serving!
  2. Pray that God will bring new comers to our welcome new students’ activities and they will stay for the bible study afterwards!
  3. Giessen Fellowship will hold a Christmas activity on the 8th December. Pray that our Lord will prepare our speaker’s message to our seekers. Pray that God will lead our brothers and sisters for the preparation and the practice of our children every week! Pray that God will touch new comers to listen the good news!
  4. Pray that God will bring our fellowships of Frankfurt Chinese Church together as they prepare for the Christmas activity! Pray that our seekers will have opportunities to hear the gospel!
  5. Frankfurt Chinese Church will have a baptismal service on 11th Nov. Pray that God will keep the faith of the brothers and sisters who are going to be baptised! Pray that their testimonies will touch those who have not yet known our Lord!
  6. Glad to see that two couples will get married near the end of the year! One couple who just graduated recently, will be married on 17th Nov. It is a double blessing to them. Another couple will get married the Sat. before Christmas. Pray that God will bless their marriage! Both venues are very far and glad that there are some brothers and sisters to keep me company!

        Thank you once again for your warm receptions, love offerings and prayers!
        Pray that you would count God’s blessings especially during this Thanksgiving period!
        Happy Thanksgiving!
        God bless!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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