
Home 文章 吳約瑟、黃月甜宣教士代禱信45(2016年6月)









  • 約瑟於三至六月在金邊聖經學校教一年級下學期的<屬靈生命成長>課程。六月尾考試後便完成第一次在聖經學院中教學。感謝主賜下力量和智慧。
  • 我們的女兒欣義在金邊一間非政府組織工作,是做社會企業幫助殘疾人。她早上上班,下午替兩個小朋友補習。
  • 教會有漏水的情形,廁所漏水的部份已解決。至於下雨時漏水的問題,我們已做了一些工程,但還未能解決。



  • 有一位嬸嬸在幾星期前病重入院,現在情況好些,已回家休息。以前她曾患肺結核病,醫生懷疑是復發。
  • 有短宣隊在六月尾來一星期,求主賜他們身體健康,一起同心事奉。
  • 有一位弟兄曾受神學訓練,他已在福音機構事奉了十年,上月我們請他考慮來教會作傳道人。經過禱告等候,他與太太都看不到是天父的引證。但他仍每月來講道兩次,請為教會需要傳道同工禱告。
  • 現在幼稚園和托兒所都多了小朋友,我們需要多一位英語老師。讓月甜可以多點時間去探訪學生的家庭。
  • 約瑟會在十一月至明年三月在金邊聖經學校教一年級另一學期的<屬靈生命成長>課程。





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Dear Friends and family,


Greetings from Cambodia! We would like to share a passage that we recently heard on Psalm 63. It was written by David when he was in the wilderness of Judah. David said his soul thirst and his flesh longs for God but he will still praise Him because His lovingkindness is better than life. Many times in our lives we experience hardship and isolation like David did, we need to praise Him with joyful lips.


This past month we witness the miracle of healing among our neighbors. In our last letter we asked to pray for an elderly man with many health problems: high blood pressure, diabetes, heavy smoking, a lump in his throat. He was bedridden and could not talk. His wife took him to Vietnam for treatment but it didn’t help him much. One day we visited him and shared with him about Christ and prayed for him. At first he didn’t want to receive Jesus but after a few visits he got better and received Jesus into his life. Now he can get up and walk a short distance, talk and eat solid food. Praise the Lord Jesus for He is the greatest physician on earth! His wife also suffers from ovarian cancer. She also went to Vietnam for treatment; now her cancer is under control. She also received Jesus as her Savior. Pray that this couple’s faith will grow and that their children and grandchildren will come to know Jesus as well!


Thank you so much for partnering with our ministry; your prayers and support place an important part in our work. Please continue to praise God and pray for us.


Praise items:

  • Strength and wisdom from God for Joseph to finish teaching one semester at the Phnom Penh Bible School. He taught a course on “Spiritual Development” to the first year students.
  • Lydia, our daughter got a job with another NGO that is doing social enterprises helping the disabled with jobs in the mornings, in the afternoons she tutors 2 boys from 2 different families.
  • We seem to find out one of the problems of water leaking at our church building. The problem caused by one of the bathrooms is fixed. We still need to fix the problem of water leaking when it rains.


Prayer items:

  • Please pray for a lady in our church who was very sick last week. She used to have TB before and it seems the bacteria has come back.
  • There is a STM team from HK at the end of June. Pray for good health for them and unity to serve together.
  • The man that we talked to about the possibility of working as a pastor in our church declined our offer. He and his wife do not think it’s time for him to work in a church yet. But he will still preach at our church 2 times a month.
  • There are more new students and toddlers enrolled in our kindergarten and nursery. Please pray for another English teacher. And pray for outreach to the students’ families.
  • For guidance and wisdom for Joseph to teach another semester at the Bible School in November.


Thank you very much. May God bless you!


In Christ,
Joseph and Liza

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