
Home 文章 吳以勒代禱信(2)2022年8月



        『我有限的語言限制了我的世界。』是20世紀其中一位最偉大的哲學家路德維希·維特根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein)的名言。









To all the lovely aunties and uncles:

        “The limits of my language are the limits of my world.” Quote by Ludwig Wittgenstein, considered by some as the greatest philosopher of the 20th century.

        Unlike the world of science, which stresses the importance of precision and adherence to rules, literature and writing is quite the opposite – the freedom of expressing ideas and concepts in any form and direction the writer chooses, concrete or abstract, all in the pursuit of exploring, understanding, and sharing, for a lack of a better word, literally everything without the boundaries of set laws and rules. After a year of studying BSc psychology in the University of Twente, I too, desire this freedom and release from the limitations of science, and to raise my skill of expression to the next level, after which I would unlock even further freedom. This desire is not ungrounded, as I have an even more underlying determination to use the freedom of expression to inspire others. This stemmed from moving to Uganda when I was a child and seeing my parents, who are missionaries, inspire and change people’s lives.

        Aside from my desire to attain freedom and expand the limits of my world, I also have a hunger to explore and understand more about this world. I enjoy theorising and examining situations and characters, which my previous self-took as a base for choosing psychology as a major. However, I soon realized that my liking of dissecting people’s behaviours was rooted in unearthing connections and networks of characters and ideas (as in English class and AP World History that I took in high school), and not the actual mechanical components of the brain. Yet despite that, I found learning about the brain much more interesting than coding and doing data analysis, which, to my surprise and dismay, took up 75% of the course. Last year, I did not clearly look at the module components of the course and hence did not anticipate doing so much technical stuff. I learned from my mistake though, as recently applying for courses around English Literature I made sure to make a list of what I am looking for, and examined universities and their courses over the years to see which one checks the most points off the list.

        Of course, this decision to change university and course was not made on a whim, rather I have prayed over time and asked God to guide me to path he wants me to take. I do not aspire to make money, nor do I aspire to live a comfortable life. So, what was my purpose? What do I value? What is my future objective? To glorify God. Well then, indulge the dreamer in me, but how wonderful would it be to serve and glorify God through a medium that I am passionate about and find most meaning in– writing! I believe that my calling is not to sit behind a computer doing research or leaning back on a therapist couch assessing a patient, but rather to touch people’s hearts through words. After all, words (God’s words) are what formed the Bible, and words are what convey God’s love to people, not bundles of data ready to be analysed (I mean absolutely no disrespect to all other jobs and fields, as we all have different roles in the body of Christ, but I just find much more meaning in my role that the others pale to me).

        Before, I never thought much about what I would do in the future, hence I choose psychology simply because I had some interest in deciphering someone. I never thought much about serving the Lord. However, throughout this year, as I deepened my relationship with the Lord, I found my calling to glorify him through my writing.

        I have been accepted into the English Literature and Writing course in the University of the West of England (or UWE for short). Why did I not choose to focus on Creative Writing as a course instead of English Literature then? That is because I also desire to understand the world and our society, and I believe that one needs to expand both language ability and world experience to truly be able to capture the reader’s heart; a writer cannot only have one or the other.

        Thank you to everyone praying and supporting me from behind. I am encouraged and strengthened by your support. Please continue to pray that the Lord gives me strength and perseverance to walk the path he has opened for me, and for him to continue guiding me and me not to wander from his path. God bless you and guide you all too.

Kind Regards,
Jireh Wu

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