
Home 文章 任克達、任麥雅麗代禱信2020年12月







  1. 南非新冠肺炎疫症嚴峻,求主賜智慧給南非政府釐定防疫方針,幫助官員能認真執法,幫助民眾注意防疫不鬆懈。
  2. 請為林姐妹及她的丈夫身體代禱。
  3. 求主幫助開店和開廠的弟兄姐妹,每天做好防疫保護的工作,也求主保守他們不被感染。
  4. 感謝神,目前微信軟體可以繼續在北美使用。請為這項禁令依法公平公正地得到解決代禱。
  5. 疫情打擊南非的經濟,也引致各類的罪案上升,請為南非的政府加強管治代禱。


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Dear Prayer Partners,

        Since South Africa moved to Level 1 Lockdown on September 21st, its COVID-19 infection rate has climbed from 670,000 to 790,000 by the end of November, an average increase of 2,000 cases per day. After the Black Friday weekend, the surge has been over 3,000 per day. These numbers indicate that the severity of the pandemic is very real. Unfortunately, people are becoming complacent and do not adhere to the various precautionary measures. For example, greedy minibus drivers ignore the law and fill their vehicles at full capacity. It is not hard to imagine how easy their passengers can contract the virus. The government itself also contributes to the dire situation where corrupted officials misuse and steal emergency funds and medical resources. Please pray for South Africa and its President. May the Lord have mercy on us and grant wisdom and perseverance to the leaders in mitigating the pandemic.

        Sister Lin was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. Her operation was very successful and had just completed the last phase of chemotherapy a couple months ago. To everyone’s surprise, last week her doctor told her that her cancer had spread to her lungs. Last year her faith and serenity had been an encouragement to the church; this time she is still fully trusting in the Lord’s grace. Please pray for her coming operation. Her husband also suffered from heart failure on the same week. We thank God that he had a quick recovery and had been discharged from the hospital. Please pray for their health.

        We thank God that the Ninth Circuit Court had suspended the November banning of WeChat in the States. The case is still pending. Please continue to pray for our ministry through the WeChat platform.

Thanksgiving and Prayer Requests:
1. Please continue to pray for wisdom for the South Africa officials to set up effective measures to halt the spread of the virus and pray for the people to comply with these measures.
2. Please pray for Sister Lin and her husband’s health.
3. Please pray for brothers and sisters who had to tend stores and work in the factory that they are alert and careful in protecting themselves against the virus.
4. We thank the Lord for our continued ministry on WeChat. Please pray for final justice in resolving this case.
5. The economy in South Africa has been greatly affected by the pandemic, and crime has been increasing exponentially. Please pray for safety and security in South Africa.

In His service,        
Ko-Ta & Christina

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