
Home 文章 吳約瑟、吳黃月甜代禱信(86)2023年10月







  1. 9月19日,月甜約見為她做手術的外科醫生,她説月甜曾折骨的手腕已經痊癒。經過6次醫療保險所承保的物理治療後,她的手大致上可以活動自如,並將於10月18日接受最後一次物理治療。
  2. 我們在8月祈禱信為波妮十歲的女兒——美美的小腸腫瘤禱告。天父聽了我們的祈禱,醫生說腫瘤已不見了。
  3. 在9月17日主日崇拜後西歷接受耶穌為主,她是我們新光托兒所的媬姆,示湯的媳婦。
  4. 勝戶是活石堂的青年人,他得到獎學金在去年10月尾去以色列進修一年,今年10月初學成回到金邊。感謝天父帶領他在以巴戰爭爆發之前安全離開以色列。


  1. 為活石堂的同工能有好的溝通,彼此配搭事奉,帶動初信會友靈命成長。
  2. 為阿冰(一會友的妺妹)及心聆的鄰居珍達慕道的心禱告。
  3. 為我們在金邊的日子能與本地同工們設立家庭小組。



Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,

         Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name” (Psalms 100:4). We had Canadian thanksgiving on October 9th; there are so many things to be grateful for: God’s unfailing love and mercy, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the love and care of our family and friends, the health we’ve enjoyed. We are thankful for the use of zoom that even though we have been living in Canada we can still pray with our staff 4 times a week and hold Bible study once a week. All of us have learned so much from His words. Now God opens the door for us to go back to Cambodia for ministry. We are excited to leave for Phnom Penh on October 29th for 41/2 months. Over this time, we plan to work alongside our local staff to build them up to take leadership of the church; help the members to grow spiritually by setting up home groups and working with individuals to see them delivered from their pasts.

        Next year on March 19th, we will go to Hong Kong for a month before going back to Canada. We are looking forward to meeting up with you and sharing what God has been doing in our lives.  Thank you so much for supporting us and our ministry all these years with gratitude.  Please continue to remember our praise and prayer items.

Praise items:

  • Liza went to see her surgeon who did her wrist surgery on September 19th with assurance that her wrist was healed. She can use her hand with some restriction after 6 times of physiotherapy covered by provincial medical care and will get the last one on October 18th.
  • We asked for prayer for Phally’s daughter who was diagnosed with a tumor in her intestines. God has answered our prayers that the doctor said the tumor was not there.
  • On September 17th after church Srey Nick received Jesus as her savior; she is the daughter in law of one of the nannies at Sonlight Kindergarten.
  • One of our young people in our church, Seng Hua, who got scholarship to study in Israel for a year last October. He came back to Cambodia before Israel got into war.

Prayer requests:

  • For the staff at the Living Stone Church that they work together with good and open communication.
  • For the salvation of Bing, sister of our member and Chanda who is the neighbor of Som Neang.
  • For our trip to Phnom Penh, God would put the right people in our lives to help them grow spiritually.

        Thank you. We would love to hear from you and pray for you.

In His service,            
Joseph and Liza Ng

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