

Home Category : 吳約瑟、黃月甜宣教士





  1. 教會及幼稚園運作如常,來讀幼稚園的小朋友約有六十名。
  2. 我們可以用WhatsApp和Messenger與教會會友分享天父的話,並鼓勵他們,又為他們禱告。
  3. 女婿已找到工程師的工作,九月初開始上班。
  4. 大兒子思義剛簽了一年新的工作合約。


  1. 金邊活石堂有三人願意接受水禮,為他們能參加水禮班禱告。
  2. 八月三十一日在卡加利有兩個特別聚會。那天下午華人教會有福音茶聚,我們已請月甜的姨甥和他的太太,及一位黃先生參加。請禱告記念,讓他們能參加及打開心門接受耶穌。
  3. 八月三十一日晚上有一家庭開感恩會,預計有三十多人參加,主人家邀請我們分享柬埔寨的需要。
  4. 請記念約瑟見專科醫生。
  5. 我們在九月十四日回柬埔寨的預備。




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Dear Family, brothers and sisters in the Lord,

        Time goes so fast; we have been in Calgary, Canada for two months already. We will go back to Cambodia on 14th September. God has been faithful and so good to us. For He is taking care of us in different areas. Spiritually we have more time to read His word and pray. On Sundays we go to our daughter’s church where we are fed spiritually with powerful preaching of God’s word. Then we go to a Chinese church where we have wonderful fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ. Every Tuesday morning, we join a Spiritual Life Gathering where we worship and pray in the English church and we join the Wednesday evening prayer meeting at the Chinese church.

        We are thankful for the medical benefits in Canada. Our medical needs have been taken care of. As we are aging, we have some minor physical problems. Liza has been going for physiotherapy for some muscles pain on her right pelvic area. After three weeks of exercise and stretching as instructed by the physiotherapist, Liza’s pelvic pain has reduced.

        Joseph received good report on his medical needs. Recently he has some pain in his lower left abdomen. The family doctor suspected that he has hernia. Joseph is going to see a specialist on August 26. We are told people has to wait for about a year to have it operated.

Praise items:

  • The church and the school are doing well in Cambodia.
  • Through WhatsApp and Messenger, we can encourage church members in the field through God’s words and pray for their needs.
  • Patrick, our son in law will start an engineering job in September.
  • Simeon our eldest son’s work contract was renewed for another year.

Prayer items:

  • For Joseph’s appointment with the specialist about his suspected hernia problem.
  • There are two special meetings in Calgary on August 31. One is an outreach program in the afternoon. We have invited Mr. Lin, Liza’s nephew, and his wife and a friend Mr. Wong to attend. Pray that God will move in their hearts.
  • Another thanksgiving meeting is at a house of a retired couple in the evening. They asked us to share the needs of our church in Cambodia as well. They are expecting more than thirty people to attend.
  • Preparation to go back to Cambodia on September 14 for six months this time.

        Thank you for praying and your support in different ways!

In His name,                     
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 我們在加拿大的三個月中,教會來聚會人數穩定,有新人來參加,也有舊人回來。
  2. 柬埔寨基督教聯會有消息傳來說,宗教部要求報上教會的數目,為要保障宗教自由。
  3. 天父帶領學校老師的安排。
  4. 在停電的那些日子中,我們用合理的價錢購置新的發電機。
  5. 市政府修理去水渠,為要減少下大雨時水浸的問題。


  1. 教會牧者波拿正修讀一年制的心理學密集課程,請記念他能生命重整,以後能成為別人的幫助。
  2. 幼稚園在新的行政主任帶領之下,同工們有好的配合。
  3. 兒女們能帶領孫兒們熱心愛主。
  4. 會友莎薩患上乙和丙型肝炎多年,之前一直在街市賣生果謀生,現因身體不適未能工作。她的兒子右耳後邊有一腫瘤,需要做檢驗。會友淑布以垃圾拾荒維生,她的腸胃不適,無氣力去工作。
  5. 我們6月14日至9月14日在加拿大覆診,求神賜健康、平安。



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Dear brothers, sisters in Christ and friends,

        Greetings from Calgary, Canada. We have been here since 10th June after a month in Cambodia. During the month in Cambodia, we are thankful to see that God keeps the church in track. There has been newcomers and old ones come to worship. New groups have started or are going to start – Chinese class, English class, men’s group, ladies’ group and baptismal class.

        By God’s grace Sonlight Kindergarten’s staff issue was solved. The old administrator left to start her own business. Another teacher wanted to resign and start business but stays to do administrative works and teach English class in the afternoon as well. Right now, we hired a teacher that she is being trained so that she can teach when the two part-time teachers will leave at the end of July after their college graduation. God is so good for His provision and His timing is always the best.

        Happy to see that there is no electricity shortage in many areas of Phnom Penh, the capital since the start of the rainy season in May. Another good news is that the city is fixing the sewers and the bridge in our area, Stung Mean Chey. Hopefully after the whole project is done in two to three months the streets in both side of our church building will not get flooded during and after heavy rain.

        Thank you so much for your partnership and support by praying, caring and giving! Please continue to praise and uphold us in prayers:

Praise items:

  • Living Stone Church is growing gradually with newcomers and old ones who has not come for a while.
  • We got news from Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia that the Department of Cults and Religion is taking a survey of all the churches and small groups. They promise to help the churches.
  • There has been no power disruption since May. That makes life easier. Thanks for the rain which rises the water level in the Mekong River which helps hydro power generation.
  • The city is fixing the sewer system in our area. Hopefully there will not be any flooding around our church building.
  • God is faithful in providing enough staff for Sonlight Kindergarten.

Prayer items:

  • Our church worker, Phalla is taking a module course in counselling. Pray that through learning and he will be healed of his own issues in life. During church prayer meeting he admitted that he needs to deal with fear.
  • Pray for wisdom and godly example for our kindergarten’s new administrator and the staff will respect her and work in harmony.
  • Pray for our sons and daughter and their families that their lives will exemplify Jesus.
  • Continue to pray for Saran who has hepatitis B and C. Her son Hua has a lump in his neck at the back of his right ear. He will get a biopsy in July.
  • We will stay in Canada for medical consultations from 14th June to 14th September. Please pray for our health and peace.

        Thank you for praying. Let us know if you have anything that you want us to pray for!

In Him,                     
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 約瑟在調教藥物後有良好的反應。
  2. 活石堂購置了價錢合理的發電機。今年柬埔寨乾旱,湄公河的水少了,因不夠水力發電而常常停電。盼望六月雨季後能有足夠的雨水。
  3. 我們能與家人團聚並能探望五名孫兒。
  4. 約瑟94歲的母親在3月30日舉行生命慶典,有二百人參加。我們會在天上再見。
  5. 可以用WhatsApp和微信等科技與柬埔寨的同工、會友通訊。


  1. 莎林姊妹有丙形肝炎多年未得醫治,她的信心軟弱,請記念她。
  2. 新光幼稚園需要聘請老師和行政主任。
  3. 4月14至16日是柬埔寨新年,會友回鄉探親後信主的心能站立得穩。
  4. 需要有新宣教士來接替我們。
  5. CEM Cambodia的註冊需要續期。
  6. 我們五月回柬埔寨的簽證。



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Dear friends and family,

        Hallelujah, our Lord Jesus Christ is alive! He is no longer in the grave; He has conquered the sting of death! May we experience the resurrected power of Jesus. Let us boast Christ alone and His cross just as Apostle Paul encourages us to do!

        During our stay in Calgary, Canada we have kept busy in joining church activities and a module course studying Proverbs organized by Ambrose University.  We also are helping one of our sons’ family two days a week because he has three young children. Joseph shared God’s word and our ministry in Cambodia in two occasions. It is great to fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ and know that they care and pray for us.

        Two weeks after a stroke, the mother of Joseph went to be with the Lord on 7th March at age 94. Joseph remembers fondly how she prayed with him before bed time when he was young. She has four sons, eleven grandchildren and nineteen great grandchildren. There was a celebration of her life on March 30th. We will miss her but are glad that she is with God our Father in heaven now!

        We are thankful for the medical care of Canada. We had our yearly check up and everything is fine except Liza’s blood pressure is a bite high. The doctor told her to watch it before prescribing medication for her. Joseph went to see his specialist and had his medication adjusted. Now he is doing well and energized.

        Through WeChat, WhatsApp and Messenger, we are keeping in close touch with our staff and church members in Cambodia. We share and encourage each other with the word of God. We are looking forward to going back to Cambodia on 11th May and seeing what the Lord is doing there.

        Thank you for your partnership with us and your support in different ways especially your prayers. Please continue to uphold us in your prayers.

Praise items:

  • Medication for Joe has been adjusted.
  • A new generator was bought for our church/school for there has been power outage in Cambodia because of low water level in Mekong River. Hopefully the situation will improve in June when the rain comes.
  • Good time with our children and grandchildren.

Prayer items:

  • Please pray for Sarin of Living Stone Church. She has hepatitis C that she will trust God for healing.
  • Sonlight Kindergarten needs new teachers and an administrator because the old one wants to start her own business.
  • Khmer New year is on April 14th to 16th this year. Please pray for protection from evil spirits for our church members and school staff when come back from their hometowns.
  • New missionary to takeover our ministry in Cambodia.
  • Renewal of registration for CEM Cambodia.
  • We need visa for returning to Cambodia in May.

        Thank you. Keep in touch and let us know if you have anything that you want us to pray for you!

In Him,                     
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 教會組成了執委會,波拿為教會的傳道。
  2. 教會外牆壁畫吸引至新光幼稚園有多15名學生和3名小朋友來託兒所。
  3. 去年八月有兩位從澳洲來的義務老師在幼稚園幫助教書,她們在一月時再來三星期幫助教師訓練、編輯教案和重組教材。她們是委身的基督徒,並在我們的教員中有好的見證。


  1. 我們進入退休的過渡時期。
  2. 我們的兩個兒子、兒婦、女兒和她的丈夫都能熱心愛主。
  3. 教會有會友結婚兩年便離婚,祈求天父憐憫他們,叫他們的心靈得醫治。
  4. 珍妮(Chantie)在聖誕節前開始返教會並接受主,但現在停止了聚會,她因為未信的丈夫而拒絕我們去探望她。請為她的信心能站立得穏禱告。



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Dear friends and family,

        Happy Chinese New Year and a fruitful year to come! We have exciting things to share since the last time we wrote in December 2018. Thank you for praying for the Christmas celebration of Sonlight Kindergarten. It went well and more parents attending than we anticipated. The students sang, played music with the bells, xylophone and read book. Every student was involved in something.

        Christmas celebration at church drew some new friends and old friends who came before. We had worship, sermon, special songs from ladies, youth, children, Khmer traditional dance and lastly finished with chicken curry meal. We all enjoyed ourselves very much.

        Another highlight is the drawing of a mural (big picture) on the outside wall of our church building and repainting of our gates. The Hong Kong team organized by our mission did a very beautiful and awesome job! While they were drawing, people of all ages stopped and admired at the beauty of the drawing. It shows the wonderful creation of God with the sun, rainbow, animals and flowers. An amazing thing happened is that we had about 15 students enrolled for our kindergarten and a few toddlers to our nursery.

The Garden of Heavenly Father

The Garden of Heavenly Father

Rainbow Colour Gate in front of the church

Rainbow Colour Gate in front of the church

Short Missionary Team of CEMHK

Short Missionary Team of CEMHK

        God did another wonderful work in our church; at the end of January our church committee with five members was set up. Phalla was willing to be our local pastor. He and his wife, Savy served with us at the start of Living Stone Church for three years; then he resigned and worked for Christian Broadcasting Network for about seven years. But his wife stayed in our church and has been with us ever since.

        We are at awe of what God has been doing as we are preparing for retirement. Thank you so very much for supporting us through different ways, especially your prayers and care. As we went through challenges in serving God in Cambodia your prayers and care helped us to go on and of course with God’s calling to stay on. We are now planning to stay in Cambodia as missionary advisor for half a year and half a year in Canada each year. We have been in Calgary, Canada since February 4. It is very cold now; these few days the temperature went down to -24°C during day time. With the wind chill factor, it can get to-40°C.  But staying inside it’s warm and cozy.

        That’s all the news for now. Thank you for partnering with us in our mission service. Please continue to praise God and pray for our needs.

Praise items:

  • Church committee is formed with Phalla as the local pastor.
  • 15 more children enrolled to kindergarten after the mural is drawn on the outside wall of the church building.
  • 2 volunteer teachers from Australia came in last August 2018 and again in January 2019 to help training our teachers who are inspired by their teaching method and utilizing all our resources. They also reset the teaching curriculum and files. They did a fantastic job. Both are committed Christians which is a good testimony to our staff.

Prayer items:

  • Our transition period preparing for retirement.
  • Our two sons, daughter and their spouses that they will be closer to God and live a life pleasing to God.
  • One couple of our church just got divorced; please pray for healing and most of all that they can be reconciled by God’s love and grace.
  • Chantie came to our church shortly before Christmas and accepted Jesus as her Saviour and attended our church about four times. Then she fell and hurt her foot and stopped coming. She does not want us to visit her because of her unsaved husband. Please pray that she will stand firm in her in found faith.

        We’d love to hear from you and pray for you if you have any prayer requests!

In Him,                     
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 三個星期前有會友帶了她運動時認識的朋友返教會,我們向她傳福音,她願意信主。她名叫「真蒂」。
  2. 有一位有講道恩賜的會友,每個月幫忙講道一次,他名叫Laeng。
  3. 新光幼稚園主任上個月參加一「與神相遇」的聚會,之後有很大的改變。


  1. 活石堂在12月23日慶祝聖誕節,願會友帶領未信主的朋友來參加。
  2. 新光幼稚園在12月21日有聖誕節聚會,會邀請家長參加。
  3. 社區中有不少人想學中文,計劃在明年一月開始辦中文班。現在有一位老師,希望能有多一兩位老師加入。
  4. 差會主辦的短宣隊會在12月22日來金邊,這次參與事工主要是油漆教會門口鐵閘,在向街道的牆上畫牆畫。這是一項艱巨的工程,請為他們的健康及安全求恩。



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Dear friends and family,

        For us Christians around the world Christmas is a joyous time of a year. We are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Jesus came not only to save us from sin but He has already been raised from dead and now He is in heaven by God’s right hand side interceding for us!!

        Our church family are all excited about Christmas celebration on December 23rd. They are passing invitations to family, friends and neighbors. The young ladies are practicing a Khmer dance. The youth group is practicing a drama. Children Sunday school kids are preparing for their songs and the lady’s group and men’s group also involve in singing. A lady who is talented in craft is making decorations. This year, a short-term mission team organized by our mission will also join us. We anticipate for a great time celebrating Jesus’ birthday!

The followings are our praise items:

  • About three weeks ago, a church member and his wife brought Chan-tie to church. They met her in the gym. She walked to the front after the sermon was preached and received Jesus as her Lord and Savior.
  • Laeng has been our pianist for many years. Recently he showed his gift of preaching. He is wiling to speak once a month.
  • Sokphearin, our administrator of Sonlight Kindergarten attended a seminar on “Encountering God”. She has changed a lot and her attitude is very positive.

The followings are our prayer requests:

  • Pray for Christmas celebration of our church on December 23 that we can share the meaning of the birth of Jesus may touch the hearts of the new comers.
  • Pray for the Christmas celebration of Sonlight Kindergarten on December 21. We are inviting also the parents to come.
  • Some people in our neighborhood are showing interest in learning Chinese. Hopefully we can start the class in January. We need one or two more teachers
  • Short term mission team will come on December 22 to 30. Their major job is to paint the wall and draw on the side of the church. The theme is the Garden of our Heavenly Father.

        Thanks for supporting and caring for us! We wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

In Him,                     
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 有位曾住在大學學生宿舍的舊生,現在任職教育部。他協助我們辦理幼稚園的註冊手續。
  2. 教會有新人來聚會,其中有活青足球隊的成員。
  3. 門訓領袖訓練班順利進行。


  1. 我們在柬埔寨事奉已經二十年了,現屆退休年齡,需要新宣教士。求主帶領合適的傳道來我們中間。
  2. 有一位弟兄曾任牧者多年,最近接觸他,知道他轉了去與他的弟弟一起做工。我們鼓勵他重回牧職,但教會能給他的薪酬比他現有的低,他答應會好好為這事禱告。請記念他能得到天父的引領。
  3. 請繼續為昂震(Oun Chen)弟兄禱告,他的頸長了一個拳頭般大的腫瘤。
  4. 亞Nick在過去幾個月瘦了6至7公斤。她與丈夫和女兒曾來我們教會聚會,只因與一位會友發生誤會,就沒有來聚會了,請記念他們屬靈和身體的需要。
  5. 有些青年人會考不合格,請為他們的前途禱告,求天父給他們智慧選擇升讀副學士還是職業訓練。那些會考合格的同學能考入大學,但有些需要助學金才能上大學。請記念他們!
  6. 有三名女大學生將會在十一月大學一下學年開課時入住女生宿舍,請為她們從外省搬來金邊生活,又記念她們能與其他宿生融洽相處。



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Dear friends and family,

        Greetings from the hot and wet Cambodia! Even though the typhoons and monsoons do not hit Cambodia but is also affected by the weather in the surrounding countries. Cambodia is really blessed by God with not much natural disasters. We are saddened by the devastation and destruction brought by earthquakes, tsunami, hurricane around the world.

        Recently we are reminded by the verse in Matthew 5:14,16: “You are the light of the world…. Let your light so shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” There is a small road that leads to our house and people and children used to throw away their garage there. Two weeks ago, the garbage along the road was removed and taken care of. A day after there were garbage of water bottles; candy and biscuits wraps, plastic bags and straws again and one day even a plastic bag with a dead rat. So, Liza started to pick up the garbage before she went home. At first when people saw this foreign old lady picking up the garbage they thought it was strange, then after a few days they had a big smile on their face! After a week, there is not much waste any more. After several days, a few men were putting stones and cement to fill the uneven parts of the road. Praise the Lord whatever small thing we do for others there is influence to the people around us.

        Thank you for supporting and praying for us over these years. Please continue to remember us. These are our praise and prayer items:

Praise Items:

  1. A former dorm student who works in the Ministry of Education helps in our registration of our kindergarten. Praise God that we do not need to pay bribe to the official whom we met in a district office.
  2. Some new comers come to church, some are not Christians so that we have opportunity to witness to them.
  3. Our Disciple-Maker class goes well.

Prayer items:

  1. We have been serving in Cambodia as missionaries for about 20 years already. Please pray for the smooth transition into retirement in the future.
  2. There is a pastor and family met with us talking about working as staff in our church. He mentioned that they are going to pray about it. The main concern is the salary that we offer does not match up what he is earning now. Please pray for God’s leading.
  3. Oun Chen who has a tumor on his neck around his throat still needs our prayers.
  4. Nick is losing about 6 to 7 kilos in the past few months. She and her husband and daughter used to attend our church. But they stopped because of some misunderstanding between another member. We tried to talk with them but no result. Please pray for her healing physically and emotionally and spiritually.
  5. Some young people did not pass the grade 12 state examination. Please pray for God’s guidance whether going to work, to study for diploma or vocational skills. As for those who passed the examination, some of them need help to pay tuition for going to university.
  6. There will be three ladies coming to stay in our dorm in November when school starts. Please pray they will get along with other ladies and that they will know the Lord.

        Thank you. May God bless you!

In His service,                
Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 教會會友帶了新朋友及親人來聚會。
  2. 大兒子思義和兒婦小鳳的第三名孩子剛出生,母女平安。
  3. 我們在8月19日星期日40結婚周年紀念,主日崇拜後與會友同慶祂的恩典。


  1. 教會有七位年青人參加中學會考,需要入大學和選科的指引,祈求他們能有智慧及看清楚天父帶領前途。
  2. 教會未信主的新朋友能早日信耶穌。
  3. 為教會開始門徒訓練,求主預備多些人來參加。
  4. 繼續為找傳道人來禱告。
  5. 學校需要找一位愛神愛小孩的老師。
  6. 活青足球隊有未信之年青人參加,他們的父母不想他們信耶穌,求主作工。
  7. 幼稚園的註冊事情,求天父給我們開恩。
  8. 為昂震(Oun Chen)弟兄禱告,他的頸有一個大腫瘤,願主減輕他的痛楚。



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Dear friends and family,

        “Bless the Lord, O my soul. Praise the Lord” (Psalm 104:35b) Praise the Lord for He is faithful and merciful. One of the highlights this month is the celebration of our 40th wedding anniversary. We celebrated with a delicious cake after the Sunday Service. Through all these years we have experienced ups and downs as all couples go through. Only the love of our Father keeps us together and makes our relationship stronger!

        After two months in Canada during June and July we came back and are so encouraged to see our church attendance has been growing. Some ask friends and some relatives to attend our Sunday service. Pray that they will find Jesus as their personal Saviour soon.

        Joanna, the 3rd child of Simeon and Phung arrived. She is our 5th grandchild. She has jaundice and was in the hospital for two days. Mom and baby are home now. Please pray for the adjustment of the older sister and brother.

        Thank you for praying and supporting our ministry in Cambodia. Please continue to praise and prayer for our needs.

Praise Items:

  1. Our church members are bringing their friends and relatives to attend our church.
  2. Joanna, our fifth grandchild, was born to Simeon, our eldest, and Phung.
  3. We celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday August 19.

Prayer items:

  1. Seven young people took the matriculation examination on August 20 and 21. They need guidance and wisdom to go for university and the field of study.
  2. The need of salvation for the new comers.
  3. The discipleship training for our church.
  4. The need of a pastor in our church.
  5. Our school needs a teacher who loves the Lord and the children.
  6. Most of our football team members are young people just finished grade 12. Many of them are new to our church. However, their unbelieving parents do not like to see them coming to our church.
  7. The registration of the kindergarten is experiencing tedious procedure that slow down the progress of registration.
  8. Please pray for Oun Chen. He has a lump on his throat. Pray that he has less pain.

        Thanks for remembering us.

Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 五月十四日有五位弟兄姊妹受洗加入主的名下。
  2. 新光幼稚園的學生及幼兒院人數有增加。
  3. 女兒欣義與夫婿今年三月開始遷往加拿大卡其利城居住。女兒一個月前已找到工作,而女婿要待取得永久居留証才可找工作。


  1. 為教會的重新註冊禱告,因以前企名的弟兄返了天家,現在找到另一弟兄作企名人
  2. 柬埔寨國家現在有很多新政策,以前在教會名下的幼稚園不用另外註冊。請為新光幼稚園註冊能順利完成禱告。
  3. 請為新洗禮的亞活之信心禱告,因他家人反對他信耶穌。
  4. 請為教會有六位青年人今年中學會考求恩。
  5. 請為七月二十九日大選能和平地選出總理禱告。



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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, friends and family,

        Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! The world just celebrated Father’s Day; it gives us opportunity to show our love to our fathers who brought us up, cares for and loves us! It reminds us the great love of our Father in heaven. Romans 8:14-16 say “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are children of God. For you didn’t receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God;” Sometimes our own fathers might disappoint us but our Heavenly Father is always there to guide and help us. How comforting to know we are God’s own children, not servants!

        We are thankful that our Father helped us through the Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia to get a card saying that we are missionaries supported by foreign fund, so we don’t need to apply for work permit. They also are helping to process the renewal of our church’s registration.

        Thank you very much for caring for and supporting us through many ways. Please continue to remember our praise and prayer items.

Praise items:

  1. There are 3 brothers and 2 sisters who were baptized into the name of Jesus Christ in May.
  2. There is more enrolment of students in our kindergarten and toddlers in our nursery.
  3. Our daughter, Lydia and her husband, Patrick have moved to Calgary, Canada since March. Lydia has been working since a month ago. Patrick is applying his permanent residency before the can work.

Prayer items:

  1. Please remember the registration of our church; a brother whose name we used went home to heaven and now we changed into another person.
  2. Recently the Cambodian government has many new policies about foreign companies, NGOs and institutions. Before we didn’t need to register kindergarten under the umbrella of a church. Please pray that things will process smoothly.
  3. Please pray for the faith of “Wood” who was baptized in May. Because his parents do not want him to believe in Jesus, he is not allowed to come to church.
  4. There are 6 young people will write the grade 12th examination; please pray for wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  5. For a peaceful election for prime minister in July 29th.

        Thank you for your prayers and support!

Joseph and Liza Ng

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  1. 我們在四月十六至十八日參加了一個由「天父心」事工舉辦的退修會,主題是:如何經歷天父的愛,我們都是天父所愛的兒女,是祂所喜悅的。
  2. 活石堂和新光幼稚園的同工們有好的配搭。
  3. 柬埔寨基督教聯會EFC有消息來說宣教士不用申請工作證。


  1. 屬節弟兄和家人已參加活石堂多年,最近發生誤會令他很生氣;他不返教會,也不讓太太和女兒返教會。請在禱告中記念他和他的家人,能在天父的愛中解決問題。
  2. 教會的註冊需要更新,請記念。
  3. 女兒欣義和女婿帕特里·南成(Patrick Ramsing)在卡加利定居。女兒在找工作,女婿申請加拿大移民。也請為他們能找到一所屬靈的家禱告。
  4. 約瑟患睡眠窒息症,請代禱。



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Dear family, brothers and sisters in Christ,

        Hallelujah! Our Lord Jesus has conquered death and the evil one! He is alive indeed!! Many times, we are like the two disciples who were going to Emmaus.  They were sad and told Jesus who appeared to them that Jesus was dead. We are like the disciples who mourn and weep. We are also like Thomas who did not believe until he saw and touched Jesus’ hands and side. We are occupied with our hurts, hopelessness, worries and fears that we forget that Jesus is alive and His promise of sending another comforter, the Holy Spirit during Pentecost. We now have the power to overcome our sins and problems!

        We are grateful that you have been supporting our ministry through different ways and especially your prayers. Please continue to praise our Father who loves and cares for us, and please remember our prayer requests:

Praise items:

  1. On April 16-18 we attended a conference for Christian workers under Fatherheart ministries. We are reminded that we are the beloved sons and daughters of our Father. We just need to open our hearts to receive His love and guidance.
  2. Our staff at Living Stone Church and Sonlight Kindergarten work together well.
  3. We just got words from Evangelical Fellowship Cambodia that as missionaries who do not receive salary from Cambodia do not need to apply for work permit.

Prayer requests:

  1. Sochet and his family have attended our church for some years; recently he had some misunderstanding with one of our part time staff. Now he’s angry; not only he doesn’t come to church and he doesn’t allow his family to come. Please pray that our Father’s love will fill him and heal his bitterness and hurt.
  2. We are still working on the renewal of our church registration.
  3. Lydia and Patrick have arrived in Calgary about 2 weeks ago. Lydia is applying for a job with the city and Patrick is applying for the permanent residency. Please pray for our Father’s provision and His leading to a church for worship and fellowship.

        Thank you. May our Father in heaven bless you.

Joseph and Liza

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        十二月三十日是我們家的一個大日子,小女欣義跟帕特里·南成(Patrick Ramsing)在湄公河的一隻船上舉行結婚典禮和晚宴。當天的婚禮簡單而隆重,在湄公河看日落和晚上五光十色的金邊!婚禮後,他們去東南亞幾個國家渡蜜月,三月時會去加拿大卡加利。帕特里是美國人,需要有工作証才可在加拿大逗留。請為他們找工作、適應新婚生活和尋找屬靈的家來禱告。多謝您們在過往的日子用禱告關懷來支持小女欣義。



  1. 水禮班有五位肢體參加,其中有三位是一家人,一位父親和兩個兒女。
  2. 有新的小朋友來讀幼稚園和託兒所。
  3. 教會有兩位單親母親一起在街市賣飯,她們每星期忠心的來教會聚會和十一奉獻。


  1. 足球隊的成員能夠在每次踢球前的靈修時間中聽到福音,認識救恩。請記念講員溫拿(Vannak)。
  2. 請記念幼稚園行政主任淑卑淪(Sophearin)的靈命增長,她是新信主的。
  3. 有些幼稚園老師和託兒所的媬姆未信主,但願他們能在查經中認識主。
  4. 請為新信的一對夫婦禱告:施嫆(Si Yorn)女士和她先生昂震(Oun Chen)。昂震頸項上生了腫瘤,祈求天父醫治及使他們的信心增長。
  5. 很多學生感染腮腺炎,求天父保守其他小孩子。
  6. 我們會在三、四月和六、七月去加拿大四個月。去年八月約瑟入醫院住了15天,申請了亞省的醫療保險,但按規約瑟一年內要在加拿大住滿六個月。去年八和九月約瑟已在加拿大住了兩個月,由於尚欠四個月,所以需要作此安排。



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Dear friends and family,

        Greetings from Cambodia! May be many of you have experienced some cold weather. We are happy to have cooler weather here! December is indeed a blessed and happy month for us. From the beginning of this month, the staff of our school was busy preparing for Christmas program. We celebrated Christmas after school on 22nd so many parents could come to watch their children sang and danced. An older student read a story book in English and one did the “Jingle Bells” with the musical bells. We had a short gospel message presented; pray that the parents can learn the real meaning of Christmas. It was a wonderful time for all of us!

        Living Stone Church also had a big group came for Christmas program. The speaker gave a powerful message on the meaning of Christmas. Two ladies of our church brought fruits, jelly and a small birthday cake. Praise God there are five who accepted Jesus as their Savior. The football group also came too. We all stayed for lunch eating the Cambodian noodles. Then in the afternoon we had a big group came for the youth fellowship. Pray that they will continue coming and find Jesus.

        December 30 was a big day for our family. Our youngest daughter Lydia was married to Patrick Ramsing on a boat in the Mekong River. It was a beautiful evening and the ceremony was simple and memorable. After the wedding, they went touring Southeast Asia before heading back to Calgary, Canada this coming March. Please pray for their adjustment, finding jobs and spiritual support. Thank you so much for supporting Lydia in prayers and many other ways in the past years.

        We are grateful to you for supporting our ministry in different ways. Please continue to give thanks to God and pray for our needs. Thank you!

Praise items:

  • There are five brothers and sisters attending the baptismal class; three of them are from one family – father and two children.
  • Some new students and toddlers coming to our kindergarten and nursery.
  • There are two single mothers selling cooked food at the market who come to our church and give tithing faithfully.

Prayer items:

  • Our football team that many teenagers and young people will come to know the Lord. Pray for Pastor Vannak as he shares God’s word before the game.
  • Pray for Sophearin, the administrator of Sonlight Kindergarten, that she will grow deeper in the Lord.
  • Some staff of our school are not believers yet. Pray that through Bible study that they will know Jesus.
  • Please pray for new believers Si Yorn and Oun Chen. The husband, Oun Chen, has a big lump outside his neck. Please pray for his healing and their faith.
  • Many students and toddlers in our school are suffering from mumps. Please pray that the rest be protected from getting it.
  • We need to go to Canada in March, April, June and July. Joseph was in the hospital for 15 days in August last year. In order to activate our Alberta Health Insurance we need to be in Canada for six months in a year.

        Thank you very much! Please share your prayer request if you have any so that we can remember you in our prayers too.

Joseph and Liza

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