
Home 文章 鄧秀珍宣教士代禱信(2017年9月)





        在這些媽媽回國之前,查經班的一位姊妹請大家為她禱告,因為她這次帶孩子回國有一個感動和使命,就是要向她的婆婆傳福音。原來她婆婆幾個月前得到癌症,她先生已經回家看望母親,雖然他已慕道多年但還沒有信主,那次回去,也受太太所託向自己母親傳福音,他就把傳道人給他的四律讀給母親聽了。當姊妹回家的時候,竟聽到她自己的母親也得到癌症,她同時要兼顧兩家的病人。因為她早就有負擔向婆婆傳福音,而 神也預備她婆婆的心,當她跟婆婆聊到信仰的時候,才知道婆婆的女兒(她自己也不是基督徒)也給了她一本聖經,她講完福音後婆婆接受了救恩。由於姊妹的家人害怕把得癌症的消息告訴她媽媽,所以她媽媽還被蒙在鼓裡。


        去年,吉森團契在過了大學新生入學的日期才有感動做學生事工,所以沒有做迎新活動。去年底才開始舉辦好幾個活動,今年初正式開始每週的學生小組聚會,轉眼就快一年了。感謝 神的帶領,有幾名學生基本上都固定參與聚會,有六名學生已報名參加九月底的福音營。新學期十月就開始,我們也準備了一連串的迎新活動,藉這些活動吸引他們留下來參加查經聚會。


  1. 暑假結束,各查經班也開始恢復正常聚會。求主保守各查經班,使弟兄姊妹與慕道友都能藉著神的話語認識 神!
  2. 求主保守姊妹的婆婆信心不搖動!求主醫治姊妹的婆婆和媽媽,讓她有機會向媽媽傳福音!
  3. 感謝主的帶領,使所有參與同工訓練營的人都有收穫!求主保守弟兄姊妹的心,讓他們在營會的立志得以實現,讓教牧同工都可以繼續跟進他們的進度!
  4. 南德福音營將於九月三十日至十月三日舉行,今年由法蘭克福華人教會主辦,求主賜下所需的同工,使各崗位的事奉都能順利進行。感謝主讓吉森六名學生參加營會,求主感動更多各地的慕道友參加,以致他們得聞福音,接受主的救恩!本來邀請的講員因為身體健康問題,不能出席,但感謝 神的預備,有兩位講員來幫忙!求主帶領講員在臨時應急之下仍能預備美好的福音信息!
  5. 很多城市的教會、團契都密鑼緊鼓準備迎新活動,求主帶領新學生來參加活動,讓他們認識一班基督徒,讓 神的愛吸引他們繼續去查經班!
  6. 求主憐憫各地被風暴、地震摧殘的受害者,讓他們得到及時的援助,身體得到保護,可以重建家園!求主安慰死者的親友!




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Dear brothers and sisters,

“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” Isa. 55:6

        Entering the end of August and beginning of September, students from grade school gradually start their new semester. Germans like to bring their kids out for vacation or visit family during summer holidays. Since Germany is not a very big country, there are only a few major highways that connect areas from east to west and north to south. If all states start the summer holidays at the same time, there will be traffic jams. Therefore, all states except two would discuss and plan their own holiday dates in order to avoid the problem. We are in the State called Hessen. When summer holiday started, most of the mothers in our Riedberg bible study group would bring their kids back to China. As such, our bible study group stopped meeting. When it was almost time for them to return, the state of Bayern started their holidays. Since Aschaffenburg is in Bayern, that bible study group stopped meeting.

        Before returning home, a sister from our bible study group requested to pray for her because she had a passion and mission to evangelise to her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law got cancer a few months ago when her husband returned to visit her. Even though her husband is not yet a believer, he was asked by her to tell her mother-in-law the gospel. So, he got a 4 spiritual law booklet from our pastor and read it to her. As soon as the sister arrived home, she was told that her own mother also got cancer. She was heavy laden. Since she had this burden to evangelise to her mother-in-law and amazingly, God had also prepared her. When she talked about her faith to her, she found out that her sister-in-law who also was not a believer had already given a bible to her mother-in-law. So, when she asked her to accept Jesus Christ as her Saviour, she accepted. On the other hand, because her own family member was afraid to tell her mother about the cancer, her mother was not told of her illness yet.

        This year’s co-worker training camp was held in August. One thing special was that we didn’t invite any speaker for this camp. Co-workers mentioned that there were a lot of biblical knowledge but not the practical know-how in last year’s feedback. So, some of our pastoral co-workers designed this year’s program especially tailored to our co-workers who are leaders in different churches, bible study groups in Germany. This is a new attempt and the feedback was good. Both the pastoral co-workers and lay leaders had closer contact.

        Last year, it was after the new students came that Giessen bible study group had the heart to start student ministry. Therefore, we missed organise any welcome program. Since end of last year, we had several programs for the students and beginning of this year, we started a student group meeting every week. Soon, it is almost one year! Thank God for leading some students to join the group whenever they can. There are 6 of them who have applied to participate the gospel camp at the end of September. New semester will start in October, and we will prepare some welcome programs to attract students to stay for the student group.

Thanksgiving and prayer items:

1. After summer holidays, our bible study groups resume meeting as before. Pray that God will keep each bible study group and lead all to learn to know God through His words!
2. Pray that God will keep our sister’s mother-in-law’s faith! Pray that God will heal her mother-in-law and her mother and give our sister the opportunity to evangelise to her mother.
3. Thank God for His guidance so that all who attended the co-workers training camp learned something! Pray that God will keep our brothers and sisters’ heart so that they will fulfill what they had committed to change in the camp! Pray that our pastoral co-workers will follow up on their progress!
4. Our South Germany gospel camp will be held from Sep. 30- Oct.3. Our church will be the host organiser. Pray that God will provide the necessary co-workers for each division of works so that the camp will run smoothly! Thank God for the 6 students from Giessen who have already applied for this camp! Pray that God will touch more seekers from other areas to join the camp so that they will hear the gospel and accept our Lord’s salvation! Due to physical problem, our original speaker couldn’t come. Thank God for providing two speakers to replace him! Pray that God will prepare their message in such a short notice!
5. Many churches and bible study groups are preparing programs for welcoming new university students for the first semester. Pray that God will help bring these students to attend the activities so that they will be attracted by God’s love among the Christians and will be willing to stay for bible study group!
6. Pray that God will protect those victims of flooding and earthquake and that they will get all the help that needed to re-build their homes! Pray that God will comfort the families and friends of the lost ones!

Thank God for keep our lives so that we still have the breath of life to serve Him!
Thank you for your continuous prayer and support!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang

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