
Home 文章 鄧秀珍宣教士代禱信(2017年1月)



但我親近 神是與我有益;我以主耶和華為我的避難所,好叫我述說你一切的作為。”詩篇73:28


感謝 神賜給法蘭克福華人教會有多才多藝的弟兄姊妹,加上技術上的配搭,在去年聖誕聚會中演了一場很好的戲劇,吸引不少人繼續聆聽與戲劇主題有關的證道。一如既往,在特別的日子裏還是見到很多平時見不到的臉孔。由於場地空間有限,無法讓每位來賓都好好正式的坐下享受弟兄姊妹預備的美味食物,但是大家都很珍惜這樣一年一度的愛宴。


由於團契成員傾向老、中年,所以很難吸引年輕人留下來,當中一位女生也是不定期的出席聚會。雖然團契的弟兄姐妹也明白傳福音的重要,但是礙於沒有長期的傳道人,而她們因為種種原因(年老不方便出門的、上班的、開餐館的、有年幼的小孩要照顧等)都覺得沒有辦法做福音工作。但是去年年底,他們(包括團契唯一的女生)同感一靈,都覺得很虧欠 神,必須開始做一點學生工作,因為當地有兩所高等學校。他們覺得年齡大,與學生有代溝,所以選了三位比較年輕的姐妹(其實她們都已婚,只有那位女生不是媽媽)來做學生工作。他們則以提供晚餐來吸引年輕的留學生。他們向我們教會提出馬其頓的呼聲,為了支持他們,我與三位姐妹商討開始一些福音預工,聖誕前辦了幾次活動,每次都有幾位學生來參加。團契的老、中、小的成員都積極投入支持學生工作,他們等待在廚房做善後工作的家人時也會參與學生活動的唱詩或遊戲部份,大家都感謝 神帶領學生來參加聚會。



  1. 感謝 神賜給教會各樣同工,彼此配搭一同服事!但各方面仍缺同工,今年更有幾位執事退出,求 主賜下願意服事的弟兄姐妹,一同承擔神家的事工!
  2. 庇哩亞團契原本在週五晚上聚會,但因冬天早黑,街道非常冷清,加上最近治安不好,有女生因此害怕而不來團契。感謝 神的預備,讓德國教會願意提供週六早上的場地給團契使用!
  3. 感謝 神感動吉森團契全體一起來做學生工作!求 主帶領今年建立學生小組,藉著查經來認識 神!求 主保守三位負責的姐妹,一同學習裝備自己,成為查經組長!求 主保守女生的身體,剛得知懷孕不久就流產!
  4. 感謝 主帶領2016年的起起伏伏,保守了哥哥和姊姊切除了有癌細胞的器官並完成了化療;也讓我有機會陪伴兩位離世親戚的家人!
  5. 求 主帶領新一年走在祂旨意的路上!

願 主賜恩給 神所愛的兒女!為你們的禱告感謝 主!

祝 2017  新年快樂,蒙恩!




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Dear brothers and sisters,

“But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.” Psalm 73:28

Before there was time to reflect upon 2016, 2017 has arrived with the sound of fireworks from my neighbors! Although there was no white Christmas, after snowing on New Year’s Eve, we had a white New Year to give us a new scene. It was much cleaner than previous years because the snow had covered the garbage left after the fireworks.

We are grateful that God has given our Chinese Church in Frankfurt many talented brothers and sisters. With modern technology, they had performed a great show at our Christmas celebration meeting. People were attracted to listen to the sermon which was based on the theme of that drama. As usual, we met many old faces who usually showed up on special occasions. Because of limited space, there were no enough seats for everybody to sit down to enjoy the food prepared by our brothers and sisters. However, every one enjoyed the love feast once a year.

Giessen fellowship consists mainly of a few families who live permanently with a few who work or study. The average age is comparatively higher. Because of these families, they also bring their children to church. There are two families with 3 generations coming to church. So, there are several children in the fellowship. Since the German seminarian who helped teach them graduated last year, two sisters volunteered to teach them Sunday school even though they had no training before.

Due to the older age in the fellowship, it is hard to attract younger people to stay. There is only one student and even she doesn’t come regularly for that reason. Although brothers and sisters understand the importance of evangelism, due to the lack of permanent pastor and various reasons (like old folks with inconvenience, those who work, those who work in restaurants and those who take care of small kids etc.), they thought that they could not do any student work. However, at the end of last year, they were all touched by the Holy Spirit (even the only student felt the same). They felt owed to God and needed to start doing some student works because there are one university and one college in the city. Since the older brothers and sisters thought that they have generation gap with the students, they volunteered the three younger sisters (actually they were all married. Only the student is not a mother.) to do the student works while they bring food for dinner to attract the students. The fellowship also asked our church to help. To support them, I and the three sisters discussed to start some preparation works. We had a few activities before Christmas. Every time, there were some students. Some of the older brothers and sisters with the young kids also participated with singspiration and games while they waited for their family members to finish the cleaning work. Everyone was grateful some students came to each activity.


Thanksgiving and prayer items:

  1. Thank God for the co-workers serving in our church but there is still a lack of them in every ministry. There are several deacons who will resign. Pray that God will provide more co-workers in His house!
  2. Berea fellowship used to meet on Friday nights. Because it gets dark early, the streets are very quiet and security is not good, some sisters are afraid to go to the fellowship. Thank God that the German church give them Saturday mornings to meet during the winter times!
  3. Thank God that the whole Giessen fellowship was touched by the Holy Spirit to do student ministry! Pray that God will lead to establish a bible study group for the students so that they will come to know God through His words! Pray that the 3 sisters responsible will learn to equip themselves to be bible study leaders! Pray that God will keep the student in good health! Her fetus just died during early pregnancy.
  4. Thank God for leading me through the ups and downs in 2016! Thank God for keeping my brother and sister through chemotherapy after removing the organ with cancerous cells! Thank God for the opportunities to be with family members whose loved ones died!
  5. Pray that God will lead us through 2017 in His way!


May our Lord’s grace be upon those He loves! Thank God for your prayers!

Wish you a happy and blessed 2017!

Serving Him,
Karen Tang


Email address: [email protected]
Please support missionary Karen Tang’s mission fund.
Check title: China Evangelistic Mission, please state “for missionary Karen Tang”.
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San Ramon CA 94583

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