
Home 文章 吳約瑟、黃月甜宣教士代禱信42(2015年9月)









  1. 大兒子思義和媳婦小鳳得了第二名孩子,是男嬰,叫吳慧,是我們第四名孫。
  2. 女兒欣義在金邊一個以舊衣物料改製成時裝的機構找到一份工作,這機構的異象是改善婦女的生計,從而防止人口販賣和淪為娼妓。
  3. 主在早上男生宿舍和晚上女生宿舍的讀經禱告聚會賜下每天靈糧。
  4. 同工們正在重組已停下來的成年團契。


  1. 柬埔寨宗教部要求教會每兩年需要申報持牌人,請記念同工們能同心。
  2. 我們正在組織青年夫婦團契。
  3. 今年宿生有大學畢業並因工作要離開宿舍,請記念他們在新環境中能為主而活。也祈求今年新生能有受教的心。
  4. 今年雨水少,求神賜下雨水讓農夫可以耕作。也求神賜下恩雨來復興我們!



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Dear Friends and family,

Greetings from Phnom Penh, Cambodia! How are you doing? Hope you have peace despite of the things happening all over the world. It is still fresh for us to remember the bombing in Thailand that Hong Kong government issued a warning for the tourists travelling there. There were people found dead in a truck travelling from the Middle East to East Europe. There has been persecution on Christians from Muslims and Hindus all over the world. As believers we have our hope in Jesus Christ who is our Rock and Shelter.

As we look at this country she seems to enjoy economic growth and prosperity. When we arrived here in February, 1997 we could hear bomb blasting and gun shot in Phnom Penh. That same year in July there was a civil war; after that this country has enjoyed political stability and steady economic growth. In recent years there have been more and more tourists pouring into here. Hotels and guests house, high class restaurants and Cafés are setting up. There is influx of nice and expensive cars; we are told that the number of sale of cars is about 300 and motorcycles is about 1,000 per day. Ten years ago when our daughter, Lydia studied in university in Canada she took $10 each month from her allowance to help two brothers in our children’s Sunday School. About 5 years ago they moved into a house and their sister started to do business. Now they spend time at the malls and take holidays to Thailand which we saw in Facebook.

Even though Cambodia is enjoying political stability and economic growth, the people are harder to reach for Christ. The young people are pursuing higher education and working hard to get into higher economic status. The average people are trying to earn more money and store up more material things. The people in churches are not much different. We need God’s visitation and a revival so that people will turn their hearts to Jesus!

Thank you so very much for praying and supporting us; your love and care really encourage us. Please continue to give praises and pray for the followings:


  1. The morning devotions for men’s dorm and the evening devotions for the ladies are still going on.
  2. our local staff is reorganizing the adult fellowship which stopped for some time.
  3. our 4th grandchild was born to Simeon and Phung on August 4th. Bethany is happy to have a little brother to play with. His name is Joshua Wei.
  4. our daughter, Lydia has started a full time job with a company that uses recycled fabric to make clothing hoping to help some women out of human trafficking.


  1. our church has to re-register under the Ministry of Religion and Cults. Please pray for smooth transition.
  2. we are still collecting information from the young couples to set up a fellowship for them.
  3. this year we have a few dorm students graduated and will leave us. Please pray that they will continue to seek God and live out their faith, and pray for the right ones who will come.
  4. please pray for rain especially in the provinces where the people do farming.

Thank you again for your partnership with us. May God bless you abundantly.

In Christ,
Joseph and Liza Ng

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