
Home 文章 任克達、麥雅麗宣教士代禱信(2015年11月)




上月初往自由省布魯芳登講道,順便探望沿途城鎮的信徒,發現最近南非經濟的下滑及南非幣值貶低,引致一些華人撤離南非。這個撤離現象是三十年來,從華人開始移民南非以來的第一次。去年小城伯利恆 (Bethlehem) 華人店舖有三十多間各種生意的店家,現在只剩下七、八家店。小鎮彼得勒斯斯坦 (Petrus Steyn) 原本八家華人超市只剩下一家。這些離開的店家,不是回中國,就是轉往別的非洲國家。探訪這些店家時發現,不信主的店家抱怨多、態度負面,對前景也沒信心。信主的店家能接受現況,雖然擔心,但總有一份信心,知道信實的主會看顧他們的需要。正如使徒保羅在哥林多後書講到他自己不會被困住、不至失望,是因為有寶貝在他的裡面 (林後4:7-8)。這些弟兄姊妹也有寶貝在他們裡面,他們見證了基督徒的信心。求主看顧保守他們。




感謝主引領我們再次到納米比亞,會見在溫得和克 (Windhoek) 一間關心華人福音事工的Emmanuel教會裡宣教部的Ron Gardiner 牧師及 Daniel Steyn 傳道。這間教會非常注重宣教,他們對華人福音事工也有很大的負擔。他們一直都在支持溫得和克的華人團契,也一直向神禱告祈求有華人傳道人到納米比亞向散居在那裡的華人傳福音。我們介紹了中福團的歷史、發展及事工現況,並我們在南非萊索托十五年的事工,也瞭解了Emmanuel教會宣教事工的內涵及方向。我們雙方對宣教前景也有共同視野。所以,我們彼此同意做福音事工的夥伴。感謝主,Emmanuel教會願意向為他們負責申請工作簽證的顧問咨詢,並且會為我們辦理申請。所以,我們需要等候他們進一步的消息。


我們這次有機會安排去暸解西岸鯨灣 (Walvis Bay) 華人事工的現況。感謝主的奇妙引領,我們見到在納米比亞生活和經營二十年的弟兄夫婦。我們在主裡有美好的交通。他們在納米比亞信主,神引領他們在鯨灣發展,他們的分享充滿著對神的感恩。感謝主,他們心中的負擔就是能將福音傳給他們的華人朋友。感謝神,他們亦願意服事主。在鯨灣我們也探訪了從臺灣來的八十歲的老弟兄,他的店名叫恩典臺灣店。老弟兄亦是一個感恩連連的人,二十多年來在納米比亞從來沒生過病,他的分享充滿平安喜樂。我們亦遇到一位從中國來的姐妹,她告訴我們鯨灣還有別的華人基督徒。因為沒有華人傳道人,他們都沒有正常的聚會。求主興起納米比亞華人的事工。




  1. 感謝主的帶領,我們在納米比亞能與Emmanuel教會建立了福音夥伴的關係。請為我們事工所需要的簽證代禱。
  2. 求主差派工人到南部非洲來宣教。
  3. 請為元月一日至三日的聯合家庭營會各項準備工作、講員、天氣、參加者行車往返安全代禱。
  4. 請為在新華商城參加晚堂聚會的弟兄姐妹靈命成長代禱,也求主興起參與領詩服事的弟兄姊妹。
  5. 請為中國超市先生的信主代禱。
  6. 請繼續為我們出外往各地事工的行車安全代禱。



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South Africa Prayer letter ( 11/2015 )

Dear Prayer Partners,


Early last month, we traveled to the city of Bloemfontein in the Free State province, and Ko-Ta preached in their Sunday worship service.  We also visited Christians in various cities and towns on the way.  Due to the shrinking economy and devaluation of the currency, many Chinese had already left South Africa.  This had never happened before since the first group of Chinese arrived here 30 years ago.  Last year, there were more than 30 shops in Bethlehem, but there are now only seven or eight of them left.  Out of the eight shops in the small town of Petrus Steyn, only one remains.  Those that moved away either returned to China or migrated to other African countries.  In talking to those who are still operating, we found that the non-believers are all very pessimistic with lots of complaints, at a loss as to what to do next.  However, the believers are realistic in assessing their situations; though they have their worries, yet they have this assurance in knowing that the Lord is faithful and will provide for their needs.  Just as the apostle Paul proclaimed that because he had this treasure in him that he would not be crushed nor in despair (II Cor. 4:7-8).  Our brothers and sisters also have this treasure in them, and they are living out their faith.  May the Lord carry them through!


Recently, we were introduced to Mr. Yang who is the owner of a Chinese supermarket.  While he was in an extremely difficult period of time, he was given some copies of the Chinese Today magazine.  The articles really caught his attention, and he has been reading every single issue since then.  Praise the Lord!  We paid him several visits, and he was able to talk to us without much interruptions.  He is very eager to know who is this God that we believe in.  We also gave him some DVD’s on basic Christianity.  He could not stop talking about them when we visited him the next time.  He is especially interested in church history, and we know that he is truly open to the gospel.  May the Lord speak to his heart and lead him to repentance.  May the Lord also give us wisdom in guiding him on the way to righteousness.


We thank God for the opportunity to visit Namibia again last week.  We met with the Mission Pastor (Rev. Ron Gardiner) and Mission Minister (Daniel Steyn) of Emmanuel Church in Windhoek.  This church is very mission-minded, and they have a burden to evangelize to the Chinese diaspora in Namibia.  They have been supporting the Chinese fellowship in Windhoek and have been praying for a Chinese minister to reach out to the vast number of Chinese in their country.  We explained to them the work of CEM over the last 40 years as well as our ministry in South Africa and Lesotho in the last 15 years.  Pastor Ron shared with us their mission philosophy and their various mission ministries.  We were glad to find that we have a compatible vision and passion for mission, and we decided to join forces for mission in Namibia.  We are so grateful that Emmanuel Church not only agreed to be our sponsor for our work permit application but also initiated to contact the church’s own immigration consultant to handle the whole application for us.  We just need to wait for their instruction to proceed.


This trip also allowed us to visit Walvis Bay on Namibia’s west coast.  Thank God for His amazing leading, we were able to meet Brother Chen and his wife who have been living and working in Namibia for over 20 years.  We had a great time sharing in the Lord.  They told us they accepted Christ in Namibia, and they also shared with us how the Lord led them to start their own business in Walvis Bay.  They are full of gratefulness to the Lord!  They have a burden to share the gospel with the Chinese there, and they are willing to serve.  In visiting different shops around town, we met an 80-year-old Christian from Taiwan.  He is also full of gratefulness.  He told us that he has been in Namibia for over 20 years, and he never felt sick.  His testimonies were all of joy and peace.  We also came to a shop owned by a sister from China.  She mentioned that there are a few other Chinese Christians in the area.  Since there is no Chinese minister, they do not have any regular meetings.  May the Lord send His servants!


We will be back for furlough early next year:  in Hong Kong from January 19th to the 25th, in Taiwan from January 26th to February 9th, and in the States from February 10th to April 17th.  We look forward to meeting with you and sharing with you God’s marvelous blessings for the past three years!


Prayer Requests:

  1. Please give thanks for God’s continued leading in Namibia. We were able to form a partnership with Emmanuel Church.  Please pray for the issuance of our work permits.
  2. Please pray for more workers for southern Africa.
  3. Please pray for the preparation, speaker, weather and safety of our annual family retreat on January 1 – 3.
  4. Please pray for the spiritual growth of the brothers and sisters in the Chinese wholesale center. May the Lord also raise up co-workers to serve in leading worship in our Saturday night service.
  5. Please pray for the salvation of Mr. Yang of the Chinese supermarket.
  6. Please continue to pray for our safety as we travel to different cities and towns.

In His service,
Ko-Ta & Christina

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